As Li Yao said, their simply is to bring about one’s own destruction.

Without Li Yao’s precise deduction and judgment, in this complicated situation, technology alone is not enough, even more how their technology is not that way.

So, they only followed Li Yao for a short period of time before being overwhelmed by the monster.

When they were resurrected again, all of them were downcast, but the crows in the distance were still crazy, indicating that each other was farther away from the original place.

This shows that the three are already steadily advancing, so how can they not feel complicated.

The feeling of passing by the main mission is this kind of mood, with jealousy, regret and resentment.

“Even if the three of them are more powerful, but I don’t believe they can get under the mother tree. Even if they get under the mother tree, they may not be able to pass through the mother tree to the stone forest. Sooner or later they will realize that there is no us. They can’t make it through with help, so I propose that we wait for them here for the time being. If they don’t want the mission to fail, they must pull us into the team.” Ling Feng said unwillingly.

Others are also nodded. At this moment they expect Li Yao to fail, so they beg them to join the team, and then they can rely on Li Yao’s command to complete the task smoothly.

Thinking of this, there was a pleasant smile on their faces.

However, this is nothing but their expectation, and only their expectation.

The three of them were really difficult at first, but when Li Yao saw the corpse of a boss, he directly sacrificed summon to get out of the hell war scorpion.

And they didn’t know that Li Yao was already above the Hell Scorpion.

With a touch of Xia Jia’s blood, and the blessing of the Naaru on board, the battle strength of the Hell Scorpion has soared to a new level.

The attacks of those crows on his rock-like armor can only bring the sparks of the starting point and the crisp sound that’s all, that’s all, that’s all, that is, the crow of the leader level can really hurt the hell war scorpion.

The hell war scorpion provided a wide range of protection, and the pressure on the three of them suddenly became much lighter. Although it was still very dangerous, it was at least much better than just.

And Li Yao is already fully fired. Under the influence of flash bombs, these crows have not much health, which is weakened by the aircraft, and Li Yao doesn’t need any firepower anymore, just keep releasing scattering.

The arrows are like howling wind and torrential rain, and the crows also fall one by one.

In comparison, Bingyu’s firepower was far worse, but she used scattering and found that her damage was astonishingly low, not as good as firepower.

Li Yao’s performance against the sky makes them very curious, and it is also scattering, why the gap is so huge.

And what makes Li Yao even more speechless is that Li Yao simply doesn’t need his treatment.

Faced with the raven’s attack, Li Yao’s blood volume will naturally decrease, but just lower it and then it will be directly replenished.

The main reason is that Li Yao’s sensitivity is too high, the attack is also very scary in the state of burning blood, coupled with the bonus of awesome equipment, and an extra earring, the attack power is even higher. .

The attacks of hiding the sky and covering the earth caused terrifying mass killings. With Li Yao’s high bloodsucking, it is strange that he can use healing.

It’s just that they can only suppress the doubts in their hearts when they are in such a hurry.

The three of them finally entered the shrouded area of ​​the mother tree, surrounded by thick branches. Each of these branches is as thin as a child’s arm, with many huge barbs on it.

The area covered by the mother tree is too big. The closer you are to the mother tree, the more you can feel your own insignificance and humbleness.

The two girls ugly complexion, they can’t imagine what players can stop these branches like steel whips swinging.

They are very fortunate to have listened to Li Yao’s suggestion to do it at night when the mother tree cannot move.

As the space decreased, the crows’ offensive also slowed down, and the three of them suddenly felt pressured.

“Let’s go in the wrong direction.”

A faint Xia glanced at the small map and quickly continued to add blood to the ice rain.

“No.” Li Yao said.

“But the stone forest is just going straight. Why should you turn left?” Xia saw that Li Yao was very interested and immediately continued to ask.

Since you have entered under the mother tree, as long as you two do not make mistakes, we can say that it is safe.

With so many branches and here, even these rotten crows dare not impudent. Without the offensive of hiding the sky and covering the earth, don’t you think it is a good opportunity to make things right?

“Good stuff, what?” Bing Yu asked blankly.

“Stupid, this big tree is a faction-level boss, good or not, now he has almost no battle strength, what do you think is the advantage.

The two women look at each other At a glance, there was a hint of excitement in my eyes.

“Didn’t you say that we mainly do tasks? “It’s a faint reminder of what happened just now.

“So now and then, the proposal of learning experience is too nonsense. Simply can’t be realized. If I don’t run, we have to hang up. But this will be different. “Li Yao explained.

A faint Xia wry smile: “This tree is too big, even if you keep cutting it, we can’t kill it.” “

Li Yao gave her a blank look while continuing to attack: “What do you want, cut down the tree, you can’t cut it down even if you are exhausted, this uncle, the trunk diameter is at least a few thousand yards, how to cut it.” “

The two girls are nodded, but they don’t mean to be too surprised. They have even seen the World Tree. That is the real shade of the sky. They even suspect that a big tree can build a city.

“We need to find his core of thought. As long as one core of his thought is destroyed, it will be equivalent to killing a camp-level boss. As for the body of this tree, I am afraid that the world-level leader will not be destroyed. Drop. Especially in the daytime. “Li Yao’s eyes have also turned blue, and he is constantly scanning the big tree while attacking.

They are actually circling the big tree, but the mother tree is too huge to find easily. .

The people outside can’t see the three at all. As time passed, the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared. Although they did not admit it, they actually knew , The three will basically succeed.

It’s just that they are not reconciled to that’s all.

Until half an hour later, the two women have sweated on their foreheads, and they need to move. I need high-intensity operations and I am a little tired.

And Li Yao is still as relaxed as before. Just when the two girls couldn’t help asking, Li Yao finally showed a smile and said : “It was so deep, I finally found it. “

“Where? Xia asked faintly.

Li Yao moved towards a bit above the tree branch and said: “There. “

The two women looked for a while and frowned: “It doesn’t feel different. “

“Haha, if you can see it, what good is my eye.” “Li Yao is also a little excited, this is the current level of the faction-level boss, killing it will definitely explode…

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