It is not how amazing the attack of the deputy guard Captain is, but Li Yao feels that his spirit strength has increased.

Be aware that Li Yao’s spirit strength, the original exercise method basically has no effect.

Li Yao can control a lot of ball training, but now he can control more, but this is meaningless.

Li Yao has been exploring new exercise methods, but has been out of reach. Li Yao even began to study the meditation methods in the ancient gods. It’s just no way. Of course, the ancient gods he can contact now Information is also limited.

Of course, Li Yao also knows very well that his current strength control even surpasses many powerful world-level bosses of the ancient gods, knowing that it is not easy to find new ways.

However, the use of soul extraction just now made him feel that his spirit strength has grown a little. Although the waves in his heart are violent, his movements have not stopped.

Li Yao’s figure fluttered backward, and the deputy Captain had already launched a charge.

Li Yao danced the chains, and the huge sickle stood in front of him like a crescent moon.


The huge Death God sickle was hit by a huge force, and Li Yao’s figure flew backwards quickly, showing dizziness at the same time Happening.

“go die for me.”

The semi-invincibility of the charge completely offset the shock caused by the weapon impact. He just raised the big sword again, the thunderbolt on his body was shining, and he was obviously about to start thunderbolt one blow.

“You are the one who died.” Li Yao’s chains trembled, and the huge sickle stood in front of him again.

The body exploded!


The body of Captain’s fallen to the ground suddenly exploded. The huge explosion directly hit the back of Captain, Captain screamed. It was blown out like a rag bag without sending it out.


Wei Captain, Deputy Guard Captain and Li Yao are almost in a straight line. The body of Deputy Guard Captain impacted Li Yao’s sickle and brought Li Yao with him. Flew out.

A leader-level corpse exploded with too much formidable power. Li Yao fiercely hit the stone wall behind him, and even a shallow hole appeared.

crash-bang, Li Yao floated up again, and the body of the deputy Captain also rolled to the ground.

With the dancing of the chain, Li Yao picked up the five signs that had fallen on the ground.

Li Yao raised his eyebrows slightly and put the five brands away.

Three brands are purple and two are blue.

If you kill a monster whose level is high by yourself, this brand will appear after a gold outfit.

Memorial card

Quality: purple epic

Location: Foot

After opening, you can randomly get a piece matching the current level and occupation Epic boots

Use level: 30-60

The remaining two purples are a helmet and a glove.

In fact, this is similar to opening a treasure chest. Good luck can open the top grade purple outfit that suits your needs, and it will not be worse at worst. After all, it is an epic equipment.

This brand is a very good thing, and many local tyrants like to buy this brand and open top grade to strengthen it.

After all, gold equipment is not something you can buy with money. There are no gold equipment for trading, but it is definitely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. The top grade purple outfit is the mainstream.

Li Yao is not interested in opening this right now. He is now wearing a warlord suit. Although the special attribute is a bit worse, at least the attribute is now very powerful.

The key is that he has a real military rank, and as his rank increases he can replace the military uniform of the corresponding rank.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can transform into a real warlord, half an hour, the role is self-evident at critical times, even if he loses some other attributes Li Yao still choose the standard suit.

Furthermore, the warlord’s uniform is already very powerful, and the attribute set is also very good. Although it is not a special skill, the effect is to increase blood volume and attribute and so on, which is quite practical.

Puff, puff, pu…

As the three sickles soared, the last guard had fallen, and with the spike attack, he just hit and lost nearly One-fifth of the blood volume is also filled up instantly.

Speaking of which took a long time, but it only took more than ten seconds from Li Yao’s killing of the first wave of guards to the end of the battle.

Where was Li Yao’s silhouette when the nearby guards arrived. What they faced was just a giant puppet made up of dozens of corpses and rocks.

Furthermore, the puppet fell down and turned into bones to fight, causing the orcs to lose several manpower.

The Dragonmaw Orcs thoroughly realized the seriousness, and began to constantly appear patrols.

But this city is too big. After passing the passage, to the Central, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to find Li Yao.

Li Yao just avoid hunters and warlocks with dog pets without worrying about being discovered.

“This is not right. Although many people are searching for me, it is not so weak. What about giant dragon Legion?”

Li Yao is looking into the distance from a roof His patrol was whistled past slightly frowned. In three hours, he had made more than ten shots and even killed a general of the opponent. However, the result he expected did not appear.

It is too difficult to search for a city by yourself.

One night is simply impossible. In fact, Li Yao’s two shots were not meant to kill, but to beat the grass to scare the snake.

The real purpose is to find the dragon Knight Legion. Yes, there is only one dragon Knight Legion among the ancient gods and that is formed by the Dragonmaw clan.

They controlled the Red Dragon Queen, and other red dragons did not dare to appear. They forced the Red Dragon Queen to mate with his oldest mate. The dragon eggs they laid were catalyzed by magic, which could make the giant in a short time. The dragon grows and forms battle strength.

Li Yao vaguely knew that the giant dragon Legion and the dragon king should be in the same place, so he wanted to draw the dragon knights out to search for him, so as to find the foothold of the red dragon queen based on the giant dragon.

However, it has been so long, and Dragon Knight hasn’t appeared yet, and Li Yao has noticed the strangeness. Something is wrong.

Li Yao spent another two hours. It was late at night. Li Yao still did not find a clue. The city was too big.

Just when Li Yao was desperate to find other methods, he vaguely heard a dragon roar roar.

Li Yao’s spirits were shaken, and he moved fast in the direction of the sound.

As he moved forward, Li Yao not only heard the roar of the dragon, but also the sound of fighting.

“No, why is there a sound of fighting.”

Li Yao was puzzled. He entered the stealth and moved fast at the top. The sound of fighting was trembling. Now he only needs Without revealing his figure, the sound of the chains is simply inaudible.

Li Yao found a large number of Dragonmaw clan troops gathered in a downward passage, and Li Yao unscrupulously entered the next level at the top of the passage.

Densely packed dragonmaw troops gathered, and many dragons riding giant dragons galloping at the top of the passage.

Ten minutes later, Li Yao finally came to a huge hall. Li Yao saw many portals and fierce battles were taking place in the hall.

Li Yao understood the situation at a glance. One is the orc of the Dragonmaw clan, the other is Legion, a dragon headed by a huge Black Dragon, and the other is a large number of players…

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