Li Yao and the three on Dragon Hawk are like fast as lightning. Although the position has changed, the traces left by Vereesa, Dragon Hawk can find specific places with traces and anecdotes.

“Damn you really have a problem, the high priest had anticipated your plot.”

When the dragon Knight camp was in sight, the top of the city’s ring-shaped building appeared A large number of Orcs Archer.

“The high priest has an order to keep this Lich, and the other two execute without any mercy.”

Following the order of the orc general, the orcs at the top of the ring building suddenly The bowstring was loosened, and arrows that pierced the sky covered the three of them.

“I will guard.”

Roning raised his staff, followed by a beam of red rays of light, followed by a flame spreading the three including Dragon Hawk Shrouded in caring flames.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, pu…

A large number of arrows madly impact on the flame shield, and the arrows directly turn into molten iron, but the molten iron The turbulent flow began, making the flame shield more powerful.

“I’ll kill this guy.”

Vereesa has given up all disguise, the monstrous imposing manner unfolds, and then a flash of electric light.

Along with the dazzling electric light, the orc general who was clamoring just now exploded, and then the illusory shadow of Fengshen appeared.

The wind god illusory shadow looked at the terrified orc indifferently, her silhouette turned into countless fine whirlwinds.

Foul wind and bloody rain suddenly appeared on the circular building. These cyclones are really overbearing. The building will be destroyed when it touches the building, and the blocking orcs will be torn to pieces.

The entire circular building is in a mess, as if it was blown by a hurricane.

Li Yao stared at this arrow blankly. It turned out to be only for individuals, and simply didn’t really understand the formidable power of the divine arrow.

Now I really understand that this is the real divine arrow. Undoubtedly, this is a combination of single and group moves.

This move can be the first level of the general, and then it can break out the terrorist group killing ability.

With one move, Vereesa killed a high-level racial-level general, and even more than a thousand elite troops of orcs.

Even Ronin was sucked in a breath of cold air. The strength of this move also exceeded his expectations. Only then can I truly appreciate the meaning of the name Windrunner.

Speaking of which takes a long time, but Dragon Hawk’s speed is too fast, and it has already reached the distance of Old Feng in the blink of an eye.


Countless chains continue to be thrown up from the top of the building, and the top of the building here also ambushes orcs.

“Must let them take it down.”

Following angry roar, a huge dark chain rushed towards Dragon Hawk, trying to shoot them down.

In their view, without the Dragon Hawk, their three people can be completely trapped to death with troops.

“I’ll come this time.” Luo Ning thought of incantion, following the dance of the staff.

The flames mingled with the molten iron formed a one after another small meteor, which impacted like rain.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, pu…

Those chains that were hit directly softened, but with the meteor, each orc was penetrated and burned to ashes.

The flame is the most ruthless moment, vividly and thoroughly. The second orc general was taken care of by countless meteors. Everyone saw his body melt away from the molten iron, and then even the skeleton became ashes for a moment.

The fire eagle also rushed past, leaving only a piece of silent scorched earth, only the fiercely burning flames and destroyed buildings proved what kind of disaster it had just experienced.


A green flame suddenly emerged and hit the fire eagle.

“You are hiding so deep, you even lied to me, but this is not important, you deliberately let the outside world chaos, but you didn’t expect I simply did not leave here.” With this Dao Flame, and the voice of Nexus.

Loning took a step forward, stood directly in front, and suddenly turned the staff, a purple Arcane was formed in suspension.

Green’s flames are powerful, but they are still absorbed by purple’s vortex.

“No matter what kind of flame, playing with fire in front of me is your biggest misstep.”

Nevertheless, Dragon Hawk eventually stagnated on an iron bridge in midair. The Nike Cruises are far away.

Nekrus was surrounded by several powerful demons, and his colleague also had an orc general with a big bow.

“Brother, you know, I don’t want to turn my face with you, now you turn around and go back to the guest room, I can act as if nothing has happened.” Neckrus said patiently.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: “This is the point. You still naively think that I will treat you?”

The cold light flashes in Neckrus’ eyes: “Some things I can’t help you. You think you’re smart, and you don’t know that your little plan simply can’t hide from me.”

“You really naively thought that there were hundreds of thousands gathered in the periphery of my city. I don’t know. Give up. , Your little plot against, simply cannot affect my city, the dragon Knight Legion appears, all plot against are illusion. Now looking back, I will not kill you.”

Li Yao shook his head:” How do you know that I just need to contain your dragon Knight Legion. I admit that you are very strong, but to be honest, with your seriously injured state, why should we be afraid of it? He Kang, I am not without cards. “

Li Yao raised his hand and a summon array appeared on the Iron Bridge, and the Black Dragon queen appeared.

“Kill Necruz.”

The Black Dragon reluctantly but instinctively began to attack Haycruz.

“If you want to kill me, just rely on a broken skull, really laugh…”


Nicrus hasn’t finished talking about him yet The magic shield on his body was shattered by the Black Dragon Queen’s big Fireball, and his summon demon immediately blocked him.

But the two of them were still blown out, and the two hit the city wall. A huge crack appeared in the entire city wall.

Nikelus stared blankly at the summon demon that had no breath, and felt cold in his heart. He knew that if his summon demon had not helped him in this attack, he would probably die. The person is him.

“How is this possible, this power, this power, it’s you, the Black Dragon Queen.” Nekruz vomited a mouthful of blood and looked at Li Yao who became a human form, and then looked at it. A glance at the Black Dragon Queen: “You, this impossible……”

He also discovered the contract and understood the relationship between Li Yao and the Black Dragon Queen.

“There is nothing impossible, what else do you have to say now.” Li Yao lightly saying: “Now you tell me, who of us is overestimate one’s capabilities.”

“Count you ruthless, but don’t think you win, come to the Dragon King area if you have the ability.” The green rays of light flashed in Nekruth’s hands, and his silhouette was wrapped in green rays of light and fled away.

“Well, as long as the last trouble is solved, we can see the Dragon King.” Li Yao looked towards the others on the Iron Bridge.

Now there are a few demons left on the Iron Bridge, and a large warlord among the dragon queen orcs.

With several roars of the red dragon, they jumped onto the red dragon and launched a siege on them.

And the Black Dragon queen suddenly disappeared. She went to chase Necruz. Of course, she didn’t want to help Li Yao deal with these people, but she simply couldn’t disobey the order in front of Li Yao.

She is still carrying out the last order to kill Nexus…

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