All the players are going crazy. Do you want to be so awesome? It’s yours to play the game.

In the end, I could plot against Deathwing. It was already very miserable to be beaten by a few dragon kings. At the last moment, the wound burst and countless lava splashes. In fact, it was his blood. It’s just elementalized.

What’s more terrifying is that it directly crashed into a mountain, and even the Black Dragon King was obviously not hurt, and he turned into a human form and immediately disappeared.

But many people still take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, because Deathwing obviously remembered Li Yao in the end. Maybe not only Li Yao is in trouble, but Xinghuo will also be in big trouble.

This is because the four dragon kings gathered to rescue the Red Dragon Queen. Next time, the Black Dragon king will extinguish the spark by himself.

Li Yao certainly doesn’t doubt the power of Deathwing. There is a version of previous life called Cataclysm. It is the birth of Deathwing. If you are born again, you must be born again. You have to pretend to be forced.

Fly directly in three continents, you can fly, and fly at low altitude.

That spark brings lightning along the way, no one dares to resist his sharp edge.

At that time, it was directly established in the main human city, and the city gate was abandoned. The momentum was unstoppable. Even the Lord of the Flame Demon, the Lord of Fire Element, was released by him, and To be subdued. One can imagine the power of Deathwing at that time.

In the end, there was one person who obtained the power of Earth Protection, and then united the four dragon kings, and then the bronze dragon king made an exception to let people go to the ancient times to pick up the soul of the giant dragon, and then exhausted the guardian power of the five dragon kings. One hit severely damaged Deathwing, and then suffered three great factions siege to completely solve Deathwing.

However, Li Yao is not worried. The previous life didn’t cause his curse by himself. He still lurked for several years before appearing. This life is more injured because of himself, so he may not do it if he wants to make trouble for himself. Arrived.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ……

The other four dragon kings have also turned into human forms. The red dragon queen is a high elf form, wearing a cool fiery-red robe, Coupled with the red corners on her head, she is very mature and elegant.

The green dragon queen is in the form of an ancient elf, with a green dress and the branches and leaves of plants, which has a wild charm.

Although the bronze dragon king is in the form of a high elf, it is just an ordinary uncle, inconspicuous, and looks very simple and honest, and does not feel like a high elf.

The Blue Dragon King is a human being in aristocratic clothes, but his expression is gloomy and silent.

“Brother’s body?” Krasus said.

The Red Dragon Queen shook her head and said: “Let his body rest in his last place. His soul will return to the Temple of Dragon Sleep to sleep. This is the most important thing.”


Krasus was nodded, and his face was painful, and the spouses of the dragon kings did not end well.

The blue dragon queen was killed by Deathwing with a single blow. I heard that it is now controlled by King Lich to become the powerful dragon Lich’s Bone Dragon. Those blue dragons that died in battle were also controlled by King Lich and became Bone Dragon Legion.

As for the Black Dragon queen who was forced to mate by Deathwing, she was cursed and tortured for 10,000 years, and now she became Li Yao’s contractor.

Now the first spouse of the Red Dragon Queen has died, and only the bronze dragon queen remains.

“Little Brother, it’s really beautiful this time.” The green dragon queen’s eyes were full of appreciation: “Little Brat is good, if you have an idea of ​​becoming a druid, I can introduce you to a mentor.”

The black line on the face of the Red Dragon Queen: “Really, you want to find a discipline for your son when you see a good seedling.”

“Although Cenarius is not my biological son, But the one I grew up is no different from my own son, and you see, his current discipline is no longer what it used to be.” Ysera said triumphantly.

Li Yao quickly said: “My current mentor treats me very well, and I am more like my current profession. If I change another one, I won’t be able to have any prospects. By the way, my mentor is Xi Elvanas Windrunner.”

“Well, it turned out to be this Little Brat, and it’s not bad.” The Green Dragon Queen smiled and stopped talking.

The Red Dragon Queen continued: “Since you don’t want to let go of the Black Dragon Queen, we can’t force it. Her temperament is arrogant, you may not be able to subdue her, of course, your character is also good. I hope that one day you will lead her to the right path. No matter how you put it, it will be our partner for hundreds of thousands of years.”

“I will.” Li Yao thoroughly sighed in relief, what the Green Dragon Queen just meant, Although it is recommending a mentor to myself, it actually means letting myself let go of the Black Dragon.

Now that the Red Dragon Queen allows him, he is relieved. In fact, if it is the other four Dragon Races, let alone the dragon queen, it is the ordinary Dragon Race who wants to contract that is courting death.

But this is Black Dragon. Actually, they have broken with them. Moreover, in the chaos of the world, the face-to-face race like Dragon Race on the surface will not be mixed with Black Dragon.

“The young man is good, from now on you are a friend of Dragon Race.”

Following Nozdormu’s words, Li Yao found himself in the Red Dragon, Green Dragon and The bronze Dragon Race has become respect, and the blue dragon has become friendly, which is unimaginable.

It is not easy to know that the reputations of several Dragon Races are independent, and they skip the unfamiliar, neutral, and friendly stages all at once.

Although the blue dragons are friendly, Li Yao doesn’t care. The situation of the blue dragons is more complicated. You know, the reputation of Dragon Race will only appear after the level cap has been increased two or three times. Turning it on now, I have made a lot of money.

With the friendliness of the Dragon King, at least it is very convenient to accept many characters in the future, and it has many advantages over other players.

“hahaha, we can’t offset such great kindness with such empty words, so let’s, you have spent a lot of effort to save me, I can meet your request as much as possible.” Red Dragon Queen said.

“Can this request be put later?” Li Yao asked.

The Red Dragon Queen said: “You also know that we all have responsibilities. We don’t have much free time. This time we have a chance. You’d better think about it now.”

Li Yao immediately understood what the queen meant. When he became stronger in the future, the conditions proposed were estimated to be very difficult. Moreover, he was invited by Ronin and Vereesa. The queen did not need to reward him.

“Then, I heard that the top of the Dragon Sleep Temple has photos of the dragon kings. It happened that I learned the unstoppable power of the blue dragon Senior Wang, so I want to understand the second stage.”


“so that’s how it is, it is very easy.” The red dragon queen nodded, and suddenly became majestic: “How is the temple now?”

Krasus understood immediately Then, he said: “Red Dragon Warrior Legion is on standby at any time.”

Red Dragon Queen coldly said: “You led Legion to purify this dirty city.”


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