“What?” Ling Feng and Li finally found Li Yao’s words, and suddenly said with disdain: “What are you kidding, this kind of dark creature will have better eyesight at night, and it will become violent, unless It’s crazy, otherwise who will fight monsters at night. I said how can you rise to this level, how can you have no common sense. If you don’t know how to play, don’t talk nonsense about it, so as not to kill everyone.”

“Then you quit the team, I won’t be able to pay you back after you quit the team, I’m such an idiot, you still carry it in this team, it’s not good for you to lower your IQ as a smart person.” Li Yao raised an eyebrow .

At first, Li Yao understands this rivalry for love. Later, he became the task leader and he felt uncomfortable to say a few words about Li Yao.

But this is where it is now. I still find fault. Li Yao is not a good-tempered person himself. It is strange that he will get used to him. If he keeps not fighting back, others think he is a fool. Good bully.

“Damn, I’m reasoning with you.” Ling Feng stood up and shouted.

“You said I was stupid. You reasoned with someone you think stupid. I think your IQ is also a clumsy trick. There are two ways, either leave the team or shut up. I I don’t want to hear words now. I said do it. If you dare to say a word, if you don’t retreat, I will kick you.” Li Yao looked directly at Ling Feng and stood: “I said do it.”

Ling Feng stood up and trembled. He originally wanted to quit the team in anger, but after looking at the faint Xia, he thought of the rewarding task. Now that he quit, it is all over. He immediately squeezed the rest of the words in his stomach. .

He also kicked Li Yao before, and he also knew that Li Yao would definitely kick him without the slightest hesitation. He was able to re-enter the team because of the faint Xia pleading and apologizing, next time for sure Not working.

This time Faint Xia is unwilling to continue to intercede, even Bing Yu will not intercede, she would not wait to see this guy.

“Tell me about your reasons, after all, we are a team.” Faint Xia said.

“I was going to say it, I was accused of unfathomable mystery.” Li Yao continued looking towards the distance and said: “I don’t know that monsters are violent at night, dark creatures have better vision at night? But you guys Who knows this kind of dead light mother tree?”

Everyone shook their heads, and said faintly Xia: “Basically, I don’t know much. Although the 1st Step mission is here, I don’t need to go deep. Now at night, I can see it during the day. The ground is full of various tombstones and dead bones. Obviously, I don’t know how many players tried or passed by and were killed. These monsters are too weird. They are like leaves on the tree. We don’t know the top if it’s not for the exploration of ice and rain. There are countless rotten crows. There are still many fallen people who are eager to live. As for this weird tree, there is really nothing to understand.”

“You also said that withered bones, in fact, big Part of the bones were killed by the Dead Light Mother Tree.” Li Yao said.

“What, is this tree alive?” Faint Xia looked at the countless large trees with light green spots, and she couldn’t believe it.

“To be precise, this tree is alive during the day.” Li Yao explained: “Actually, the battle strength of the rotten crow and the fallen during the day is not as good as half of that at night. They are mutual The relationship of dependence. During the day, the mother tree is responsible for guarding the rotten crow, and at night, the rotten crow guards the mother tree.”

“so that’s how it is, really amazing.” The cat continued to ask: “But Why do you think it is appropriate to kill at night?”

“Because this dead tree is very strong, have you seen his thousands of branches, it is full of corrosive toxins, let alone How about their attack power, that’s how they danced and rushed past. Once attacked, their sensitivity will decrease a bit. When they cannot rush past, they will be paralyzed, or be entangled and bound by countless branches, even more how, this guy is For the leader of the Level 40 race, we will not even be paralyzed. And why is it called the mother tree, because he can split many temporary combat individuals, think about it for yourself, only at night when it absorbs the power of the stars, at this time His leaves will also shine, reflecting the stars, but he has also lost the ability to move.”

“Really?” Faint Xia asked earnestly: “Are you sure that the information is accurate?”

“Will the ancient book record of the sanctuary library of the neutral camp be wrong?” Li Yao lightly saying.

Other people look at each other in blank dismay. If it’s what Li Yao said, it’s the kind of dead and no life during the day. Don’t talk about walking, you are under the tree. You can dodge a few branches no matter how strong you move.

Even if the attacks of the race-level leaders were scattered, their crispy professions were more than enough at that moment.

Mt can’t hold back this kind of strange hatred.

“Even so, the rotten crow at night is not easy to break through.” A faint Xia meditatively said: “Well, the rotten crow is a dark creature, which can weaken battle strength during the day, and you two can both learn engineering. If it’s a flash bomb, what’s the effect?”

“Smart, flash bombs are at most blinding to other people. For them, it is a grenade with great lethality, which is flashed to the crow later. At least half your life is lost.” Li Yao said appreciatively.

“Then let’s go back to collect the materials first, and come back tomorrow night?” The kitten frowned. It would take another day to delay, but there was no way. They were all right in the face of being surrounded by the air.

Li Yao waved his hand and said, “No, I have a lot of iron skin. The only thing I lack now is the flash powder, but fortunately, this is not a cold plateau. The climate here is hot, don’t you see Small clusters of Fire Insect, you kill the Fire Insect, collect the flash powder, I will make it.”

Speaking of Li Yao, he directly chose a flat land and took it from the mechanical space. After the copper pipes came out, everyone saw the assembly of Li Yao ka ka, which quickly formed a large shelf, and then Li Yao even hung lanterns on these shelves.

The underside of the shelf was suddenly bright, and then Li Yao took out a simple engineering box, and a simple engineering platform was formed.

Other people are even more stunned. This fuck will do.

“Although your engineering is a bit low and only intermediate, but Flash Bomb can do it. If you can do it together, hurry up.” Li Yao said to Bingyu.

Bing Yu was nodded, sitting on the other side, and the two immediately began to make flash bombs with Li Yao’s materials.

“Don’t be stunned. I will run out of this material in five minutes at most. Hurry up and collect the glitter powder.” Li Yao said suddenly when he saw them standing here in a daze.

Others woke up, and immediately divided into two teams and started hunting Fire Insect.

In this way, they collect flash powder, Li Yao and Bingyu make flash bombs, and each flash bomb is made.

Li Yao is very familiar with the process, this simple thing can be made with closed eyes, so I directly clicked on Qin Fengyi’s live broadcast.

Of course, this is a live broadcast of Xinghuo and Xinghuozi Inner Guild. Xinghuo Group is exploring a small underground ruin, which is very lively…

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