At the command of President Matsumoto, a barrage of attacks covered Lin Tong.

According to Matsumoto's guess.

Although the damage of Lin Tong's first attack was explosive.

But there were more than 30 people behind them, and no matter how high the damage of one person was, it would be useless.

They would be drowned anyway...

"Hmph, dare to kill my horse?"

"It's too late to regret now!"

The next second, a damage prompt appeared on Lin Tong's body.



"-101 (critical hit)"


Matsumoto was stunned...

How could it only cause this little damage?

Is there something wrong with the way it was opened?

But the damage caused by all the subsequent attacks basically did not exceed three digits, and it was always hovering in the double digits.

Now Matsumoto was confused...

Although the strength of his group of people was not top-notch.

But it was impossible to only cause this little damage.

Can't even break the defense?

On the other side, Lin Tong saw this unnecessary attack and just found it funny.

He had all kinds of gold equipment on his body, and some passive defensive attributes.

There is no way they can deal damage...

"Quick, use your talent!"

As soon as the voice fell, a priest named Kawashima began to use his talent skill, Void Imprisonment, on Lin Tong.

A strange force descended on Lin Tong.

This is a B-level talent, which can bind the target indiscriminately, making the target unable to initiate action.

But the duration of the binding is determined by the user and the target...

"Binding is successful, the time is 3 seconds."

Matsumoto said: "Hurry up, release those skills and kill this guy in front of me in seconds."

At the same time, Matsumoto also threw out a treasured damage-increasing spell.

He just didn't believe it.....

How could one person withstand the concentrated fire of more than 30 people?

Is he the boss?

And they also have suppression-type talent skills.

They can definitely take him down!

But the result seems a little unsatisfactory...




The damage of Matsumoto and others did begin to gradually increase to an average of three digits.

But the strange thing is, why is he still alive?

Aren't archers said to be fragile?

Why didn't his health bar change at all when thousands of damage were inflicted on him?

Is he dead?

"Try harder, we can definitely kill him."

The time of restraint passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Tong looked at the man who had just released his talent on him with interest.

"Not bad talent..."

Even he had no way to deal with this suppression effect.

"Since you have the best talent, let's start with the operation."

As soon as the words fell, the arrow went straight to the man, and the huge damage exploded immediately above his head.

Lin Tong did not make up the second arrow.

Because as a priest, his health was not high.

The damage from bleeding and demonic erosion could make him not survive even three seconds.


"Kill, kill [Kawashima 221]"

"Trophies: Fine Steel Staff (Black Iron)"

After the priest died, a prompt sound rang in Lin Tong's ears, and at the same time, the news of Kawashima's death also appeared in their team channel.


Such a familiar name...

Why do I seem to have heard it from there?

For a moment, Matsumoto and others seemed to remember something, but they were not sure whether they were right.

And Lin Tong would not give them a chance to think further...

"Swoosh" x5

Only three shots are needed to trigger the Undead Realm.

But in a moment, more than half of the thirty people were in chaos and suffered huge damage.


"You killed [Matsumoto Nao]"


Various killing prompts kept ringing.

In just ten seconds, the team of more than 30 people had been sent back to the resurrection point of the Novice Village by Lin Tong.

The whole family was neatly resurrected...

After resurrection, Matsumoto looked at his subordinates in surprise.

"I'm sorry, President!"

"It was because our strength was too low that the whole team died in battle..."

"Please punish us."

Facing his subordinates' apology, Matsumoto just waved his hand: "The responsibility for this mistake is not yours."

"Do you think that name is familiar?"


The air was silent for a moment...

"Isn't that the cheat that took over the world announcement?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"Why would it be him? Why would he come to our village?"

"President, are we going to take people to encircle and suppress him?"

Matsumoto shouted angrily: "Asshole, didn't you see Canghai's terrifying defense and attack power?"

"Do you think we can fight him?"

The subordinates on the side hurriedly bowed and apologized.

"President, what should we do now?"

Canghai, the current celebrity of Dragon Country, known as the first scattered man, has now come to the Novice Village where their guild is located.

What is he doing here?


"I have to inform the Blood Wolf..."


Matsumoto Nao snorted coldly: "Since we can't deal with Canghai, let this Blood Wolf fight him."

"At that time, the Blood Wolf's people will avenge us and weaken the Blood Wolf's combat effectiveness."

"We will reap the fruits of their labor..."

The subordinates on the side hurriedly flattered him.

"President is wise!"

"This move is really perfect..."

Matsumoto nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, did you guys drop anything just now?"

As long as the most valuable things on their bodies were not dropped, then the loss of this trip was acceptable.

But after counting...

27 pieces of black iron equipment and 7 pieces of bronze equipment.

"What, so many dropped?"

Yipan's subordinates asked: "President, did you drop anything?"

"All my equipment is..." Suddenly, Matsumoto seemed to think of something and hurriedly looked at his backpack.

The next second, a heart-wrenching voice sounded.

"My gold item... is gone!"

"Asshole Canghai, you must pay the price."


On the other side, Lin Tong was sorting out this wave of gains.

[Quenching Crystal]

Grade: Gold

Effect: After use, permanently increase the spirit value and active skill damage.

Requirement: 100 spirit power

"There is such a thing?"

This item was unexpected by Lin Tong, a guild that couldn't even enter the top 100 in the world.

There are gold equipment?

"It should be that person's spirit power has never reached 100, so it has never been used."

Lin Tong's spirit power has exceeded 100 for a long time.

Just in time for use...

After using it, Lin Tong felt that the fatigue from continuous fighting was swept away by this thing, and it was extremely cool and comfortable.

[Quenching Soul Mark]

Effect: Permanently increase spirit by 10%, and permanent increase of active skill damage by 5%.

"The effect is very good..."

It is mainly the percentage increase.

Even in the late stage, it is a very good buff.

"The little devil's stuff is not bad..."

After sorting out other spoils, Lin Tong began to go deeper into the maze to complete his job transfer task.

Ten minutes later...

The deepest part of the maze.

"It should be here."

In memory, this is the last level of the job transfer task.

At this time, the Yuanling compass in the backpack, which had not responded for a long time, moved miraculously.

"Is the sacred object here?"

I didn't bother to think about this.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the huge stone wall in front of him suddenly cracked, and a bow and arrow made entirely of stone was exposed.


A pair of hands tightly grasped the crossbow.

Finally, a figure emerged from the stone wall, and the crossbow was successfully transformed into a weapon made entirely of pure steel.


The man looked at Lin Tong.

At the same time, Lin Tong also began to investigate the man.

[Night Hunter Victor (Doppelganger)]

Rank: Silver

Level: 15

HP: 85w/85w

Attack: 5100

Seal Archery: The third attack causes true damage.

Hunter Stance: Greatly improves vision and critical strike chance.

Night Moment: After release, each attack can trigger a stealth effect for 6 seconds.

Shadow Binding: Summon chains from the shadow to bind the target.

Introduction: The youngest and most powerful archer in the ancient country, he had already reached the pinnacle of archery at the age of 24, created the Night Hunter School, and eventually died in the battle with the dragon.

He is also a man...

At the age of 24, he dared to challenge the ancient creature dragon?

So brave!

At this time, Victor gradually walked down the steps, staring at Lin Tong.

"Heir, are you ready?"

Lin Tong also took out his weapon and said in a deep voice: "Come on!"


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