Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

100: If Everyone Spits At You, You Will Be Drowned!

Boss killed, rewards and passive skills all in hand.

Next, Lin Tong's eyes were on a group of shivering Sakura players.

He was surprised to find that the light beams of more than a dozen people in the Sakura team were longer than ten meters.

This means that these people have at least one thousand points.

"The leeks are ripe and can be harvested..."

Lin Tong's mouth curled up slightly.

"Players who have a good life, it's your turn!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Lin Tong immediately released the skill and summoned a frost-covered field, covering an area of ​​about 500 meters in radius.

The biting frost caused a double blow to everyone's body and mind.




A large number of damage numbers appeared in the field of vision.

At this moment.

The health of a normal squishy professional player is only about 7,000 or 8,000.

Even if the tank's health is higher, it is only 10,000 points, which can only withstand the damage of the first second.

Time came to the second second.

In the sight, thousands of players from the Sakura Country turned into white light one by one, and finally disappeared on the spot.

Seeing his blood volume was about to decrease.

Matsumoto said resentfully: "Canghai, listen to me, Eagle Sauce Dad will not let you and Longguo go on so rampantly."

"I will witness your death with my own eyes——————————Hmm

Before he finished speaking.

The arrow shot out and pierced his mouth.

Lin Tong said calmly: "You little devils talk too much nonsense." 970


Many prompts were refreshed on the panel.


"Killed the Sakura Country player. Yongchuan"

"Successfully plundered: 625 points. "

But in the blink of an eye, Lin Tong's points soared to about 200,000.

The length of the golden light column above his head directly exceeded 20,000 meters.

It was thick and long!

This time, players within a radius of dozens of kilometers could see it clearly.

Seeing this, Lin Tong smiled and said: "Hundreds of thousands of points increase in one second, this is the normal level."

Looking at the ranking list.

The overall score list, the Dragon Country team took the first place.

But strangely, the first place in the individual list was occupied by a player from Eagle Sauce.

The points exceeded three million!

No need to guess.

It must be the Eagle Sauce team, giving all the heads to this player.

"Not bad, it seems that everyone is working hard!"

"Then I'm going to start calling the roll!"

Lin Tong opened the map and thought for a moment: "Well, let's start with the lucky player from the Sun Never Sets Country."

Now there are several people with more than 100,000 points near Lin Tong.

And these people come from different countries.

They are all lambs to be slaughtered in Lin Tong's eyes...

Before departure.

Lin Tong counted the harvest of this trip.

Killed 46 silver bosses along the way.

They were desert giant lizards and frost giant lizards.

Looted a total of 130 points of physical strength, 140 points of spirit and two full-level passives.

[Sand Armor]

Quality: Excellent

Effect: Gain physical strength x500% shield, can resist physical and spell damage, and refresh the shield value every 10 seconds.

Number of layers: 10/10

[Ice Flame]

Quality: Rare

Effect: Arrows are attached with frost fire, which makes the enemy's movement speed -4000 points, and receive 10,000 points of frost damage per second for 3 seconds.

Number of layers: 10/10

The same unit has a 10-second trigger interval.

The passive of ice flame is finally complete.

Reducing the movement speed by 4000 is the extreme of being disgusting……………

Similar to the BOSS encountered before, as long as you are hit by an arrow under the negative effect, you will be punished to stand still.

Another one.

Sand Armor can currently provide 10,000 shield points.

It can be passively stacked with other shields.

The total shield amount reaches 20,000 points!

Very strong!

After reading the harvest of this trip

Lin Tong wholeheartedly sent the warmth of the community to every high-scoring player.

The points began to soar.


After a while, Lin Tong once again topped the personal points list.

The time came to the 11th hour.

Lin Tong (ajfa)'s points exceeded 1800w.

Now, players all over the world can see the golden light column above his head, which is extremely dazzling.

The only pity is.

He has never met the Eagle Sauce player.

In theory.

With four million points, it means that the length of the light column above the head reaches 400,000 meters, which is 400 kilometers, and it cannot be hidden at all.


Lin Tong couldn't find him.

After thinking for a long time, he thought of a possibility.

This person has A-level to S-level space talent, otherwise there is no reason why Lin Zhou couldn't find him.

"Strange, why didn't this Eagle Sauce player named "Cran" appear in the Knowledge Celebration in the previous life?"

Lin Tong was a little puzzled

After thinking about it.

There is only one reason.

In the previous life, this Eagle Sauce player named Cran did not pass the preliminaries.

But in this life, due to some influence caused by himself, this person passed the preliminaries.

"In this case, let your points stay for a while......"

Lin Tong remembered this ID in his heart.


He let the griffin carry him to the center of the map, which is the refresh point of the final boss.

At this time, tens of thousands of players gathered here.

Surrounded the final boss.

It was an extremely large tree man.

[Prophet Ancient Tree]

Grade: Diamond

Level: 30

HP: 895ww/940w

Attack: 32050

Tree Blessing: Increase defense and restore HP when attacked.

Angry Root Attack: Extend tree roots to block nearby enemies.

Summon: Summon 200 treemen to assist in the battle.

Whip: Swing the roots to attack the enemy.

Status: Attributes -20%

Since the players have already searched for the first answer, the attributes of the treemen have been reduced by 20%.


Lin Tong's appearance attracted the attention of all players.

He looked around.

Lin Tong said in a cold tone: "I will give you one minute. Non-Dragon Country players, withdraw from the 10-kilometer range."

"Remember, this is not a warning but an order."

With the blessing of powerful mental power, Lin Tong's voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of all players.

Everyone was shocked!

But soon, a huge anger surged in their hearts.

You are just one person, how dare you command tens of thousands of us?

How dare you!

"Cang Hai, we admit that you are strong enough to fight one against a hundred.

"But open your eyes and look, we have tens of thousands of people, and we can drown you with a spit from each of us!"

"That's right! We have tens of thousands of people, and you can't kill them all... ..."

Some foreign players have begun to have some ideas.

They know that Lin Tong is very strong.


As ordinary players, it is impossible to study Lin Tong as thoroughly as the Night Shadow Guild.

So they don't know how unimaginable Lin Tong's power is.

In their opinion.

Everyone is a professional in their 20s, and there are tens of thousands of people on their side. How can they not beat a 25-level Cang Hai?

ps: Please support, order all, and order by yourself!!!

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