After entering the depths of the camp, the skeleton monsters continued to surge towards everyone from all directions like a tide.

Lin Tong stood alone against the enemy………………

Killed the skeleton monsters one after another with a bow and arrow.

He had no intention of retreating or dodging at all, just standing there and fighting the monsters.

It wouldn't cause any harm to him anyway.

And there was also the effect of counter-injury, which could continuously cause counter-injury physical damage to the monsters.

And the players in the distance.


"The defense of the Great God of the Sea is always beyond our reach.

"One person against dozens of monsters, invincible!"

Except Lin Tong.

Almost everyone has to be careful when facing the monsters in the nightmare copy, in order to prevent being surrounded by monsters.

At that time, there will be no chance to struggle.

But look at Lin Tong.

A person walks leisurely in the sea of ​​monsters, as if the nightmare copy is his back garden.

From time to time, he can also hit a wave of explosive damage.

Send away a group of monsters.

This terrifying defense and attack power...

How can everyone not envy?

Helplessly shook his head, threw this idea into his mind, and continued to seriously involve the hatred of monsters for Lin Tong.

An hour later...

The team finally arrived in front of the hall.

The huge closed stone door brought a terrifying sense of oppression to everyone invisibly.

Lin Tong took a look at the sacred object.

[World Spirit Ring]

After killing for so long, he has collected three quarters of the souls, and is only one step away from successfully unlocking the sacred object.

There is a certain probability that the sacred object can collect souls

Sometimes, due to the nature of the soul, the collection may fail.

Otherwise, Lin Tong would have unlocked it long ago………………

"I'm really curious about what the effect will be after unlocking it. ”

As a mid-level sacred object, the effect and combat power of this ring must be stronger than the primary source of killing.

Right here……………………


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the door in front of him suddenly began to open outwards.

Then, five mages wearing robes and pale skin slowly walked out.

“The enemy is coming, get ready…”

At the same time, the enemy’s information appeared.

[Undead Wizard]

Rank: Silver Leader

Level: 20

HP: 55w/55w

Attack: 5000

Awakening. Bone Spur Assault, Curse

There are five wizard boss monsters, but their combat power and HP are much worse than the one just now.

The only advantage is that they can summon undead creatures.

“Ants………………Don’t think about disturbing Lord Lucy’s sublimation, you will all be buried here. "

As soon as the words fell, the wizard's staff began to emit light.

"Wake up, my legion............"

"Crush them!"

The evil power in the staff poured into the people of the earth at this moment, and the undead appeared one by one, besieging everyone.

This kind of creature has low vitality.

But they all have the means to avoid physical damage, and also have good attack power.

Plus they are numerous, and they are also very difficult to deal with...

"President Han, is it okay to leave these summons to you~"?"

A voice came from behind.

"Brother Canghai, just go and deal with those guys, leave these summons to us." Lin Tong said nothing more. He flashed and came to the wizard. "Archer?" "You dare to come to me, it seems that humans have become more and more stupid in these years!" Before he finished speaking, the purifying arrow whistled out. Just one arrow pierced his head. "-12011 (weakness)" "-5091" The power of purification raged wildly in his body, and at the same time stabbed a wizard behind him. The power of chaos that the purifying arrow rain originally possessed was combined with the passiveness just obtained. The two hard controls of chaos and fear made the wizard unable to move... "Ant, damn it!" After the control ended, anger broke out in the wizard's eyes. He immediately picked up the staff and prepared to kill the archer instantly. But just when he raised his head, Lin Tong had already left their attack range.

Just as he caught up, arrows came towards him!




A lot of damage appeared on the head of the leading wizard.

At the same time, Shadow Moment was used by Lin Tong. For a while, the wizard could only see Lin Tong disappear after dealing a wave of damage.

Want to predict... But the combination of invisibility and speed is teleportation!

Under true damage and defense penetration, Lin Tong's damage can reach about 70,000 per second, which is also due to the low defense of this monster.

Almost all of it is reduced... Now.

The wizard also realized his embarrassing situation.

He couldn't run away, and he couldn't find Lin Tong at all if he fought.

Maybe from today on, this group of monsters will remember a way of playing called kite in their minds.


"Kill [Undead Wizard] and get 50,000 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: 7 spirits"

Three minutes later, all five great wizards fell to the ground.

Once they died, the summoned creatures would lose the source of their power and would dissipate between heaven and earth again.

Lin Tong put away his bow and arrow and began to wait for CD

At the same time, he looked at the hall in front of him: "The final boss, are we finally going to attack?"

