The current situation is that no one can participate in the three-party leader war, and whoever participates is a dead word.

Especially the players, who don’t know how much they don’t believe in evil, rely on attributes to temporarily upgrade to Tier 6 and join the battle, but they are directly killed by the aftermath of battle.

Let them realize the real difference between the elite and the leader.

But even so, there are still players who want to intervene constantly. It is true that these three bosses are too powerful. You don’t have to think about knowing what good things they will drop after they die.

Of course, there are many factors in which experts want to test their own strength.

But these are all idle players and experts. Relatively speaking, the players of the big guild are very orderly. The main reason is that their leaders are more rational.

In fact, the leaders of the guild have already noticed that something is wrong, and this female Earl has already begun to show a weak spot.

The mission released by the female Earl is to pass a secret passage, let them complete a military mission, assist her army in occupying the center of the city, and then persist until support arrives.

But the situation is that they followed, and they faced the army of the Black Dragon, and then the army of the orcs also appeared.

In the beginning, they thought it was the plan to expose, and then there was a three-way melee, but they couldn’t understand it.

First, the female Earl helped the orcs to fight the Black Dragon, then I don’t know why she turned around to fight the orcs, and now your sister hits the Black Dragon again.

The players have been completely confused and stunned, but they are now like this, they have paid too many casualties, if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, if you can’t get the corresponding They are really at a loss.

Furthermore, the battlefield has been very chaotic after a long period of battle, and the formations of various guilds have fallen apart, and it can only be a small-scale team battle.

The three armies are intertwined. In fact, this is deliberate, just to prevent the large-scale breath of the red dragon. They have already suffered.

Qionghua’s momentaneous splendor is leading a team to besieged a Tier 6 intermediate leader, but just when the leader was about to die, there were two guild players glare like a tiger watching his prey, the three parties are desperately trying to kill the boss first to get the most experience.

Li Yao wants to fish in troubled water, mainly because he wants to snatch the boss.

“If you want to kill the boss steadily, form me into the team.” Li Yao directly chatted with momentaneous splendor and his younger sister.

Li Jia’s face was full of surprise: “Brother, where are you, why can’t I see you.”

“You will appear wherever it is really cheap, even so secret You know all the actions.” Momentaneous splendor’s tone was also full of surprise. You must know that although many people participated in this mission, it was actually very confidential.

When they started, they didn’t know what the specific task was or where the task location was. Moreover, this task was about to end, and even a single anchor didn’t notice it, otherwise the activities involving so many big guilds would directly cause a stir.

She is very sure that Li Yao definitely didn’t participate in this task at first, but didn’t expect to show up at this time, obviously want to fish in troubled water.

“This is really a coincidence, forget it, no time to explain, if it wasn’t for my younger sister, I would just grab it myself.” Li Yao lightly saying, but his eyes are always on the boss The amount of blood has been calculating the timing of the hand.

“I have already transferred a dead player to another team. Okay, let’s join the team.” Momentaneous splendor has a good impression of Li Yao because of Li Jia’s relationship, and Li Yao has good things, and because of Li Jia’s reasons, she is always the first to think of her guild. In fact, the relationship between Xinghuo and Qionghua Guild has always been very good. With the splendor of Shanghai’s bright sky, it is the only large-scale association with a good relationship with Xinghuo Guild.

“You fight your own, don’t care about me.” Li Yao looked towards the other two guilds, one is the team of the neutral camp and the other is the guild of the bright camp.

Below, the orc boss’s blood volume finally bottomed out under the constant siege, and the three players wanted to grab the last bit of output frantically.

Just when the boss’s HP was left for a short period of time, a huge sickle was directly struck on the boss’s body, and the boss’s HP was suddenly emptied, and his attack was too terrifying, after all His own attribute is very high, and he is a high-level leader, which is much stronger than the player’s attribute.

This boss, which had better take several seconds to be killed, fell to the ground instantly. All the players were shocked, and then all rushed to the boss frantically, trying to snatch what the boss dropped.

Only the people from Qionghua Guild stepped back a bit, and then everyone saw a Lich dropping from the sky surrounded by two chains.

The chains all over him danced wildly, and the two one-handed sickles danced continuously, just like a soldier’s Tornado Slash, and the range is very large.

puff puff puff puff pu…

Li Yao rushed into the range of spell strikes and suffered a lot of magic, but with the harvest of the sickle, each player was killed in seconds. His powerful blood sucking ability constantly replenishes his blood volume.

All the players on the periphery were stunned. In less than two seconds, all the melee close to the corpse trying to snatch spoils of war were killed in seconds.

In an instant, within a radius of 15 yards, more than 20 players were killed in seconds, which was too shocking.

“It is reasonable, the boss I killed, the spoils of war should also belong to me, right.” Li Yao said that the chain danced, three purple merit cards on the ground flew, two of them flew towards The direction of the Qionghua Club.

One of his own, one was caught by momentaneous splendor, and the other was caught by Li Jia.

“I have changed places, you are free.” Li Yao retired directly, his wings flashed behind him, and he flew directly.

Shadow escape!

Then entered the shadows, the touch of darkness spread, plus the sickle, he was firmly fixed on the top, looking for the next opportunity.

The attribute is promoted. Killing the corresponding boss will not be announced by the world, and will only get the experience of the real level one level lower than the current boss.

Although this is the case, it is a lot of experience. The first shot was just to help the younger sister. Their team was obviously weaker, with serious casualties, and there was no reinforcement around.

The rest of him will be alone. Although he doesn’t need these merit cards much, his members need them as precious guild materials and can give him a quick vitality. He Le Not for it.

Li Yao has the Eye of Creator, plus the current super high attributes. If you don’t make good use of it, it would be too violent.

“Shenshi’s scum, now that I have encountered it, let’s charge some interest first.” Although Shengshi did not take revenge on the surface of Spark, the small actions have been constant. Both parties are very clear that the two guilds are irreconcilable. Up.

Furthermore, so many people from Xinghuo have won a good ranking. Shengshi felt a strong threat, and even increased his actions. Li Yao was too busy to take revenge. Now he met Shengshi’s team, why will Not let it go…

Moreover, this is the beginning, and there will be a big deal in a while, so I promise to make Shengshi vomit blood…

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