Entering the stronghold, several tanks fired instantly, and the shells passed the meat shield in front of the players and exploded directly in the opponent’s crispy skin, causing immediate casualties.

“Fire Dragon car, unfold, fire.”

Following the demon’s order, several Fire Dragon cars in the front all around suddenly spewed out one after another strong The flames of the Qiming Guild’s tanks burned directly, their blood volume dropped crazily, and the healers were quickly burned to death if their blood boosting skills simply could not be added.

The dazzling fire light immediately cleared the obstacles ahead, and the Fire Dragon car sprayed hot flames, opening the way for the members of Xinghuo.

Although the Qiming Guild had been prepared for a long time, they simply did not expect their city gate to be breached so quickly, even if they had been prepared for scheduling, it was difficult to be comprehensive.

“This is the killing move Fire Dragon of those damn kobolds. The kobolds were really destroyed by the spark.”

Because they are close to the kobold stronghold, they know too well Kobold’s tricks, they have also seen the power of Fire Dragon cars.

The Fire Dragon car takes the lead, and it is directly a scorched corpse, and the Fire Dragon car is extremely strong and basically difficult to destroy. If it were not for a small number, those kobolds would be directly invincible.

During the daytime battle, they saw the defense lines of four or five guilds broken by the opponent’s Fire Dragon vehicle, including two powerful alien guilds.

It is this kind of record that makes the surrounding guilds dare not easily provoke kobolds, and it is for this reason that kobolds are so careless.

Of course they wanted to destroy the kobolds here, but it was precisely because of the mine array that the kobolds had to give up. But if it was a real battle, the Enlightened Guild would have no confidence at all.

So, Xinghuo began to say that they killed the kobolds. Although they didn’t really believe it, they had to believe now that they saw the kobold’s Fire Dragon car actually got into Xinghuo’s hands.

“The ice attribute mage, ice attribute, withstands the magic.” Guangyao Qiming saw the tank and Fire Dragon flash in his eyes with helplessness.

Whether it is a tank or a Fire Dragon vehicle, the blood volume and defense are very strong. It is too difficult to normally rely on ordinary damage to destroy, and it requires special props or skills.

For example, Li Yao’s Dragon Roar skill, unfortunately, this skill is too few, at least not in their guild.

The ice attribute magic can only slow down the speed of the two machines, but it cannot really restrain the two machines.

The core group of Starfire is on the body of the Hell War Scorpion, so there is no need to worry about damage, so that their formation simply can’t play a corresponding role. Li Yao can kill everything in seconds. Now, plus the core of Starfire The collective firepower of the regiment is enough to break a line.

Several pets of Li Yao can also break through a battle line. The four battle lines of tanks, Fire Dragon vehicles, Hell Scorpion and Li Yao’s pets allow Spark to directly enter the formation of the Enlightened Guild.

The appearance of the blood slaves also made Qiming Guild confused.

The vampires have also integrated into the formation of Spark, constantly turning the bloody Enlightenment Guild players into blood slaves, and let the Enlightenment Guild not know what the situation is.

“It’s just one-sided, there is no suspense in this scene.” A commentator sighed.

Other explanations were silent, and the strength of Xinghuo was still expanding like a snowball. As the number of blood slaves increased, Xinghuo’s battle strength became stronger.

“Xinghuo, this time Qiming has accepted it.” Guangyao Qiming saw that there were fewer and fewer members around him, and knew that he was already powerless.

In fact, she had this hunch when the local thunder formation was broken without damage, but she met Demon Ji, an old friend who is both a friend and an opponent, and wanted to fight.

“This time is not a fair battle, but this is a battlefield, not a game, there is no fairness at all. There is only one victor in the war. Even if we don’t make a move, we will still be our opponent in the end.” Peerless Monster Ji said.

“Well said, there is only one victory in this war.” Guangyao Qiming saw more and more blood slaves continue to say: “I think I finally understand your plan, although others have always Say I am a crazy person, but only by looking at the current sparks can I know what madness is. Your hearts are too big. Be careful to sink the sand.”

Peerless Demon Ji smiled and said: “Don’t try How do you know the result? Why do you have to play according to the established rules? That’s boring.”

“Then I will wait and see.” Guangyao Qiming shook her head slightly, she also tried her best. Even using his last hole cards, the result was only to kill some blood slaves and a small number of Starfire players. The impact was simply not big, and they could all be resurrected after the war. At this time, there were too many accidents. They had tried their best and even destroyed two alien guilds, but they did not expect to stop here.

This battle also lasted for nearly an hour. The Fire Dragon car was too effective. It rushed all the way and constantly chaosed the opponent’s formation, which was the key factor in the collapse of the Qiming Guild.

Then Xinghuo rested again, and also took away what was needed, and dismantled what was not needed.

Then took advantage of the night and attacked the third goal. Actually, there was no suspense. After annihilating the Qiming Guild, Xinghuo’s combat units had broken 8,000.

The combat units of each guild are basically under four thousand, or even around three thousand.

The third goal is not even a stronghold. It is to set up camp directly. Their exploration is very special. They discovered Xinghuo early and were fully prepared.

However, under the suppression of the Fire Dragon car and the absolute number, the third guild did not persist for more than an hour.

The flames of battle continue to burn in the dark, and the twenty strongest guilds that have survived have all become scary birds, but it is too dark, and no one dared to leave the place where they were stationed. Only secretly guarded.

It was in this form that Starfire destroyed the sixth guild before dawn, and there were fewer than fifteen guilds alive.

The battle units of Xinghuo have spread into a large army, and the number has soared to 20,000.

As the sky shone, a line of system hint appeared in front of everyone.

“system, the last day of the battle is coming. In order to speed up the progress, all existing guilds will be known to other guilds.”

Then everyone found that the map appeared red. Half dots or circles, these signs also indicate the number.

There are only six guilds with battle strength and Xinghuo left. In the chaos of last night, Xinghuo was not the only guild so bold.

As for the guilds that survived sporadically, and even a few or even one-person guilds, they also exposed their positions.

Obviously, the system is the reporting location. Simply don’t give those guilds with one or a few people a chance to fish in troubled water. Because of the notification, today’s battle will be even more crazy…

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