Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 741 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

Ah? What can I do?

A cut of the knife shocked Kyushu and instantly gave him energy.

To be honest, hugging someone's thigh is sometimes not a good thing.

Sansha Village, as the winning gang, is at the back of the battle line. It doesn’t matter if it can’t make contributions or get points. The dirty work of logistics is handled by Sansha Village. In the end, it doesn’t get any favors at all and ends up in a trap. Taking credit for your contribution to the mission for free.

What's even more irritating is that at the end of the day, Halloween Mountain suffered heavy losses, and this blame was also thrown on Gaoyidaozhen Jiuzhou's head.

If your Sansha Village had been more effective, we wouldn't have been beaten so badly.

I don’t know how long the Mongol soldiers’ siege will last. It’s only been a day now and they’ve been beaten to the point where they can’t withstand it. I don’t know how they can hold on for the next few days.

Cutting a knife shocked Kyushu, but he was not a pure idiot. Being accused like this, he was naturally unconvinced and eager to contribute value.

This news about Wang Yuan can be said to be a timely help.

What are you most afraid of on the front line now? Wang Yuan asked.

This... Cut Yi Dao Zhen Jiuzhou touched the back of his head. This kid's mind was a mess and he couldn't figure out what he was afraid of, so he asked the players around him: What are we most afraid of now?

Protracted war! The small building nearby heard Chunyu say with certainty all night long: Our frontline medicines are consumed too quickly. The Mongolian soldiers will definitely not be able to survive if they fight for a few more days!

It has to be said that Xiaolou heard that Chun Yu's character was not very good all night, and his brain was quite good.

Protracted war! He repeated the words Xiaolou heard Chun Yu say all night long.


Wang Yuandao: So we must make them unable to last!

Can't it last? Zhen Jiuzhou said with a knife: How to do it?

Supplies! Wang Yuan was also convinced by the idea of ​​​​cutting a knife to shake the brain of Jiuzhou. He said it so clearly that he hadn't reacted yet.

Players don't need to eat. Supplies are elixirs. Mongolian soldiers are NPCs. They need to consume food and grass! Wang Yuan continued: When the Mongolian soldiers attack the front line again tomorrow, the rear will be empty. Then you take your If the gang goes to their rear and sets a fire to burn their food and grass, won't it cut off their supplies? If possible, you can bring a few more Five Poisons and put some materials into their water sources... Hehe!


Seeing the news from Wang Yuan, Cut a knife shocked Jiuzhou and was stunned. After a while, he said with joy: Why didn't I think of that? Thank you Brother Niu. I will thank you deeply after the event!

We brothers, what you say is just a joke! Remember, you must do it neatly! Wang Yuan repeatedly asked.


It is extremely solemn to cut Kyushu with a knife.

We're going to be on fire!

After closing the chat box, Zhen Jiuzhou screamed excitedly.

What's so hot? Xiaolou heard Chun Yu ask in confusion all night.

Someone helped us make some plans just now. Whether we can turn things around this time depends entirely on our Sansha Village. If we can succeed, our Sansha Village will definitely become famous in one fell swoop! Ge Yi Dao Zhen Jiuzhou said excitedly.

So awesome? What's your idea? Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night with a confused look on his face.

Build the plank road openly and secretly visit Chencang!

The words of Wang Yuan, the general who cut Kyushu with a knife and shocked the world, were repeated to Xiaolou all night long by Chunyu.

After listening to the story about how Kyushu was shaken by cutting a knife, Xiaolou was also shocked when he heard Chunyu say: What a great idea. Why didn't we think of such a simple truth? Who gave you the idea? We must thank him properly!

Brother Niu! Cutting the knife shocked Jiuzhou with admiration on his face.

Niu Dachun? Xiaolou frowned and asked after hearing the word Brother Niu.


That monk is despicable and cunning. Will good things happen in our turn? Is there any fraud? Xiaolou heard Chunyu question one night.

You're just trying to judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. Gaoyida Zhenjiuzhou said: Even if he is really cheating, can you find out what's wrong with this plan? We will suffer the backlash even if we are idle in the rear. Scold!

This... Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night. Although he was extremely suspicious of Wang Yuan's character, he still didn't know how to refute it.

Indeed, Wang Yuan's idea can be said to go to the heart of the matter. Before his own supplies are interrupted, he will completely cut off the opponent's supply. With one move first, the opponent will not dare to fight a protracted war.

Moreover, Sansha Village is not very useful on the front line. Its only function is to be yelled at and scolded by the people from Halloween Mountain, allowing frontline players to vent some anger. Its nature is somewhat similar to...

Who doesn’t want to make contributions and gain fame when playing games?

Rather than being scolded and scolded by others in the background, it is better to fight for it.

Okay, let's do this tomorrow! Xiaolou listened to Chunyu and thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

Did you really leave such an important matter to Sansha Village? In the Fancheng meeting hall, Bei Moting and others were very surprised when they heard that Wang Yuan had handed over the matter of setting fire to Mongolian grain and grass to Kaoyidaozhenjiuzhou. Accident.

This person who cuts Kyushu with a knife is not very reliable.


Wang Yuandao.

Can they do it? Mario: Can't we handle this ourselves?

You don't have to do everything yourself! Wang Yuan said with a smile: Besides, our responsibilities are in Fancheng. Even if we succeed in sneaking into the opponent's rear, it would be dereliction of duty. Do you understand? If you can't do anything too extreme, we eat meat, and we can't even give you soup. other people.

This...are you really Lao Niu? After hearing Wang Yuan's words, everyone expressed doubts.

Who is Wang Yuan? This guy wants to take the pot away when he eats meat. How can he give soup to others?


Tiaozi suddenly laughed and said: Brother Niu, could it be that he wants to trick the Mongolian soldiers before they die?

Ha ha!

Wang Yuan laughed and said: I still can't hide it from you! That's right! They are going to lure the Mongolian soldiers to Fancheng anyway, why not make it bigger and eat more!

Listen, is this still human language?

At eight o'clock the next morning, the siege continued!

The Mongolian army once again divided into several groups to attack various checkpoints on the front line.

Major gangs such as Halloween Mountain rose up to resist and once again fought fiercely with the Mongolian soldiers.

Behind the battle line, two small teams led by Cut Yida Zhen Jiuzhou and Xiaolou Yiye Chunyu secretly bypassed the battlefield and followed Wang Yuan's instructions to the camp of the Mongolian army.

Cutting a knife and shaking Jiuzhou led people with torches, quietly sneaked into the Mongolian camp and lit fires everywhere.

Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and took the Five Poison disciples up the river, using various poisons to greet the water source.

The Mongolian soldiers were encamped, and the tents were made of leather and felt, which did not have strong fire protection capabilities. When the north wind blew, the fire quickly turned and burned towards the Mongolian army's forage yard.

Most of the Mongolian soldiers in the camp went to the front line, and the logistics sergeants only accounted for a small part... Although the forage yard was heavily guarded, by the time the fire broke out, it was too late.

After struggling to put out the fire, only one-tenth of the food and grass rescued from the fire was left...

At the same time, an announcement sounded in the sky: the owner of Sansha Village cut a knife and shocked the nine provinces secretly infiltrated Chencang, burned the forage yard of the Mongolian camp, successfully blocked the enemy's supplies, and bought opportunities for the frontline troops. The contribution value of Sansha Village increased. Fifty thousand points.

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