The face of the president of the Earl Guild flashed with despair for an instant, and he knew that he had miscalculated in the end.

I was too confident, I felt that with no difficulty broke through the two guilds, and those captured naturally expanded.

So although he thought that he would have oriole spying on him first, he was too confident and felt that he could win the spark before others could react, so that the Earl guild would have a deeper foundation. , In the end, there is hope to be the first.

However, the reality is that they didn’t touch the city wall, and they were shattered by the close cooperation of an army and fierce artillery fire.

Now there is no chance to escape.

It’s just that he still has hope in his heart. They stopped charging, and more than a thousand people gathered together to form a simple formation.

And Xinghuo also seized this time to quickly rest and adjust. Everyone knows that the battle just now was just a warm-up, and then the real battle, even the endless battle.

Because there are still two days before the end of the game, the members of Spark have already prepared for the battle for two consecutive days. These members have come to the guild of Spark before the 2nd Stage battle.

For this battle, everyone has entered the nutrition warehouse. The nutrition warehouse is prepared for this situation. Otherwise, it is generally not allowed to use it and must be approved by the system.

For example, such large-scale activities or competition talents.

The location of Xinghuo turned out to be a station specially built by the original guild of Demon Fairy. Like a local tyrant like Demon Fairy, the owner of simply not bad money, for this base does not know how much money was spent, but now it is cheaper. spark.

Soon, three guilds rushed over side by side, two guilds from alien players, and one guild from the bright camp.

One of the alien guilds is Old Acquaintance, which is the two-headed guild that eats Human Demon, the wild chisel guild of jackals, and the bright and eternal dark guild.

Every guild is not someone who is easy to deal with, especially the guilds that eat Human Demon, most of them are two-headed Human Demon, huge in size.

For eating Human Demon, the players of the ancient gods are not unfamiliar. They are strong and powerful, with strong life force, and have more health and healing ability than ordinary players, and if you have two heads Or a double-break career.

What’s even more terrifying is that you can get two elite professions, which is unmatched by humans, races and players.

After all, other players can only choose one elite class, but the other player can choose two. This alone makes many players jealous.

Some people even entangled a large number of players to wait and see complaints, thinking that this is a bag, but the official answer is very clear.

The planet where Food Human Demon is located, Human Demon itself has two heads, two minds, and two professions, making many players envy and hate. Some players even clamored for the official release of the Human Demon race.

The official didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. It can’t be used for one mind or two purposes. It also opens up Human Demon. In case of schizophrenia, it will be troublesome. The mastermind of the ancient gods is too weird. Now, they dare not take risks.

So, the battle strength of Human Demon is also a very Peak race among all players.

As for the jackals, they are fast, disciplined, and able to be violent. Even if they are not equipped with the equipment and armor of the whole body, they have high defensive power, and they are also a perverted race.

The jackals in the ancient gods have been incapable of doing things because of their low intelligence, but although these jackal players are not very good at their brains, they are not much worse than humans. The reason for maintaining the state of a primordial society is that it is similar to other races and lacks creative thinking.

Of course, people’s fighting will and consciousness are not comparable to humans.

“Everyone, you are here just right. Our guild has tested the way of fighting Spark, just in time we can unite to take down Spark.” The president of the Earl Guild saw three guilds blocking theirs. The way to go, suddenly said loudly.

The bright and dark president said with a smile: “Oh, join forces to attack?”

“Yes, Spark is very strong, and people with our experience will definitely be able to do it together Take the Spark.” The president of the Earl Guild said.

“The facilities are good.” The two-headed Human Demon warlock looked at the siege equipment of Guild Earl.

The guild leader of the wild beast stared at the leader of the Earl guild like a wild beast and said: “United, okay, now you are the forwards of our coalition forces and dispatch.”

The Earl guild president face changed: “Your Excellency, do you want our guild people to be cannon fodder?”

“How fresh, you guys, besides being cannon fodder, what value do you have.” Another expression of mockery in the eyes of the other warlock eating Human Demon.

“Damn, this is what you call cooperation?” Guild President Earl sneered: “Are we really soft persimmons? Don’t force us either the fish dies or the net splits.”

“I want to see, how do you either the fish dies or the net splits.” The cold light flashes in the eyes of the two-headed Human Demon warlock: “Destroy them together.”

The words of the Warlock Eater Human Demon, the Eater Human Demon launched a charge, and the Jackals and the humans also launched attacks.

As a result, simply don’t think about it. The three guilds will have one, and it’s still the one that was beaten.

Without the protection of melee combat, this bit of their people is like paper, a charge that directly breaks up their formation.

The Earl guild frantically smashed the siege equipment as revenge, but the Three Great Guilds is really too strong, it is simply too easy to kill the crispy skin.

“The battle strength of these guys is very strong.” Yao Ji’s face became serious. Now Qin Ying is also nervous. After all, the alien players are better than them. That is an indisputable fact.

Li Yao said: “Prepare to fight hard. I said to get my revenge. That lizard man is impossible to come. They are already lurking in the river.”

face changed: “I don’t know the defense of the water village.”

Li Yao nodded: “Don’t be so nervous, there are multi-headed snakes and big monsters in the water and other hole cards. They want to attack. It’s so weak and easy, but there will be a steady stream of guilds coming here from the land side, I have to make other preparations.”

Sister Li eyes shined: “Are you trying to attract blame?”

Li Yao’s Guaigui is also considered a must, many Li Yao’s Guaigui videos.

For example, Li Yao led more than 10,000 murloc Legion. Many hunters have tried it, but they basically died miserably.

“The minimum level of monster here is also Level 40, don’t make trouble.” Yao Ji shook her head: “You can kill a lot of people in the camp. If you leave by yourself, if you die, there is no way to rescue. “

Level 40 monsters will attract a lot of them. This is not a joke, let alone the elite monsters, even ordinary monsters, Li Yao, will be killed in seconds. It is too dangerous.

“Don’t worry, I know it in my heart.” Li Yao looked at the Earl guild players who were about to be wiped out: “If we don’t spread the pressure like this, we can’t hold on for too long.”…

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