The audience opened their mouths in shock, and the sea was in a mess.

The place where the Cosmic Guild fleet was originally located is horrible at this moment, and the wreckage of the ship is sinking quickly.

Some of the players are on the wreck and some are in the water.

Many melee screams sank to the bottom of the water. In this collision, Starfire wasted a bit of magical energy, no one was injured, and the Cosmos Guild had become disabled.

On the other side, the African Star Guild, which originally wanted to attack the Spark Guild on both sides, saw this situation suddenly be overwhelmed, and then ordered the fleet to turn around.

“The fleet disperses and destroys them all.” Following the command of the guard.

The fleet that turned around contacted the Universe Union again.

But the guild with only a dozen ships left has no intention of fighting anymore. They want to run, but the problem is that many of these unsinked ships are already damaged and leaking.

They have too few summon NPCs. They all rely on player control. Simply don’t know how to deal with this situation quickly.

The Peerless Demon Fairy said loudly on the deck: “Prepare the heavy crossbow, prepare the hook and lock.”


With the order, the crossbow arrow And arrows hit the ship of the Universe Guild one after another.

In fact, the organization of these ships of the Cosmic Guild is still very complete. If you can resist a few deaths, you can’t win, but at least you can resist for a while.

But the impact just now was really shocking. In addition, many ships were pouring and leaking, and they had no desire to fight again.

The Spark players on the deck have long been unable to bear it. The long-range attacking players on the opponent’s ship, the short-range spell class is to beat the falling water dog and clean the falling water player.

The audience thought they were going to watch a lively firefight, and the result was this situation, but the collision and crushing just now were also very shocking.

Soon, under the blow of Spark, other players of the Cosmic Guild jumped off the ship.

It’s not that they don’t work hard, but they simply don’t know how to work hard.

Under the command of the president of the Universe Guild, many ships with displacements and wings start to occupy Spark.

But Xinghuo had been prepared for a long time, and they were too few people, this kind of small-scale raid simply didn’t work.

In the end, only two players were bribed to death, and they were resurrected by the druid’s battle. equivalent to without any loss.

The guard said: “The opposing fleet has been annihilated and eight complete miniature transport ships have been captured.”

Li Yao asked: “These transport ships can keep up with us. The speed of the fleet?”

The guard shook his head and said: “This is impossible.”

Li Yao nodded, said: “I wanted to capture what I left, it seems Nothing, send me an order to shoot them and sink them.”

“This is a waste of ammunition.” The guard frowned.

“It’s okay, I know it in my heart.” Li Yao said firmly. Now is not the time to distress ammunition. More importantly, Li Yao discovered that after annihilating the opponent’s fleet, the Spark Fleet gained massive amounts of Military merit.

Originally, the African Star ran away, Li Yao not at all planned to chase.

But seeing the ranks of military merits, Li Yao always feels that the ancient gods impossible to appear in this competition list for no reason must have profound meaning.

So Li Yao decisively did not want to delay time, nor did he want to bring this kind of ship to slow down the fleet.

Only a few battleships opened fire, and the remaining several intact ships began to sink.

The cosmic guild players who were scattered and fleeing in the distance wanted to cry without tears. Although they were still alive, the system did not eliminate them, but in fact they were no different from being eliminated.

Without a boat, it is basically impossible for them to swim to the shore. The sea of ​​this World is not relatively calm as in reality.

There are not only ordinary large carnivorous fish, but also various sea monsters and marine intelligent creatures.

The remaining players of the Universe Guild can only watch the Starfire fleet go away angrily.

On the military merit list of the competition, Xinghuo immediately soared to the first place. His military merit completely wiped out a fleet.

In the next less than ten minutes, Xinghuo’s military merits soared again, and the military merits completely wiped out the two fleets.

Africa Star’s escape is not decisive, but the problem is that their speed is simply not comparable to the speed of Spark’s fleet.

I was caught up by Spark within a few minutes, and they had to be forced to fight, but the result was no different from the Cosmic Guild.

The fleet in the distance has seen this situation a long time ago, and directly avoided the Starfire fleet, and has no plan to confront the Starfire.

They are not timid, but they know very well that it is basically impossible for a single fleet to want to war with the Spark Fleet, and they are not even qualified to be entangled.

However, Li Yao didn’t want to be peaceful after realizing his military merits. He discussed with the veterans on the core channel.

I feel that this process is not that simple. If it is only for speed, there is simply no need to establish a military merit list.

Actually, if Xinghuo is willing, he will move forward at full speed to ensure the first promotion, but they think it will not be that simple.

So Xinghuo changed its strategy and actively started hunting the fleet.

Along the way, twelve fleets were wiped out by Spark. These fleets were basically unpartnered. Many of the fleets were broken and incomplete. Obviously, they had experienced wars before.

The guild ranked second only wiped out the four fleets. The other guilds in the competition simply didn’t know what was going on. After all, except for the fleet channel, they basically couldn’t send any news. Information filtering is turned on.

“Where are you, we will be destroyed if we can’t meet.” Momentaneous splendor said.

Li Yao said in a daze: “What’s the situation?”

“Most of the alliances will be combined. We also met two allies here, but we encountered hardship. Running away.” Momentaneous splendor said.

“You send the coordinates.” Li Yao said, and Li Yao also realized that although Xinghuo’s fleet is powerful, it can’t hold up many people.

Now it is nearly half the distance, and the fleet is denser. If it weren’t for Xinghuo’s shining record, the joint fleet he encountered was unwilling to pay a heavy price, and Xinghuo would have been besieged.

Then Li Yao received the coordinates. Li Yao gave the coordinates to the guard officer and said: “Go to this coordinates.”

“Everyone is thirty degrees, turn left.” The guard officer He glanced at it and said: “I will arrive in ten minutes at most.”

In fact, Li Yao saw the battle in the distance within ten minutes.

Many fleets have avoided this place far, and the situation now seems to be a three-way melee.

Warships of various flags are entangled, but the weaker side is the combined fleet of momentaneous splendor.

It’s not that the number of each other is much more than the ships on their side of the Guild of Joan of Flowers, but that the two fleets have special means that make the fleet of Joan of Flowers overwhelmed.

Moreover, the two foreign and two joint fleets are obviously not in harmony, and are fighting with each other. This is the reason why Qionghua’s side is not defeated even though it is downwind…

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