Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

014: The Sensation Of The Forum, Dark Horse!

"World Announcement"

"In the village of Losikaya, [Canghai] became the first to learn the golden skill book and achieved the achievement."

"Reward: Gold x100, Divine Essence x1"

"Skill Experience Scroll (Intermediate) x10, Reputation x1000"

Now, everyone is numb...

Why is it happening again?

"Fuck, I admit that I underestimated Boss Canghai. This operation simply shocked my mother for a whole year."

"Two world announcements?"

"Is the official here? There is a cheat!"

"There is definitely a problem here. How can a person make two consecutive world announcements?"

"Foreign devils, don't use your thoughts to speculate about Boss Canghai."

"This is simply invincible..."

"You don't have to be arrogant. Our country's Archangel Guild will definitely become the world's number one guild."


For a while, the world channel that had just been quiet for three minutes started an extremely heated discussion again.

Today is the first day of the server opening...

And Lin Tong can actually take on three consecutive world announcements?

How did he do it?

Some foreign players seriously suspected that the so-called Canghai here was a hidden trump card of the Dragon Country.

Its purpose was to achieve the achievement...

As the one who caused all this, Lin Tong was not aware of how much fluctuation his own affairs had caused in the outside world.

He was now concentrating on watching the treasures of the two world announcements.

The first one was a silver treasure chest.


[Holy Blessed Boots]

Level: 5

Grade: Silver

Agility +15

Constitution +10

Movement speed +10%

Effect: +5% critical strike rate.

As silver-quality equipment, this attribute is already considered a small top-grade among silver.

Especially the 5% critical strike rate...


Without much hesitation, Lin Tong put it on his body. Now he already had a bunch of replaced equipment on his body.

There was also a level 7 ring that could not be worn for the time being...

Tomorrow, he could find Hanjiang and Jiuzhou to buy it. His black iron equipment was a treasure in their eyes.

Not to mention that there was also a bronze-quality longbow during the period...

Below are ten skill experience scrolls.

Each of them has 10,000 experience points. If these experience points can be used on Lin Tong, it will definitely be a terrifying improvement.

But unfortunately, this is a skill experience scroll...

Lin Tong currently has only two active skills, one is the powerful shot and the other is the purifying arrow feather.

The powerful shot is a skill that has been with me for so long.

So these experience points should be allocated to the purifying arrow feather...


"You consume 3200 experience points to upgrade [purifying arrow feather] to: lv2"


After a wave of operations, the level of the purifying arrow feather directly reaches four.

[Purifying Arrow Rain]

Grade: Gold

Effect: The next normal attack causes (800+strength x3.2) area damage and causes 3 seconds of confusion.

CD: 45/s

Consumption: 200 mana

Current level: lv4 (3.2w/16w)

As a gold skill, the effect of purifying arrow feather is very powerful.

Not only is the area damage terrifying, but it can also cause a three-second control effect, which can be used for one-on-many or monster farming.

It is a good choice...

"With this skill, the effect of brushing passive should be greatly improved."

Suddenly, Lin Tong thought of a question...

Can the damage of the purifying arrow feathers be matched with the enchanted heavy attack to increase the damage of the purifying arrow feathers by 6,000?

"I must try it tomorrow..."

If this guess is achieved, then the damage of the first purifying arrow feathers is too terrifying.

Directly hit a vacuum field.

After processing the external skill experience scroll, Lin Tong set his sights on the last two rewards.

Divine essence.

This time, Lin Tong also directly obtained two divine essences.

After using it without hesitation, the progress directly reached 30%, and it continued at this trend.

100% correspondence with reality, isn't it a quick thing?

Looking at the time built into the game, the outside world has reached night without knowing it.

Finally, take a look at the attribute interface...

ID: Canghai

Level: 6 (200/7200)

Profession: Archer (not transferred)

Life: 3900 (Physique x20)

Mana: 1280 (Spirit x20)

Attributes: Strength 105, Constitution 68, Spirit 34, Agility 60

Attack: 210 (Strength x2)

Magic Damage: 38 (Spirit x2)

Attack Speed: 3.7/s


Seeing this, Lin Tong sighed: "It's only the first day, and the strength has already exceeded the 100 mark."

"It's basically ahead of all players..."

If this attribute table is leaked, it may shock and make most players in the world feel inferior.

After working hard for a day, you may not be able to reach 20 points of strength.

Lin Tong has already exceeded 100.

More importantly, the health value of more than 3,000 is the health value of the mid-term knight.

After that, Lin Tong closed the personal attribute page and went to Celia's travel bar.

This place can be used for offline functions.

Compared to logging off outside, this place can avoid the problem of blocked resurrection points, although it costs some gold coins.

But Lin Tong is not short of gold coins now...


《Original Forum》

This forum has been created for one day, and the number of users has exceeded 3 billion in this day.

Most of them are some strategies and early tutorials.

There are also some private posts from large guilds, but they are basically about recruiting people and equipment.

Among them, there is a post that began to fluctuate and sweep the forum with terrifying influence like a dark horse.


The post also includes a video of Lin Tong solo-killing the Wild Boar King and completely destroying the Night Shadow Elite Squad.

The post has been published and immediately became popular...

"Who knows who this Canghai boss is?"

"Is he the trump card of the Dynasty?"

"I am the vice president of Tianyun. This Canghai does not belong to any guild. He is a very powerful individual player, but there is news that Canghai will join our Tianyun soon."

"Hanjiang, are you a little shameless? Canghai clearly promised our Guying Guild."

"Stupid Longguo people, the trump cards we have in our Bangzi country are beyond your imagination..."


"Who allowed you to leave the hospital?"

The forum was arguing fiercely, and on the top floor of a building in Hangzhou, a man with golden eyes angrily flipped the desk in front of him.

"Who, who is this Canghai?"


ps: Please support, flowers, collections, and evaluation tickets!

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