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"The boss of the last step is gold-level, and you are even less of a match for him, so just play the same as the first level."

Lin Tong began to give orders to everyone.


Now almost everyone obeyed Lin Tong's orders.

And then.

Led by Lin Tong, everyone stepped into the hall...

The huge palace was dim, with only the torches on both sides emitting a faint light.

With the help of this faint firelight, Lin Tong could see that there was a huge throne in the hall.

A black egg was beating regularly on the throne.

A few seconds later...

Accompanied by a cracking sound, cracks appeared in the giant egg.

Finally, it broke in front of everyone, and a strange figure crawled out step by step.

Lu Xi crawled out in the state of a lich.

He was holding a long sword with a flashing purple light in his hand. It was the initial Horcrux of the lich.

It contained part of Lu Xi's soul.

Even if he was killed, he could be resurrected with the help of the Horcrux.

Lu Xi slowly stood up and looked at everyone...


His eyes stopped on Lin Tong, and his original calmness turned into excitement and madness, his eyes staring at Lin Tong.


"Hahaha, it seems that the gods have opened their eyes."

"I can actually meet you again... ..."

Lu Xi has lived for hundreds of years, and he has never been fooled by anyone, and he has also been cheated out of several things.

This is a humiliation...

A great shame!

When others heard this, they were surprised.

"Do you remember that the boss in the previous copy seemed to know Canghai Boss?"

"Why does every boss know Canghai Boss?"

Lin Tong laughed: "The dignified demon war god actually abandoned the demon body and became a lich."

After saying this, anger appeared in Lu Xi's eyes.

"Isn't it all thanks to you?"

"If it weren't for you, would I become like this?"

At this time, Lu Xi changed the subject: "But becoming a lich made me understand a truth."

"This body brings me far more power than before."

"Human... As long as I can succeed this time, I may even step into the realm of gods."

Then, Lu Xi started laughing crazily.

At this time, Lin Tong suddenly remembered Kahn's words, as if there was a mysterious transaction contract between him and Lu Xi.

Let's try to get some information out of him...

"`|| Do you think Kahn gave you powerful power?"

"You are just a puppet. In his eyes, he can abandon you at any time.

Hearing this, Lucy's face turned cold.

"Shut up!"

"Human, from the moment you took my things, I swore that I would never trust any human again."

"You cunning creatures, you all deserve to die!"

Lin Tong was on the line with Lucy.

The other players in the distance were eating melons with a serious look on their faces. They seemed to have gained a lot of information from these conversations.

At this time, Lucy suddenly raised the long sword in his hand high.

"Although my current strength is less than one thousandth of my heyday, it is more than enough to bury all of you bugs."

"You should be honored...

"You will be the first creature to die under the sword of the lich."

"After this, I will return to the continent. The dark church and the bright church will be trampled under my feet forever."

Lucy's emotions became more and more excited.

The next second, he stepped down from the throne, aiming the sword at everyone.

[Lich Lucy]

Rank: Gold

Level: 20

HP: 425w/425w

Attack power: 17000

HP boost: greatly increase HP.

Dark Sword: Causes a lot of damage to a target and causes blinding effect.

Wrath of the Lich: Explodes the power of the domain, absorbing the HP of all targets in the domain.

Destroyed Blade: Cuts the dark power to the target range, causing magic damage and slowing effect.


It is worthy of being the ultimate boss of the nightmare copy.

This attribute is simply abnormal!

Not only does the attack power reach 1.7w, the HP is also as high as a terrifying 4 million, and the skills are also very comprehensive.

If you want to damage, you have damage, if you want to control, you have control...

And it has a very good range of bloodsucking ability.

The most important thing is this guy's Horcrux. Holding the Horcrux is equivalent to having a second life.


Calming down, Lin Tong began to instruct others.

"Put on the negative buff, and you can leave."

Han Jiang and others nodded.

Then, everyone threw the negative effects on Lu Xi, successfully reducing his attack power to 1.4w

At the same time, his life was also reduced by 100,000 points.

After doing all this, everyone left the hall, leaving only Lu Xi and Lin Tong.

Feeling the changes in his body, Lu Xi looked disdainful.

"What effect can this rubbish have on me?"

"Human, you are so stupid!"

The next second, Lu Xi raised the sword in his hand and slashed hard at the position where Lin Tong was.

The terrifying power swept over...

ps: Seeking support, flowers, full subscription, and evaluation votes!

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