“Really? It’s such an exaggeration?” Faint Xia didn’t believe it. If the branches were powerful, she would agree, but the tree hole was crooked, and the dark rays of light flickered, making the tree The cave didn’t appear so dark.

Otherwise, in the dark night, under such a big tree that obscures the sky, not to mention the starlight, the moonlight is useless.

“You still don’t believe it, then look at it.” Li Yao said and opened the Thousand Chance Bow.

With an arrow, the two women saw a monster suddenly fall out of the tree hole. With the screams, the two women could see a green monster. It looked like a tree stump with a long body. Full of green branches. And there are five senses, and he is wailing in pain at the moment.

Li Yao releases a flame arrow with Fire of Life attached. The tree man is enveloped in a layer of illusory flame, no matter how he rolls, he can’t let the flame go out.

Fan Xia used an identification technique and saw attribute sucked in a breath of cold air.

This monster is actually a boss-level monster. Are you sure, how much this monster is?

“Have you ever seen the branches and leaves in the tree hole, these branches and leaves represent this kind of monster.” Li Yao shrugged.

The two women sucked in a breath of cold air, because the branches and leaves on both sides of the tree hole are densely packed, and they are simply the one with no end in sight.

If you are all bosses, then play a fart, and depending on the skills, these tree monsters or tree people are full of corrosion and poison. If they are surrounded in such a place, it is really impossible to get out. go with.

“What kind of attack are you, it is so powerful that you burned a boss to remember the tree demon to death.”

“It’s an ordinary flame, but these guys and the mother tree Similarly, the night falls into deep sleep and absorbs the brilliance of stars and moons. This stage is very weak.” Li Yao explained casually.

“I almost believed in your evil.” A faint Xia Wuyu, although these guys are very weak at night, they are bosses at all. Impossible has been burned to death by a flame.

“It’s a pity, here are all crooked tunnels. It would be nice to upgrade here in an open area.” Li Yao sighed. In fact, upgrading here is also very fast. After all, they are all bosses, but It was not up to Li Yao’s expectations, so I didn’t bother to waste time.

And he has surpassed Level 40 a long time ago, and now the focus is on the main task to bring out the main line copy.

A few people walked for nearly ten minutes, still in various ways, and the two women had long been confused.

“Hey, could it be a mistake, it’s been so long.” Faint Xia couldn’t help saying.

“Don’t worry.” Li Yao shot a burst arrow again and said.

“There are so many diversions here, we won’t laugh at you if we make a mistake, don’t worry.” Faint Xia continued.

“I’m really right. You have seen how huge this tree is, and it’s crooked here, and it’s normal for a longer time.”

“We all know You are starting a prairie fire, and Qi Qi also knows that you are very famous. It is not because of this that you dare not admit that you are wrong.” The silent Bing Yu said suddenly.

Li Yao didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh when I released the Hell Scorpion and took out the Thousand Chance Bow. I was not afraid that you would know who I was, but you still kept it secret for me. Important things.”

“Don’t worry, we don’t care about competition forums and so on, and don’t care about your reputation. It’s not necessary.”

“That’s fine, let me talk about it. Once again, there is no mistake, you just follow, that is at night, otherwise it will be too difficult to get in. But we must hurry up, we must leave before dawn.”

The three continued to speed up the pace. , As Li Yao said, if there are a large number of treants in the daytime, they will be submerged, and each boss level.

After walking for another few minutes, everyone’s eyes finally lit up, as if they had come to the endless starry sky.

Little stars are shining, and they appear in the vast universe.

A huge tree capable of supporting both heaven and earth has countless roots rooted in countless stars, and the branches and leaves of the tree are also composed of huge stars.

The three of them were completely stunned. This stalwart scene could not even be reached by World Tree.

“Three interesting Little Brat, welcome to my world.” Accompanied by an old voice, an old man illusory shadow appeared in front of the three.

As soon as the two girls were about to salute, they saw Li Yao sneered saying: “What your world, don’t think about delaying time, it’s useless.”

The old man’s complexion is still kind. “A tiny person always doesn’t believe in the greatness of the world. Just like a frog in a well, his sky has never been as small as the mouth of a well. He doesn’t know the vastness of Heaven and Earth, and this frog doesn’t believe in a broader Heaven and Earth. .”

“You still ridicule me.” Li Yao sneered: “You are just a small mother tree, you don’t know how many levels are inferior to the World Tree, and you still want to surpass this World and become the number one in the ages. The tree, I am afraid that the real mother tree rooted in the Well of Eternity is not as arrogant as you. Trying to include the universe, I really don’t know whether you are naive or arrogant. Your mother has only formed a plane similar to Soul Space.”

old man face changed: “I actually know where I came from. That’s right, as the species of the great mother tree, why can’t I be a great being. A small mortal, tell me your purpose.”

“Naturally destroy you.” Li Yao sneered.

“hahahahaha.” The little old man laughed wildly: “Ridiculous mortal, you actually want to destroy me, the great dead mother tree is really ridiculous.”

“Yes, I can’t kill the Dead Light Mother Tree, and you are the Dead Light Mother Tree. But to be precise, the Dead Light Mother Tree is not you. You are just a decadent will produced by the essence of death. I killed you, the Mother Tree might still be. I will be grateful, and the next time I produce true spiritual wisdom, I will be a little more kind. If you are the one to blame, even if you kill you today, someone will pick you up one day sooner or later.” Li Yao said righteously.

Said Li Yao directly hit the old man with an arrow, the old man roared in anger, and then the light and shadow changed.

The three found themselves still in the tree hole, and it was a huge within cave full of decay.

A heart-like thing in the middle position made a heavy beating sound. Along with the beating, faint starlight was flowing into the heart along several branches.

Obviously this is the core of the dead light mother tree absorbing starlight.

“Let’s do it.” Li Yao said: “Break this heart, and we can get the first kill of the first faction-level leader of the ancient god.”

“Wait a minute “The heart suddenly flashed a cluster of starlight, and the starlight turned into a silhouette again.

It’s just that this silhouette is a super beauty, and full of wild charm.

“Do you really bear the heart to kill me? If you let me go, I can leave it to your disposal.” The peerless girl said charmingly.

She was greeted by Li Yao’s arrow, and the starlight shattered again.

“Wait, I don’t like to play with people, I prefer literary fights, look at this, we each have a problem, and whoever makes a mistake will deduct 10% of his life. Do you dare to play? That’s it.”…

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