The smiles on everyone’s faces instantly solidified, and the other team members were full of disbelief.

Even the faint smile on Xia’s face was stagnant, Bing Yu’s face did not change, but he gripped the mechanical bow tightly and asked indifferently: “How much do you want? I gave it.”

“Happily, the half-hearted master you found is simply not worth mentioning. Such good materials, if I were to make it, would at least be a top-notch epic purple outfit. This is I didn’t want to change other people’s works, but now it’s broken rules, so I won’t cheat you, fifty gold coins.”


Those members who really drink drink suddenly spit out the wine in their mouths. Your sister really dare to speak.

Ling Feng and Li suddenly said with dissatisfaction: “Are you a robbery? Fifty gold coins are enough to buy several purple outfits.”

“Yes, although It’s about to enter the Level 40 era, but ordinary players can have three to five gold coins, even if they are small local tyrants. Experts, who can have a dozen or twenty gold coins are also big local tyrants. You only have fifty. Gold coins, why don’t you grab them?” The warrior just said coldly: “Yes, it took less than five seconds before and after you remodeled this bow, and you need fifty gold coins. That’s enough.”

Li Yao is still neither too fast nor too slow, and said: “You guys are so funny, how can you grab money like this? However, this job is really worth the money, let’s put it this way, can transform this 35 -There are a lot of Level 40 mechanical bow senior engineers, but these goblins are very greedy and more expensive than what I want, dwarfs, you can’t find them. Don’t mention the master you are looking for, I guess it’s a good engineering master’s assistant That’s it, I’ve learnt for a while, I haven’t learned the essence that’s all.”

“Secondly, you have to know that mechanical hunters must use mechanical crossbows to exert greater strength, and things are rare. Of course, ice If Yu is dissatisfied with the price, I will help you to change it back and make sure it is exactly the same as the original.”

“Fuck, boy, don’t be too arrogant.” Ling Feng stood up and became angry. Not only the price, but also Li Yao’s mouthful of the master he was looking for. It was a fake, which made him very shameless.

“Okay, I paid.” Bing Yu turned his head and looked towards Faint Xia: “Xiaoyou, I don’t have enough gold coins now, lend me fifteen.”

Xia Shenshen glanced at Li Yao, then gave Bingyu fifteen gold coins, and Bingyu directly gave Li Yao a money bag.

“It’s still a cold mushroom.” Li Yao glanced at the mechanical ball on her shoulder and said: “This deformed mechanical pet is also good. The drawing is very good. Unfortunately, it is the same as your mechanical bow. The person who made it is also a half-hearted person. If I read it correctly, this drawing of yours was originally made to change three forms, but now it can only change two. It is a pity that a top grade pet is not only reduced in form, but at least in grade. It’s one or two grades lower and the materials are good. It’s a top grade pet of a senior leader. What a pity.”

Ling Feng’s face became darker, because this mechanical pet was also recommended by him for ice and rain. The master did it.

“Can you change this?” The Bing Yu who had just sat down suddenly stood up again, staring at Li Yao with scorching eyes.

“If you can change it, it can be changed, but you can’t afford the price.” Li Yao shook his head slightly: “Good night, how good an ordinary hunter is. I have to play mechanical hunting. Hunter is not so easy to play, the cost is several times that of other professions.”

“How much.” Bing Yu asked.

Li Yao thought for a while and said, “It’s not expensive. You give me a thousand gold coins for the modification fee. I will spend one night to help you modify it, and ensure that you will be promoted from a junior leader to a senior leader after the transformation.” /p>

The others were all sucked in a breath of cold air, looking at Li Yao like an idiot.

“How about credit points.” Bingyu expression is still faint.

“I only want gold coins.” Li Yao not at all cheated her and wasted one night, not to mention other things, just one night is enough.

“Well, I will buy gold coins after completing this mission.” Bingyu stared at Li Yao: “I hope what you said is true, otherwise…”

Li Yao shook his head slightly and did not answer the conversation. Instead, he said, “Well, now I can share the task for me.”

“This is natural.” Instead, Xia put down a stone in her faint heart. At least this stalker has real materials.

“I also have a request. If you agree, it will be negotiated.” Li Yao said after receiving the sharing task.

“Talk about it.” Xia said faintly.

“During the mission, I don’t care about equipment and so on, but the engineering drawings belong to me.” Li Yao said.

“This isn’t…”

Ling Fengli interrupted the faint Xia and said, “You are only hired, and you want to spoils of war. Think too much.” “

Li Yao slowly poured himself a cup of hot apple cider, lightly saying: “Your task is to crack an at least advanced engineering lock. I kindly remind you to unlock the engineering lock. The basic condition of the project is that you need the corresponding engineering proficiency, but the more important thing is knowledge. Only advanced engineering is useless, otherwise you will not find me.”

“Of course, if you are If you think you can find something more suitable than me, you can also go find it.”

Ling Feng was shaking all over, but the faint Xia raised his hand to stop him from speaking: “Okay, then I will say it again. If you complete this task, in addition to the corresponding reward, I will pay you one hundred gold coins. If this is a main task, then I will not pay a commission. Of course, during the task, all the engineering drawings belong to you.”

Seeing Li Yao nodded, the faint Xia said: “Then we will set out now and explain your mission to you while walking.”

Everyone came out of the tavern immediately, and then To the teleportation point of Camp Rogge.

There is a very convenient thing in Neutral Continent, and that is Transmission Array, but there are too many monsters in Neutral Continent, and very few people use Transmission Array.

Moreover, this Transmission Array method has also disappeared. Now the Transmission Array all over the neutral continents are the relics of ancient civilizations.

Everyone, when they came out of Transmission Array, they already appeared in a place with white snow.

This is the icy plateau radiated near Camp Rogge.

Here is snow all year round, cold wind whistling, few players will come here to upgrade.

Everyone drank a bottle of anti-drought medicine, but they were still shivering with the cold. They kept taking care of it. It was really cold, not just an environment like in other games.

Li Yao put on his hood and finally warmed up. He was originally resistant, plus the enchantress and cloak to keep him warm.

“This time we are going to face a very difficult boss named Bi Xu Bosu. It should be a kind of mutant sinking demon, terrifying, but our main goal is not to kill Him.”…

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