“The little girl film, don’t think that if you have a little performance in the world competition, you are really good.” The mage quickly released himself a magic shield.

“hmph Hmph, it’s not too good to get the rankings, then a failed guy like you is very difficult to deal with, I’m so scared.” Hitomi was not idle while talking. Totem is directly inserted in each blind spot.

Four elements protect her, and she is a constant strikes mage, the mage constantly flashes to find the position to attack the pupil, but always helpless.

Moreover, Hitomi’s attack is too terrifying, and her shield can be broken with any magic trick.

Not only on this ship, but also on other ships, the battle between powerhouses is constantly erupting.

“Your Starfire Guild is too terrifying, so many experts.”

A popular foreign female commentator said to Qin Fengyi in surprise.

Be aware that this is a joint attack by many guilds that many experts, but Spark can handle it with ease.

Every time the opponent has an expert, there is always one on the Spark side to stand up and block the opponent.

“This has something to do with our guild’s income system. There are too many people who want to join Xinghuo. Now Xinghuo’s sub-guilds have grown to nearly 20.” Qin Fengyi explained lightly. Tao.

Not only is the commentator a little slap, she has also heard some rumors about Sparks, and Sparks shines in the world competition.

If Guang Xinghuo is alone, no matter how powerful he is, it is still a personal matter, and the impact on the guild is not great.

But Xinghuo, a newly established guild, has several of the top 100, and even those super guilds cannot do this.

In the team competition, in addition to the main team led by Liaoyuan, the remaining teams also achieved dazzling results.

This has caused not only Chinese players to join Spark, but many buried experts want to join Spark.

This also makes Xinghuo’s income even higher and stricter. Coupled with Xinghuo’s good competition mechanism, as long as the strength is strong, you don’t have to worry about not having a chance to get ahead.

Moreover, with this kind of national expert atmosphere, teaming up and learning from each other can also improve their skills. Of course, there are internal guidance from Liaoyuan.

A while ago, a Spark Guild points redemption table appeared on the forum, listing the very precious things in the Spark Guild warehouse, which all made the players slap their tongues. In other guilds, ordinary members think To get simply impossible.

These rare items include rare skill books and inscriptions, and even the words of rune, making countless people think that Spark is a vibrant guild.

In this atmosphere, many members also exchange their precious things that they don’t need into points, thus forming a virtuous circle.

One of the most popular exchange items is to ask the chairman to correct his technical deficiencies. The points of this business are very high among all exchanges, but the list shows that this business is also The most exchanged.

Many people worked hard to earn points for Li Yao to find out his shortcomings, and said that the points were not in vain, and they made a lot of money. In addition, Li Yao will comment on the Inner Guild qualifying every month, so more people want to join Spark.

After all, Li Yao’s performance is too strong. I don’t know if I don’t compare it. However, the world Peak expert was easily killed by the aliens in the individual competition, and in turn, those incredible alien faces There is still no room to fight back against Li Yao, and now no one doubts Li Yao’s personal strength.

“So, our Xinghuo is getting stronger and stronger. With the last team match, now other people of Xinghuo are clamoring to form a new team, and there is more than one team.” Qin Fengyi said.

This commentator smiled bitterly: “I have not forgotten to advertise, I will serve it.”

Qin Fengyi laughed. As the guild grew, she became more and more busy. She also bears the name of the president’s wife, and she really likes the atmosphere of Spark Guild.

Li Yao was already going to have thousands of bows, but seeing this, he shook his head slightly and continued to protect the rudder with the blue moon bow.

He is also very pleased now that after such a long period of training and development, the rest of Xinghuo can be alone.

In addition to the initial core group, there are also many rising stars.

The experts sent by the two combined fleets furiously attacked for half an hour, but in the end they still did not occupy even one battleship, which made the popularity of the two guilds impossible, but there was no way.

“Everyone hold on for a while, and our reinforcements are coming.”

The two fleets that had lost their confidence looked towards the distance one after another, and then the spirit one shock.

They found that they don’t know when many battleships have surrounded all around.

Spark Fleet, the guard officer facial expression grave said: “Not good, we are entangled, and now we are surrounded.”

Li Yao was taken aback and said: “Encircled Is it useful? We can charge ahead.”

The guard smiled bitterly and said, “Boss, I’m afraid not. There are a lot of battleships in this encircled circle. If there are continuous collisions, it’s magic, not to mention that the power is not enough to support. The hood can’t stand the continuous shock.”

“Then destroy these scum as soon as possible, and then fight back.” Li Yao’s eyes flickered with rays of light.

“Don’t worry, Boss, although we can’t rush out, but they want to annihilate us as hard as heavenly ascension.” The guard assured.

“That’s good.” Li Yao directly activated the Hawkeye technique, constantly observing the situation of the distant fleet.

“The firepower is on, and the scum is blasted into pieces.” The guard sneered.

Xinghuo’s artillery struck fiercely again, and the remaining ships of the two combined fleets also sank.

Then the Spark Fleet formed a ring, and then waited to encircle the fleet to launch an attack, and the people of Spark also hurry to replenish it.

Li Yao constantly scanned with Hawkeye and found that this was a combined fleet of multiple administrative regions.

Be aware that most allies are basically players from the same administrative area, and there are few players from different administrative areas uniting.

But Li Yao saw players from various administrative regions, and finally saw a familiar banner, this is the China Guild.

Li Yao said on the regional chairman exchange channel: “Who I am, it turns out to be you. It seems that this time the siege of Spark is also your prime leader, didn’t expect, your new guild residence It’s by the sea.”

On this channel, only guild leaders and Vice-President players can speak. It is relatively quiet, but other players can see this channel.

Sheng Shi Kuang Shao couldn’t help being the first to say: “Idiot, it’s too late to find out. Don’t be afraid to tell you, Fairy has checked 86 guilds to unite to kill you Spark, and There are more guilds to join.”

Li Yao said with a smile: “Then we Xinghuo is really honored, you really can see Xinghuo, Zhenhai is a big battle.”

“Who made you Xinghuo too swagger? There is a saying, trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind.”……

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