The lion's health dropped rapidly.

But as the health dropped, the lion's anger began to accumulate and became more and more violent.

The higher the anger, the higher the attribute.

Sure enough, when the health was suppressed to 30% by Lin Tong.

The huge eyes were already filled with blood, and the attack speed was not at the same level as before.


Facing this kind of charging attack.

Lin Tong's best solution is to flash once, and then immediately make up for the purification rain of arrows and ordinary attacks.

The lion fell into infinite control again.

In the previous life, when dealing with this monster, Lin Tong also spent a lot of effort.

But this time...

While knowing the lion's fighting method, Lin Tong also has several times more strength than in the previous life.

Fighting is easy and carefree...


"Kill [Wild Lion King], get: 20030 experience points"

"Successful plunder: Bloody Battle (Perfect)"

"You upgrade to level 14, get: four-dimensional attribute points +1, free allocation points +1"


Various prompt sounds kept coming to my ears.

At the same time, the lion king's body was transformed into loot all over the ground under a ray of light, including two bronze equipment.

It seems that these ten points of luck are not added in vain...

Put away the loot, and there is just one piece that I can use.

[Beast King Skeleton Ring]

Rank: Bronze

Level: 14

Strength +30

Agility +35

Constitution +15

Health +300

As a bronze equipment, this attribute is already acceptable, at least better than black iron.

I changed it immediately and then walked towards the caravan.

[Traveling Merchant Raman]

Level: 10

“Thank you, adventurer…”

The caravan members immediately expressed their deep gratitude to Lin Tong, after all, Lin Tong had just saved their lives.

Lin Tong asked: “Where are you going? Why did you pass by here?”

Raman shook his head helplessly.

“According to our original route, we shouldn’t have encountered a group of lions, but we encountered a monster on the way, and he robbed my important goods.”

“Under the desperate protection of the warriors, we were able to get out.”

At this point, Raman suddenly sighed: “Those are the goods I have accumulated for a long time.”

“Now that they have been robbed by monsters, I can say that I have nothing.”

Lin Tong nodded.

I was waiting for you to say this…

“Can you point me in a direction, I will help you find the goods.”

Hearing this, Raman was overjoyed.

Lin Tong’s fighting ability is obvious to all. If he goes, he may really be able to help him find the lost goods.

In that case, he will not be punished by the boss.


"Is it really possible? That monster is very powerful."

Lin Tong did not hesitate: "Just leave it to me..."

"You can go to the militia camp to rest and wait for me. I have cleared all the monsters along the way."

Then, under the guidance of Raman, he began to trigger in one direction, and a prompt sounded in his ears.


"Trigger the hidden task [Retrieve the lost goods]"


The NPCs in the original are really annoying.

Some hidden tasks will not tell you what the reward is before the task is completed.

But Lin Tong, who has lived another life, knows very well.

That is what he wants...

After Lin Tong left, Raman carefully took out a box from the carriage.

"If he can help me find the goods, then this thing belongs to him."

After leaving the vicinity of the caravan, Lin Tong went straight to the place in his memory.

"Take a look at the passive just now."

After killing the lion king just now, Lin Tong had not had time to see the passive he had plundered.

[Bloody Battle]

Rank: Perfect

Effect: Every time you are attacked 100 times, you will gain a point of rage. You can freely choose when to use the rage. A point of rage can increase your strength by 10% and your attack speed by 20% (maximum rage accumulation is 10 points)

Number of layers: 1/1


How come this passive skill is a bit like an active skill?

But the attribute is good.

Accumulate anger and use it when needed to improve combat power.

It can be used as a life-or-death moment or an instant burst of damage to catch the enemy off guard.

"Not bad..."

Close the passive panel, and the next thing to do is to find the monster.

In memory, the monster that took away Raman was a very cunning black bear monster.

I don't know why.

This monster likes to steal and collect treasures very much, and this personality is very similar to the ancient creature dragon.

To lure him out, you need a rare honey.

The aroma of that thing is something that no bear can resist...

It just so happens that Lin Tong knows where that thing is!


Luosikaya Village.

Since Tang Xin lost the first battle, Feng Hanxiao removed his position as vice president in anger.

"This time, I can not only get the position of vice president back."

"I can also improve my strength..."

Not long ago, his men suddenly found a silver-grade job transfer task. If they can complete it.

Then he can also get a world notice for job transfer.

In this way, he can return the position of vice president to his hands, and at the same time he can suppress Lin Tong's arrogance.

Become the second person besides Lin Tong to take down the world announcement.

"Hurry up, this time we will definitely succeed..."

A group of people began to launch an all-round attack on the monster in front of them under the command of Tang Xin.

Full of energy...

On the other side, Lin Tong has come to the place in his memory.

This is a valley, and what comes into view is a huge beehive and a group of black bears ready to pick honey.

[Black Bear]

Grade: Black Iron

Level: 15

Health: 2.3w/2.3w

Attack: 500

Health Enhancement: Permanently increase health.

Rush: Charge the target.

After seeing the invader Lin Tong, the group of black bears immediately burst into a roar that resounded through the valley.

Then, a group of black bears gave up picking honey.

Prepare to first deal with the invading human in front of them...

Lin Tong shook his head helplessly, and could only draw his bow and arrow, and the rain of purifying arrows whistled out at this moment.

The undead realm and dark fluctuations were triggered.

The black bear, which was very powerful in the last second, was beaten by Lin Tong in the next second without even the strength to fight back.

He could only use his body to resist and try to get close to Lin Tong.

But this fighting style is basically no different from suicide. The only difference is that they try to resist.

Lin Tong just stood there motionless.

Unfortunately, even so, no monster could touch him.


"Kill [Black Bear], get: 424 experience points"

"Successfully swallowed: life enhancement"

Ignore the constant prompt sound in your ears for the time being, and choose to continue attacking.

It took about five minutes to clean up the monsters in front of you.

Various black iron quality equipment was scattered all over the ground.

Clean it up and look at the latest passive.

[Life Enhancement]

Effect: Permanent +10% health value

Number of layers: 10/10

Another life-enhancing passive, so Lin Tong is now not a dream away from 30,000 health points.

Lin Tong remembers it very clearly.

In his previous life, there was a knight whose talent was enhanced by life.

But even so, he only had about 20,000 HP at level 20, while Lin Tong has 30,000 HP at level 14.

"Comparison is the best, and comparison is the worst..."

No way.

Who made him an SSS talent?

After dealing with the black bear blocking the road, the next thing to do is to collect the special honey in front of you.

[Walker Honey]

Grade: Silver

Introduction: A kind of honey with power attributes.

The honey in the beehive has been dealt with by the black bears in advance.

And what Lin Tong has to do is to walk over and take him away...


ps: Please support, flowers, collection, evaluation votes

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