“People with many life-saving skills entangled the prairie prairie, others don’t care about him, try to rush in.”

On the city wall, they saw the ships of Spark. They are still on the shore. at all a real retreat.

And they also discovered that it is really difficult to kill the current Li Yao.

It’s not that Li Yao’s attributes are so immortal after turning into a warlord, but Li Yao’s blood-sucking too terrifying, and they are at most the rank of major, their control skills are basically It is invalid for Li Yao.

It can only weakly repel Li Yao, but it basically has no practical significance.

Li Yao’s pets are even more terrifying. The spider tank simply can’t move, but the huge body of the spider tank directly crushes them.

How is the strength of the Black Dragon Queen? Simply needless to say, the third-tier world-class boss, plus the blessing of strong Power of Earth, but the attribute is definitely the first third-tier today, no one And the powerful creatures can surpass her at this stage.

Needless to say, Fire Eagle unscrupulously releases various spells in the sky.

Death God Four Thousand is now also a huge shell with formidable power, one shot can strike a group of people, and the formidable power of the shell is amazing.

Now the four-headed Hydra is even the turret in the fort, and his surroundings are almost an exquisite territory. His level of comfort is not weaker than that of the Black Dragon Queen.

Equivalent to a mage of four elements, and can release the magic of four elements at the same time. The super mage is constantly pouring violent magic.

The bones below are even more outrageous. These are the bones that their teammates died and become super-enhanced versions of their teammates. What is even more exaggerated is that they formed the player’s formation. The attribute is absolutely crushed. In the case of pressure, the players’ attacks basically cannot cause too much pressure on them.

It can be said that if Li Yao is willing, he alone can keep half of the city wall guarded.

The fighting has entered a state of madness. The coalition’s guild has paid a heavy price and time. Now that victory is in sight, casualties and costs are completely ignored.

They have lost everything, only to kill more Spark members to recover their losses as much as possible.

The audience also clearly knows that their reputation retreats, and advancement may become the first, retreat, with their current half-handicapped status, they are equivalent to disqualified.

“Want to pass, impossible.”

All Li Yao’s pets began to retreat, and Li Yao directly threw a sickle.

Then the scene that made all the coalition vomit blood and shocked the audience appeared.

The sickle cut directly into the stone wall that seemed to be extremely solid and tightly connected to the city gate, not at all sparks from the starting point as people imagined.

The sickle plunged directly into the stone and then recirculated to Li Yao’s side, and then the seemingly strong stone wall crashed to the ground.

For an instant, everyone seemed to be petrified, staring blankly at the stone wall transformed into a pile of white powder.

“This is impossible, what is this.” The human demon warlock roared, he thought of a probability, and his face suddenly became even more ugly.

The bones passed through the city gate and returned to the inside of the stronghold like a tide.

Li Yao and his pets also stepped back a long distance, and actually reached the inside of the stronghold.

“I have always been a kind person. It seems that you are very puzzled. Then I will kindly explain to you. In fact, this stone wall is only made of some kind of fragile material, let alone A siege vehicle is just a warrior player who can make this stone wall turn into dust.”

Hearing Li Yao’s explanation, the audience directly laughed. And all the players of the coalition army were completely dark.

Everyone remembered the surprise and excitement that they had when they broke through the city gate, and how desperate they were when they saw the stone wall.

Everyone thought they simply had an oolong. Now it seems that the biggest oolong was not at that time, but now.

The reality is that they breached the city gate, and they only need to try to attack the so-called stone wall for a long time. As a result, they didn’t even try and decided that it was a dead end based on the judgment of the supervisor. Nowhere.

The coalition players have no expressions on their faces. They feel that their IQ has been insulted, and they are filled with indignation.

It’s too much, it’s too much, killing people but nodding their heads, is it fun to play tricks like this?

The audience laughed forward and backward. They really don’t know how to describe the mood at the moment. You can feel the indignation in the hearts of those coalition players across the screen. Don’t be too embarrassed.

The commentators were also speechless one by one, I don’t know how to say, they all looked at Qin Fengyi strangely, Qin Fengyi also smiled bitterly, she really didn’t know this situation.

“Grandchildren, are you desperate? Don’t look at me like this. It’s really disappointing that you are besieging Spark with your IQ. I gave you a chance, but you didn’t know it. Don’t blame me.” Li Yao’s soul returned to the body and said with tsk tsk: “Seeing your grief and indignation look like a resentful woman, it must be like killing me, then come, I’m here, Kamuang Beibi. “


The coalition players are going crazy, don’t be so annoying.

“Kill this tortoise grandson!”

I don’t know who shouted, the players rushed to Li Yao frantically, and Li Yao jumped directly onto the ship this time, and then The Death God soul appeared again, and then returned to the formation again.

At this moment Li Yao and all his summon creatures are already by his side.

The chains beside Li Yao are floating, and Death God’s Scythe behind him is constantly trembling, repeatedly eager to continue the fierce fighting and drinking blood.

“Don’t worry, I still have pets and no summon.”

With Li Yao’s words, the artillery and Hundred Crossbows on the city wall and the players’ corpses suddenly trembled , And then formed a huge puppet.

In all the stunned people, eighteen huge puppets hōng lóng lóng jumped off the city wall. The earth trembled.

“I am in Death God state anyway, equivalent to the advanced version of Necromancer, and there is no dead Spirit Pet thing to think about.”


The coalition forces are already crazy. They have crazy output of Li Yao. Except for those who contain other pets, almost most of the firepower is poured on Li Yao’s body. The densely packed spell almost drowns Li Yao’s whole person.

Li Yao didn’t go deep into the player group anymore. The Death God’s Scythe reached out into four small sickles. The four small sickles revolved like death flywheels, harvesting the lives of the players.

Although Li Yao’s blood volume is high and the blood sucking is fierce, the players now simply don’t listen to those commands and want to kill Li Yao. Li Yao’s blood volume has finally begun to drop continuously. This stimulates the player’s nerves and attacks Li Yao crazily…

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