Vereesa is full of suspicion: “Don’t make trouble, we can’t attack, even more how it’s you, your skills have nothing to say, but this strength…”

Luo Ning also nodded said: “I think we are still looking for things like organs.”

The leader of the red dragon shook his head and said: “I have never seen them open this door outside. The door is open inside. And Necruz is already inside now. Impossible to open the door for us.”

Roning hesitated and said, “Or I summon my mentor?”

Vereesa rolled the eyes: “Don’t make trouble, if we are so embarrassed because of a portal summon, and your summon probably has a time limit.”

Roning nodded said: “Yes, The instructor can only show up for half an hour.”

“Let me try, summon, your instructor will at least meet the Red Dragon Queen, otherwise, your instructor will have nothing to do with this portal. Catch the blind.” Li Yao said.

“This…” Ronin suddenly hesitated.

“Stop it, you continue to think of your way, I will try it myself.” Li Yao said a little bit of his toes, his angel wings spread out, and he flew out directly.

Luo Ning and Vereesa both frowned and looked at Li Yao. They didn’t understand why Li Yao, an archer, had to run near the portal. “

To tell the truth, previous life Li Yao has never received such a high-level rune language. He was reborn after he obtained a clue about the language of Demon God rune before he was reborn.

One of his best rune words is that Golden Legendary is about mountain giants, and the gain to him is not large. Later, in order to capture the quasi Divine Grade battle companion, he sold it and let people help to catch it. Quasi-Divine Grade’s battle companion.

Moreover, the words of rune are too complicated and I have never heard of Li Yao from previous life.

So as to whether it can be destroyed This portal was not sure, so he came straight to the front.

The best distance for this skill is within 15 yards. After 15 yards, it will gradually weaken, affecting the effectiveness of the skill.

Li Yao stayed about ten yards in the middle of the portal, then suddenly took a deep breath and activated the skill directly.


Li Yao A huge pale blue dragon shadow is shrouded in his body. Anyone familiar with Dragon Race knows that this dragon shadow is the silhouette of the Blue Dragon King.


A translucent blue air wave follows Pushing out with the roar, the light blue air wave crashed on the portal.

Green rune rays of light appeared on this portal, as if trying to resist the blue air wave, but the blue air wave As if unstoppable, green’s rune shattered.

hōng lóng lóng ……

The huge stone gate shattered, and countless pieces of rubble and steel were blown out.

Vereesa and Ronin both stared at Li Yao dumbfounded. Li Yao turned around and flew directly to the red dragon leader.

“Don’t froze, let’s go. “A few red dragons rushed in directly.

“What kind of rune language is this.” “Vereesa asked.

In her perception, this skill is not strong. When she hits herself, she will be attacked by two steps back at most. However, this skill that is not strong in her perception can actually help her A solid portal that can’t be attacked is red open. This kind of relative power can only be done with the language of rune.

The so-called relative power is the unbreakable power. The effect of the language of rune is what effect, such as This knockback, in the face of a mortal, this skill is just to knock the opponent back.

But facing a god, the effect is also to knock the opponent back. This is the relative power.

Luo Ning said enviously: “If I remember correctly, I have seen it in the teacher’s classics. This is unstoppable and one of the absolute laws of the Blue Dragon King. I didn’t expect Liaoyuan Brother unexpectedly had this kind of luck. If you could put together three pieces, you would definitely be very surprised. “

Li Yao eyes shined, said: “You know this kind of rune language, does your teacher’s classics introduce the fragments? “

Roning frowned and said: “It is said that there are five dragon kings fighting with the dragon father in the sky above the Dragon Sleep Temple. The book says that if you get the corresponding initial rune language, watch the corresponding The Dragon King’s Phantom can get the second fragment. “

Li Yao earnestly gave a salute and said: “Great grace does not say thank you.” “

Roning waved his hand: “This is nothing. Without the first fragment, it’s useless to know this news.” “

“But to me it is worth a thousand dollars. “Li Yao said seriously.

“Don’t be sour, we are here. “Vereesa said.

Sure enough, you can already see the huge silhouette of the Red Dragon Queen. At this moment, she is glowing with a monstrous imposing manner. Nekruz is standing in an array, but she is still shiver coldly. As if to kneel down at any time.

“Damn, you actually disobeyed my orders. Isn’t she a traitor to Dragon Race? Killing him couldn’t be easier for you. “Nikelus said while pouring fel energy into the array.

A disc on the red dragon queen’s neck looked very gloomy, one after another very angry and constantly entwining the red dragon queen.

The Red Dragon Queen looked extremely painful, but she was still completely motionless.

“Dragon Race’s internal affairs do not require foreign intervention. “

“If you don’t kill her, you will definitely kill your spouse when I get through this crisis. “Nikelus threatened.

A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the Red Dragon Queen: “His life force will not last long, and his soul will sleep peacefully in the Temple of Dragon Sleep. “

“You…” Necruz is extremely angry, but he desperately activates the Demon Soul, but she can only imprison the Red Dragon Queen, at most torturing.

Black Dragon A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Empress: “Our Dragon Race has stretched since ancient times, why did it come to this. “

“Cinestra, didn’t expect you to be controlled by others, who you are. “The Red Dragon Queen’s spouse asked weakly.

“hehe, I am a traitor, you guy is self-righteous and you will also care about me as a traitor. You still think about how to continue your lifespan. Right. “Black Dragon Dragon Queen recovered her calm.

“It’s been thousands of years, you haven’t changed at all. “The Red Dragon Queen’s spouse closed her eyes.

“Impossible, how could you come in so quickly.” “Nikelus saw a few people speeding up at this time.

“There are more you can’t think of. “

Vereesa and Ronin, including several red dragons, attacked Necruz together.

The breath of several dragons, the arrows of Vereesa, the magic of Ronin , The covering of hiding the sky and covering the earth went to Nexus.

boom~ boom~ ……

But with the bursting sound, Nexus came Laughed wildly.

All the attacks were blocked outside the green array, and simply couldn’t hurt Nexus.

“You think you can kill me, dreaming. “Nikelus laughed wildly: “I’m here, what can you do to me.” “

Roning smashed the shells directly, and then a huge portal appeared, and a high elf mage wandered out.

Then there was one after another with a huge screaming meteor chain. After a series of strikes, he is the youngest spouse of the Red Dragon Queen, Krasus, one of the great masters of the Mage Capital of Dalaran…

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