“There is a situation.” Li Yao shouted directly on the Legion channel.

It is already late at night, and it will be the darkest period of time when it is about to dawn.

The ordinary players who participated in the Xinghuo battle experienced a day of adjustments and drills during the day, and started their respective activities at night, just like holding a bonfire party.

They even organized a competition, and each took out their own Haodingxi as prizes.

At this stage, there are few upgrades at night, basically there are one or two hobby.

What Hearthstone Heroes, Gwent cards, and of course Pet Brawl, the ancient gods even launched the so-called pet Underground City.

You can form your own small pet team or even a team to brush a copy. This kind of copy is not only for the small pets, but also the player can gain a lot of experience. It can also kill the corresponding boss. Obtain equipment items.

The corresponding pet battle can no longer satisfy them, and the copy competition has become the most interesting competition for the little pets.

Hitomi Hitomi is an expert in this area. He organized this game and had a great time playing.

This kind of activity that can cultivate little pets and gain experience and equipment is most sought after by players. Even the two card games can also get a lot of achievements. Completing the corresponding achievements can get corresponding rewards. And title.

For example, with cards, you will get the corresponding mounts for 10,000 victories. Hearthstone Warhorses and Gwent mounts will exchange cards. I don’t know how many players play hard to get this.

One night of madness, it made the audience speechless to the extreme.

People are all fighting to earn military merit. There is no movement at Xinghuo, and your sister is entertained.

But in the middle of the night, Sister Li let everyone rest, conserve strength and store up energy, Sister Li and them all felt that the battle was approaching.

Following Li Yao’s words, all the Starfire players who fell asleep suddenly woke up, and then began to quickly take their place.

“Demon Ji, it’s up to you.” Li Yao said.

The reason why Demon Ji is a commander is because Demon Ji is best at one-on-one combat. Although she can come and go freely in Legion, in Legion, she wants to kill opponents in a row. Basic difficulty.

Sister Li is a powerful output, or a wide range. And Li Yao is even a cavalry, if it is placed in the command position, it is not impossible, but this is too wasteful.

Li Yao’s state is more suitable for being alone or charging forward.

“After a day of free time, I can finally move around.” Peerless Demon Fairy stood on the city wall and said loudly: “Tell me to order, all hunters, release the flare.”

Following the words of the enchantress, all hunters bend bow and place arrow, and then one after another dazzling rays of light rushed into the sky.

The entire camp was illuminated, and the otherwise silent live broadcast suddenly boiled.

At this time, basically all guilds were resting. Fighting finally broke out on Xinghuo, which made many viewers full of expectations.

As a large number of flares lifted off, the entire stronghold was illuminated by flares.

Then the magicians were casting their magic, and huge braziers burned. The whole stronghold was reflected like daylight, but this was only inside the stronghold, and the city wall was still dark.

Next, many stealth thieves who didn’t know how to sneak into the stronghold were found inside the Spark stronghold.

Simply don’t need to say anything from the enchantress, a large number of attacks drowned these thieves.

“The tank group is on the city wall, and the ice group is on the city wall, arrayed.” Peerless Demon Ji continued: “The artillery group is ready.”

If you come to the enemy: “Damn it, has been discovered. In this case, raise the flag.” Sister Li saw the other party’s shining rays of light banner and said: “Earl Guild, the Guild from the European Region , The feature is that he is good at lightning siege warfare. It broke through two strongholds in one day. One of them belongs to a super guild. It has a ladder and a special magic shield. It can protect the ladder and the player when climbing the ladder. Great power damage.”

The demon girl said little by little, “In this case, don’t give them a chance to board the city wall. They can be destroyed remotely. Hundred hunting crossbows are also ready,” Don’t let them board the city wall.”

When Earl’s guild saw that they were discovered, they started to attack.

But they were greeted by artillery, and the night sky was awakened by the roar of artillery. Many guilds that had fallen asleep suddenly awakened and looked at the light from far away.

Everyone knows that only Xinghuo can have artillery, which shows that finally someone can’t help but start with Xinghuo.

In fact, many wise guilds think that ignore Spark Guild is the best way to deal with it. Spark is clearly arranged for defense.

If there is no guild to take care of the Starfire Guild, then Xinghuo will inevitably be unable to help it come out, and out of the stronghold, Xinghuo will not be afraid.

As many people know, this is a fantasy that’s all. Xinghuo has too many military merits. As long as Xinghuo is extinguished and those things captured by Xinghuo, both military merit and strength will be greatly increased.

In the beginning, it was deterred or deterred by sparks, but as the day passed, many guilds continued to win, which also strengthened their confidence.

For this Earl guild, they didn’t have the courage at first. At first, they chose a large guild, but they easily destroyed the other party.

Then they set their target on a large guild, which was also destroyed by them.

This made their confidence suddenly burst. After all, they have gained a lot of military merit by capturing strongholds, and the big cake of Spark naturally entered their eyes.

The leaders of the guild screamed damn it, and more guilds couldn’t help it.

The darkest hour of dawn became boiling.

Boom, boom, boom, Bang…

one after another flew out with a cannonball with flame tail and landed on the guild’s shock formation.

These shells were not the kind that killed a few people as Guild Earl thought, but burst directly after landing.

Like the fire element mage’s resistance halo bursting shock, one after another flame shock wave spreads.

The audience saw that as the flame burst, lighting up the surroundings, each player was impacted and flew out like rag bags.

The blood volume is even the one that is emptied in an instant, with white light flickering.

“Damn it, this is not a solid bullet for ships, but a burst bullet for large-scale damage.” The commander of the Earl Guild became red.

Because neither the crispy skin nor the tank can block a blow from the artillery, even many people with practical invincible skills were directly killed. This shows that the damage of this artillery shell exceeded their limit.

“Disperse, disperse!”

But the scope of the city wall is so large, and how much can be dispersed.

The artillery continued to roar, and the Earl Guild carrying the ladder still suffered heavy losses. It fell to the ground when it was a long way from the city wall.

When they got closer, they were greeted by the blizzard of the Ice Magicians, and their sensitivity was reduced to the extreme…

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