The five thousand players selected by their own strength are all excited and inexplicable, while other guild members are extremely regrettable.

Of course, it does not mean that they have no chance. Depending on the size of the villa, there are at least a hundred.

Of the ancient gods, the house is the most precious thing, there is no one.

Because in the mechanism of the ancient gods, the recruits are considered semi-adventurous, and there are many.

The place in the main city is limited, and a lot of land must be planned for the guild to settle in. As for the players, sorry, there is no such plan.

Moreover, at this stage, players cannot buy land for their own use or for commercial use. Players can only store things in warehouses and live in hotels.

The purpose of the three great factions is very clear. It is to allow the recruits to make a living on their own. The construction of the guild station is actually a decentralized gathering point and also the evacuation policy of the three great factions.

This not only allows the main city to be well planned, but also allows recruits to occupy more territory to feed back the main city.

But the real problem is big. The small guild does not have that many financial resources to build housing for the guild’s personnel.

The big guild is even more painful. The guild’s resident is mainly functional buildings, and members still have to stay in hotels.

Only the core personnel have the opportunity to be assigned to the so-called rooms, and only the president has his own independent house.

This is already the norm, and all guilds are like this.

The residence of the Grand Guild is not without a residential area, but it is prepared for NPCs. There are no good conditions. Simply no NPC is willing to join the player’s territory.

But Xinghuo is an alternative. Because of Li Yao’s problem, Xinghuo is not bad for money. As a result, the guild residence has a very good residential area when it is built.

Take the current Spark Station as an example, it is now divided into four areas, one is the functional area, which is the so-called functional buildings and various shops, the second is the player’s residential area and the third is the NPC In the residential area, these two go mainly to beautify. The other is the dock area.

This district cannot be connected with the current scale of Xinghuo, but on the seashore. This district mainly gathers frogmen and a few murlocs, as well as rare naga.

With the expansion of Spark’s various financial resources, the construction of a residential area has not stopped. Many members who have made special contributions and high contributions can choose their own houses first.

If you have more points, you can replace it with one apartment, and if you have less points, you can at least have your own room.

This alone has made Xinghuo a sweet pastry, and it is the members who have made Xinghuo so devoted to Xinghuo and truly regard Xinghuo as their home in the game.

After all, even if it is a room, the layout of the room is do as one pleases, and you can place a built-in small warehouse to place your own various things.

This is completely two concepts from staying in a hotel. This comparison also caused many guild personnel to complain.

At this stage, many large guilds have begun to build residential buildings, but they can barely share one for several people. It is simply unrealistic to want one for each person.

Now Xinghuo actually launched the villa area again, and directly sent out nine sets, which really excited them, the members were full of passion, and their morale expanded to the extreme.

And the plan of the Xinghuo villa area was also posted on the Internet, which aroused the thousand layers for a while. Many decision-makers in the big guild hated the toothache. Your sister, don’t bring such a fun, you Xinghuo is so How to play and let other guilds mix. The players are jealous and hate, and the number of people who want to join Xinghuo has skyrocketed again.

But even if the sub-guild wants to join, it is very difficult. Generally, those without super strength and special ability want to join the basic impossible.

Sister Li had long expected the boiling below, and then said: “Others don’t need to be discouraged. Let’s put it this way, as long as it is a member of Xinghuo, everyone has a chance to get a villa, and the villa will not be sold. In other words, no matter how many points you have, you won’t be able to sell it. Even if the president and us veterans want a villa, they must have a special contribution to the guild. The specific system will be announced after the game is over. This is transparent. Engineering, if you want to get a villa, you can, just about the contribution to the guild.”

The members of Xinghuo gave out a shocking cheer. This kind of system without privileges is so popular.

And why the villa was awarded will be fair and transparent, so that members can see hope.

Especially, the members who participated in this battle were even more glaring. As long as the top three of their grouping teams can get rewards for military service, it is really exciting.

The veterans of Xinghuo quietly extended their thumbs. Sister Li’s hand is too beautiful. Seeing that the members know this battle as if they are bloody, the morale is available.

In fact, all guilds that can participate are mobilizing.

Especially those guilds with weaker strength, originally not at all thinking about what to compete for first.

But the team game has become a war, and the 1st stage is still a melee. This is everyone’s opportunity. After all, you are strong and you can’t resist being besieged. Fighting against a guild against a guild is two concepts. .

Even many general guilds secretly unite to reach an agreement, wanting to unite and destroy those super guilds.

Of course, those super guilds are not vegetarian, they are also looking for allies.

Soon, the time came to seven o’clock, and all guilds eligible to participate received the announcement of the world.

“system: The rules of the game have been thoroughly determined by three parties.”

“system: There will be 1,000 guilds participating in this competition, except for the obstacles 1,000 guilds. There are also monsters occupying the port and invaders of the sub-plane.”

“system: The game is divided into three stages. The first stage of the qualification battle, the 2nd stage of the competition, the 3rd stage of the confrontation “

“system: In the first stage, the qualification battle is divided into two parts. Five hundred guilds are on the sea, and then land on the beach. It does not rule out the possibility of sea monsters and pirates. The first is to safely land and occupy one. One hundred guilds in small strongholds enter the next round. In the second part, five hundred guilds will appear scattered in the wilderness, with various monsters on the way, the same as the first to reach the port and establish or occupy the one hundred small strongholds The guild enters the next round.”

“System: The detailed rules of the 2nd Stage will be announced after the 1st stage battle is over.”

“System: Each team that enters the 2nd Stage will get the corresponding Contributions to the camp and military merits, and will receive a thousand units of basic guild material rewards, and everyone will be awarded the title, beach pioneer.”

“system: beach pioneer, elite title, all attributes increased by 3%, The speed of prestige promotion increased by 3%.”

The players are all excited, and the rewards of the 1st stage are so awesome, it’s simply amazing.

Not to mention military merits and contributions, the most practical. And if one thousand units of union materials are better selected, they are worth at least 2,000-3,000 gold coins. This is great generosity, let alone small guilds, it is also a temptation for big guilds.

This has also strengthened the determination of many guilds with less power to unite. In their view, this is a breakthrough for breaking the monopoly of game resources by large guilds…

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