As a top archer.

Lin Tong's control of shooting weaknesses is perfect, not to mention spiders, which are creatures with many eyes.

It's even easier to fight...

At the same time, after a wave of attribute plunder and upgrades, Lin Tong's damage has also been improved to a certain extent.

This arrow comes with a huge force shot, and the damage is very considerable.

"108 (weakness)"

After one arrow, two giant spiders attacked Lin Tong at the same time.

They formed a double team and crawled quickly towards Lin Tong...

Facing a giant spider with 150 attacks, Lin Tong did not dare to be negligent and quickly retreated.

Fortunately, after one arrow, Lin Tong's body has been added with a charge effect.

Combined with the movement.

Lin Tong can perfectly keep a perfect distance from the giant spider.

At the same time, he can fight back from time to time...



"-54 (weakness)"


The arrows formed a line in the air and kept shooting at the giant spider.

The furious spider wanted to fight back, but unfortunately it couldn't touch Lin Tong, who had high speed and good positioning.

Powerful shooting!



Although the giant spider had about 2,000 HP, it couldn't stand it.

Finally, after an arrow was shot, the first spider finally fell down...

"You successfully killed the giant spider (lv3) and got: 150 experience points"

"Successfully plundered, poisoned (passive)"

"Loot: blank ring"

The first one is solved, then the second one will be easier.



"54 (weakness)"


Ten minutes later, the second spider also fell to the ground.

The huge body was pierced with arrows, lying on the ground like a hedgehog, motionless.

"You successfully killed the giant spider (lv3) and got: 150 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: 3 agility points"

"Loot: blank necklace"

After this wave of battle, Lin Tong still gained a lot.

Not only did he plunder a new passive, but he was only 100 experience points away from level 3.

He even got two blank equipment...

The most important thing is that he plundered another talent.

After wearing the two blank equipment, Lin Tong's attributes were improved.

"Look at the passive."


Effect: The third arrow shot will add a poisoning effect, causing 100 damage per second for 3 seconds.

Number of layers: 1/1

What the hell?

The information panel is still easy to understand...

An attack-added passive.

With Lin Tong's current attack speed, he can shoot three arrows in two seconds to trigger the poisoning effect.

A total of 300 in three seconds...

"It's a very good talent, and I don't need to stack it again."

After closing the information panel, Lin Tong began to walk towards the black iron treasure chest not far away.

This is the most important part of this battle.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"My friend, you are lucky..."

"Is this a treasure chest?"

"I heard that there are good things in it."

Lin Tong turned around and saw three level 2 warriors appearing in the woods not far away.

At this moment, they were greedily looking at the treasure chest in front of them.

[Ye Ying. Floating in Dreams]

Level: 2

[Ye Ying. Nine Nine Return to One]

Level: 2

[Ye Ying. Wind and Clouds Move]

Level: 2

The three of them are from a guild called Ye Ying.

Lin Tong also happened to know this guild...

This guild can be in the top 20 on the Dragon Country rankings.

Nowadays, they have accepted the injection of foreign capital forces and even reached the top ten at one time.

However, this guild has a very bad reputation.

They are very domineering, killing individual players, robbing bosses, and collecting protection fees from individual players outside the protected area.

They can basically do it...

The names of the three are all red, which means that these three guys should have killed many individual players before coming here.

"Boy, you should have heard of Night Shadow, right?"

"If you know what's good for you, stay away. This treasure chest is not something you should touch."

This kind of thing was commonplace in the previous life. Killing people for treasures and snatching spoils is common in this place.

At this moment.

The three of them stared at Lin Tong with confidence, as if they thought that this black iron treasure chest was already in their pockets.

After all, Lin Tong was just a level 2 archer.

No matter how high the damage was or how good the position was, three warriors could take Lin Tong down together.

Besides, they still had the guild's black iron equipment on them.

It was basically easy to single out Lin Tong, a single player.

Besides, there were three of them!

Lin Tong smiled faintly...


"The treasure chest is here. If you feel confident, come and get it yourself."

Lin Tong has never been a person who likes to fight.

But if he encounters this kind of thing, he will never show mercy...

At the same time, the quarrel between Lin Tong and the three of them quickly attracted the attention of other nearby players.

"One against three?"

"It looks like this little archer is doomed."

"Ye Ying, you can't afford to mess with a lone player from a big guild like this."

"Hey, I just played a blank piece of equipment and they snatched it away. It looks like this archer will suffer the same fate."

"This is a rogue guild!"

"It's a pity that this brother finally found a treasure chest..."

The three warriors on the other side took out their weapons.

"Boy, let me ask you again, should we do it ourselves, or should you go away?"

Lin Tong said, "Come on..."

The next second, the three warriors charged at Lin Tong in front of them.

Lin Tong is an archer.

The attack must be faster than the three...

Powerful shooting!





One of the warriors snorted coldly, and then resisted the three arrows.

"What's wrong with resisting your three arrows?"

According to his idea, the two of them would resist Lin Tong's attack, and as long as they could get close to him, they could take him down.

But unfortunately, they were wrong...


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