At this moment, Lin Tong is in the village of Rosikaya in the Empire of Light...

And there are hundreds of novice villages like this in the entire Empire of Light.

"Fuck, so real!"

"Compared to Tencent's games, they are so different. What kind of engine is this?"

"The legs of the NPC over there are so white..."

"I suggest you stop thinking about it. Can't you see the soldiers patrolling on the left and right?"

Golden beams of light are still flashing around Lin Tong.

Each beam of light falling represents a player entering the game.

Billions of players around the world are pouring into the original continent at the same time, resulting in almost no place to stay in the square at this moment.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of the extraordinary.


Ignoring it, Lin Tong opened his backpack and took out a gray-brown cloth package.

[Newbie Gift Pack]

Function: After opening, you can get a novice set...


As soon as the voice fell, the gray-brown cloth bag in front of him disappeared, and the prompt sound of obtaining items came to his ears.

"Novice wooden bow x1, novice cloth armor x1, novice boots x1, novice pants x1"

"Copper coins x100"

The equipment included in the novice gift package is very limited.

But it's better than nothing...

After wearing it, the attributes finally show a pitiful improvement.

[Personal attribute panel]

ID: Canghai

Level: 1 (0/200 experience)

Profession: Archer (not transferred)

Life: 200 (Physique x20)

Mana: 180 (Spirit x20)

Attributes: Strength 11, Constitution 10, Spirit 9, Agility 11 (Every level up will gain four-dimensional attribute points, free allocation of attribute points x1)

Attack: 22 (Strength x2)

Magic damage: 18 (Spirit x2)

Defense: 22

Attack speed: 1.76/s

Equipment: Novice wooden bow, novice cloth armor, novice boots, novice pants

Close the personal attribute page.

"Most of the values ​​are exactly the same as in the previous life..."

The attributes of the four novice equipment are even worse than those of the blank equipment.

"It seems that there is a hidden task in the novice village, which can obtain a gold equipment."

Whether in the early or late stages of the game.

The original equipment explosion rate has always been a very uncomfortable point.

Sometimes, it is not necessarily possible to explode a black iron equipment after killing a thousand monsters.

This directly leads to the rarity of good equipment, and once one appears, it is a sky-high price.

Now in this early stage...

It is God's eyes that a casual player can have a set of black iron equipment.

"If I can complete that hidden task, I can almost be ahead in equipment."

Thinking of this, Lin Tong left the square.

Walked towards the blacksmith shop in the village...

[Blacksmith: Dennis]

Introduction: The blacksmith in the village, with excellent blacksmithing skills, but seems a little unhappy recently.

"Mr. Dennis?"

Lin Tong stood in front of the blacksmith shop.

As soon as the voice fell, a man with a naked upper body walked out of it.

"Do you need a weapon?"

Lin Tong replied: "No, I just heard from the people in the village that you seem to have encountered some troubles recently."

"It seems that you have lost something?"

Dennis was stunned, with some surprise in his eyes...

Lin Tong continued to speak.

"I know where that thing is."

As soon as this was said, Dennis's originally very low eyes immediately became excited.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

After a moment of silence, Dennis asked seriously: "Adventurer, can you help me find the things back?"

"If you can, I will give you a piece of equipment as a reward..."

"How about it?"

Dennis stared at Lin Tong.

As if he was afraid that Lin Tong would refuse him...

This task was discovered by a low-level archer of the Tianyun Guild.

You only need to find the token that Dennis lost to get a piece of gold-level equipment.

The first gold equipment in the game...

Its value is inestimable!

According to the ratio of 1:500 in the early stage, the price of a piece of gold equipment is at least 10 million or even higher.

The most important thing is that powerful attribute...

And the archer, because of this hidden task, has become the mainstay of the Tianyun Guild.

"Ding, find the lost token for the blacksmith Dennis"


"Do you accept?"

"Hint: This task is very dangerous, it is recommended to complete it in a team."

Lin Tong nodded without hesitation.

"I promise you."

In this life, the first gold equipment must belong to me.

"Okay, I will wait for your good news here..."

After saying goodbye to Dennis, Lin Tong went to the store in the village first and used all the copper coins on his body to buy arrows.

And then he went straight to the forest outside the village...

The place where Dennis's token was lost is very dangerous.

With his current combat power, it is still a bit difficult to complete it, so before going there.

Lin Tong needs to upgrade a wave of levels first...

At the same time, test the power of this SSS-level talent.


Crossing the street, Lin Tong went straight to the Novice Forest.

There are a lot of low-level monsters in the Novice Forest.

Due to their excellent attributes, the best choice for players to kill monsters is to form a team.

Because a single person can easily cause siege...

But Lin Tong, who has the fighting skills of his previous life, this problem is not a problem at all in his eyes.

Soon, Lin Tong found a sparsely populated place.

And in the bushes not far away, several huge wild boars appeared visible to the naked eye.

[Wild Boar]

Level: 1

HP: 150

Attack: 20

Skill: Charge

The next second, the wild boar opened its mouth with huge fangs.

Roaring and charging at Lin Tong...


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