In fact, Li Yao’s single calculation is very simple, that is, it is enough to guide Waner 8,000 harpy, after all, they are all level 50 monsters.

Too many words are also a huge challenge for him, but he has a plan in his heart. After all, he can be resurrected once. If it is dead, he can summon the Black Dragon after resurrection and fly directly to lead him.

However, it is basically impossible now. If the Black Dragon is in full bloom, this little battle is simply not and so on for her.

However, the Black Dragon Queen is only a Tier 3 body. Although the realm is closest to Demi-God and is the leader of the world class, it is Tier 3 after all, which is far from Tier 5 Up.

The Black Dragon Queen got the opponent’s Divine Idol, which can be said to be irreconcilable, and she didn’t want to throw it away when she saw Divine Idol’s attribute Li Yao.

The audience was also shocked. There are at least forty to fifty thousand in this group. And there are more harpies roaring in their own territory.

You must know that it is not easy for a harpy to reproduce offspring. The harpy is only female and must capture males of other races to forcibly mate in order to reproduce.

But the prey is not always encountered. Li Yao not only destroyed many of their offspring, but also ran away their spirit Totem.

You must know that worshipping a Totem and making Totem Divine Idol produce divinity requires a very distant era. Their tribe Divine Idol has been worshipped for thousands of years before they have become legendary qualities. .

Moreover, with Totem shrouded, their strength will be improved to a greater level.

Now Totem is gone. Except for the left-behind tribes, all the harpies they can dispatch Dispatched.

The audience was stunned. There were too many harpymen, and they were simply covering the sky. In their opinion, Li Yao was completely finished.

Many people didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Many people also take pleasure in other people’s misfortune. They all know that Black Dragon cannot be completely controlled yet.

More importantly, Liaoyuan is probably going to be finished. You must know that Liaoyuan has always been known for its unparalleled technology. If it fails this time, although it will not be a problem, the invincible image of Liaoyuan will definitely be hit.

Li Yao has also lost money this time. He basically used all the acceleration methods he used. He also kept changing the shape of bows and arrows while running. He quickly gained Various skills and buffs, and some buffs increase attack speed.

Li Yao’s movement speed was a bit lacking, but after the buff, Li Yao’s speed has finally increased a bit, and finally he can maintain a relatively balanced state with the harpy.

But Li Yao didn’t mean to take it lightly. Even though the speed is stable now, the harpy at the forefront can already attack him.

“Damn it, go back and take you again.” Li Yao felt fierce towards the Black Dragon queen. To this point, he didn’t give up when he wanted to.

Li Yao knows that the most dangerous time is coming. He has no confidence in whether he can kite in the past.

The harpy’s skills, Xiao Xuanfeng, Lightning Ball and Lightning Bolt, are spells that they can release during flight.

Li Yao saw a large spell covering it.

Zila la…

Slap, slap, slap…

“It’s over this time.”

“Sure It’s over, such a dense spell.”

“There is no solution. They are all monster spells above level 50. It will take seconds after being attacked.”

“terrifying, this Ci Liaoyuan has played off.”

“Deserve it, this guy has always felt like he is so awesome, now he has hit the iron plate.”

“hehe, if Liaoyuan can persist One minute I live live and eat Xiang Xiang.”

“Mao, don’t say one minute, I will eat Xiang Xiang if you insist on ten seconds.”

“Eat together.”

“Eat together.”

The audience ridiculed, basically not seeing Li Yao.

Qin Fengyi also showed a worried expression on his face, and other anchors were not optimistic that Li Yao could continue.

“It’s a pity, there is only one trick. Since Liaoyuan did not subdue the Black Dragon, why should summon come out.”

“Yes, this plan was extremely dangerous. even more how Now, Xinghuo, this battle is difficult.”

“Well, with the Totem Divine Idol of the Harpy, Liaoyuan probably won’t be able to return to the camp.”

“The main reason is that Liaoyuan is too self-confident in himself, and the technology is fortunate and exhausted. After all, it is not immortal.”

“Yes, it’s no help, whoever comes, uh…”

The commentators are feeling emotional, thinking that Li Yao will die, but as the picture continues, all their voices disappeared, even the barrage disappeared, everyone stared blankly at the live broadcast.

Because they saw Li Yao suddenly stumbled, as if drunk.

At first they thought that Li Yao was panicking. Bi Jing’s attack was too much. It was even harder for anyone to face the attack, and the attack was still behind him, which made it more difficult to avoid.

However, Li Yao, who stumbled in the eyes of the audience, did not encounter a spell, and the scene became extremely weird. Although Li Yao looked like a drunkard.

But if you look at it for yourself, the speed has not slowed down at all, and he can always step into the gap of spell, as if he has eyes behind his back.

At the same time, they also discovered that the Thousand Chance Bow in Li Yao’s hand is still constantly changing shape, and the arrow can always be shot from a strange angle to hit the harpy in the sky.

Although Li Yao’s attack does not cause much damage to level 50 harpies, it can always interrupt some harpies’ spells and knock them back.

Originally they thought that Li Yao’s state simply could not last long, but ten seconds passed, one minute passed, 3 minutes passed, five minutes passed, Li Yao still looks like a drunkard Normally, but Li Yao still was not hit by a spell.

And Li Yao didn’t run too close in a few minutes.

The picture is really weird, until five minutes later, the audience still didn’t want to believe their eyes.

At this moment, Li Yao has entered a weird state. His spirit strength is constantly simulating and checking his next move. Every second, Li Yao’s mind has a group of complex pictures, and each picture is the result of his selling one step.

If his spirit strength had not undergone a qualitative change, he would simply not be able to achieve the current state. His brain seems to have become a super intelligent brain, and it is still more creative and judgmental. Li Yao didn’t know. In his current state, if a spirit strength fails, it is estimated that he will become an idiot in a matter of seconds.

But he has no other thoughts now. In his heart, he can only live.

Also, Li Yao didn’t just escape, and his attacks didn’t stop. However, the frequency of his attacks was not very fast. He just changed the shape and the shape of the arrow once and attacked once. But even so, he The frequency of attacks is also maintained at once every second.

And his target is the harpy in the sky diagonally behind…

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