Seeing Xinghuo aggressively rushing over, everyone was stunned. This fuck, who was besieged?

“Fuck.” Sheng Shi Kuang’s face turned green: “Find a way to escape.”

But their fleet is too dense to prevent Spark from escaping, except for the front and the rear. There are densely packed ships on the left and right sides. Avoid, how to hide.

Hard resistance is not enough. Just look at the two combined fleets that have been broken up. You can see that they are several times more than their own enemies, without fear. Forcibly’s battleship drove the opponent into the water without damage.

The ships of Shengshi also chose the assault boats of trolls. Although they had hole cards, they didn’t use any hole cards when they saw the magic shield on the Spark ships.

“Steel essence, iron battleship, aren’t you strong in battleship? Quickly go out to stop them. As long as you hold it for a while, Xinghuo will be besieged by us.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao shouted in the president channel .

The faces of the members who use the goblin boats next to them are all green, rushing at your sister, didn’t they come at us, isn’t this courting death when we go up, fools will listen. Rolled the eyes one after another, looking at the fleet of flourishing age with contempt.

The guild leader even said: “Sorry, in addition to the goblin’s battleship, you also know that the goblin’s technology is notoriously unreliable, but I don’t care. We stepped up to troubleshoot. The brothers of Shengshi will hold on first, and we will immediately fix it and form an encirclement, and we will defeat the spark together.”

The face of Shengshi’s mad and less angry is black, and the ghost believes that something is wrong now, this your sister.

“What to do.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao’s face changed wildly.

The Beast Whisperer’s complexion is also unsightly. He reminded from the beginning that Sheng Shi and Xinghuo hate too much, Sheng Shi does not need to be the first bird, and should keep a low profile before forming a siege.

As a result, the prosperous world doesn’t listen. With so many fleets, there is no need to be afraid of a spark.

Now, instead of being afraid, people want to hold back the flourishing age.

Let’s not talk about whether this battle can be won or not, even if it is won, the Flourishing World will be eliminated. What’s the point?

I didn’t listen to any advice just now, but now I’m asking what to do, how can I know what to do?

The beast whisperer is disgusting, in fact, the young man in the flourishing age is not stupid, but this guy is too easy to get lost, he is really a headache.

He suddenly remembered that he and Liaoyuan had an enmity because Sheng Shi Kuang Shao besieged his younger sister.

As a result, they made their heads stronger, but were directly destroyed by the group, and then the hatred grew deeper and deeper, and then their eyes extended between the guild and the guild.

He has made up his mind that after this mission, he will never be with Sheng Shi Kuang Shao again. It is too disturbing.

“Try to save our ships, as long as there is one third or more left, we have a chance.” The Beast Whisperer said painfully on the team channel: “The ships on both sides should look for opportunities not to rush too far.”

With the ability to speak, the Starfire fleet with the intermediate battleship as the arrow rushed over.

In the eyes of countless people, the Xinghuo United Fleet plunged into the flourishing fleet.

Just like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, these assault boats are directly broken and simply cannot stop the battleship of Spark.

The audience knew very well that Xinghuo’s fleet had directly tore through a huge hole and got into the fleet of Glory World.

Shengshi’s ships broke and shattered one after another, and the players of Shengshi dived in anger.

They also saw the original battle. Blocking the galloping battleship is like mantis trying to stop a chariot.

“Turn the rudder, adjust the angle, and end the formation.” Following the command of the guard officer, the Spark united fleet that charged and opened the opponent’s front formed a circular battle line.

Most of the other guild battleships are within the circle.

Sheng Shi Kuang rarely saw the collision this time. More than half of the ships disappeared like this, their eyes were red, and roar loudly said: “What are you waiting for, now the Spark Joint Fleet cannot move. They will pile up too.”

The battle finally really started at this moment, and the surrounding ships began to approach the battleship of Xinghuo.

The artillery of the Starfire battleship also began to roar frantically, and the battleship ships fell in the fire.

The three allies of Xinghuo are not vegetarians either. One guild installed a trebuchet, one got good kerosene, and Qionghua got a continuous fire crossbow.

The battleship that rushed up sank one after another under the combined blow of the three guilds, and the magical shield of Spark opened in an instant.

Countless rockets and explosives dropping from the sky, the magic shield of the Spark battleship has ripples.

But the other two guilds were not so lucky. Their ships one after another sank one after another, and there were too many ships and players on the other side.

There are 20,000 players on Spark’s side, and the opponents add up to ten times more than them.

Although they can’t attack them at the same time, there are many more people than them, and they are endless.

This kind of artillery fire and close war lasted for half an hour. There were already countless players scolding the streets in the sea all around the Spark Front, and there were ship wrecks with flames and smoke everywhere.

“No, they have too many people. Now they are close to us by the number of people. It is possible that it will be a port battle soon. Our ship has lost more than half of it.” momentaneous splendor ugly complexion.

In fact, most of the personnel of several other allies have been transferred to the battleship of Spark, including momentaneous splendor.

The Peerless Demon Fairy kept giving orders one by one, and the core veterans of Xinghuo were scattered to the ships and were responsible for commanding the battle on the deck.

The opponent has too many players, various wings and displacement skills are emerging one after another, and the deck battle was once very fierce.

“Evil girl, take out our hole cards.” Li Yao laughed: “There is no need to keep it. Isn’t it money? I don’t have anything else. It’s just a lot of money. At worst, I will go back. Find a way to get tens of thousands of gold coins.” Sister Li opened her mouth, knowing what Li Yao actually said to her in the end.

Momentaneous splendor and the presidents of its two guilds are equally speechless. Do you want to hang around and return tens of thousands of gold coins? Just like playing, their family property may not have 10,000 gold coins.

But think about the rich and imposing of Xinghuo, obviously not cracking a joke, one by one is envy and hate.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” The Peerless Demon Fairy showed a smile: “Attention, all the ship commanders, I order, you can use the skyrocket.”

” Kill!”

The members of Xinghuo suddenly looked at golden light. They knew it was an expensive secret weapon.

I have already practiced it when I came here, and the formidable power is violent and very enjoyable.

No one could stop Xinghuo’s footsteps. I thought it would be useless. However, in the face of such a huge crisis, I had to use this hole card.

The members of Xinghuo all had their eyes lit up, and they pulled away the canvas covering on the deck.

One by one brackets full of holes appeared in front of everyone, and the audience was extremely puzzled, this thing can dry hair…

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