Li Yao was taken aback. In fact, there were few people who knew the story of Luo Ning in the previous life.

Only when he married one of the three Windrunner sisters, and then became the Dalaran Archmage, he entered the sight of everyone.

So even Li Yao doesn’t know Luo Ning deeply, just know some of his general experience.

Li Yao and Luo Ning touched the bottle before they said: “I don’t believe in luck. Whoever is with whom is bad luck. If this is the case, then why are we still doing well now? “

Roning took another sip of strong wine.

“Tell your story, why do you even think you are a bad luck egg.” Li Yao became more and more curious about this.

Roning took a deep breath, a trace of pain flashed across his face: “Although I am dull, but fighting is very hot. Even my mentor thinks that I can simply go on like this. He controls the flame and even wants me to change to Arcane. But I always disagree, I think the true meaning of flame is violent heat.”

Li Yao frowned: “This is just a matter of philosophy. Each mage has different understandings of magic elements. Let alone us, the god of magic, and now the Blue Dragon King who controls the magic Divine Item Focusing Iris cannot explain it clearly, and in my opinion, you understand the flames There is nothing wrong.”

“Yes, I have always believed and persisted in this way, but in one mission, the mage team with me lost his life because of my violent magic. It’s not that I killed them, but I killed them indirectly. After Jaina left, there was no other partner willing to team up with me, and the archmages thought that I was overly abusing magic.” Ronin’s face was full of regret. The expression.

“So, you are called a bad luck egg?” Li Yao was speechless.

“Naturally not. At the beginning, many partners didn’t believe it, but after teaming up with me, we all had a very bad situation, and then…” Luo Ning again fiercely instilled After a few sips of strong alcohol, his entire face turned red, and it was obvious that he simply didn’t know how to drink.

“You are mentally overshadowed. When performing tasks, you always think that you will make mistakes and cause you to be unable to perform normally. This has nothing to do with bad luck.” Li Yao said seriously.

“Really?” Ronin asked seriously.

Li Yao nodded: “Naturally, it is true. If I really think you are a bad luck star, wouldn’t I be far away, and I will drink with you.”

The sweat in Li Yao’s heart, how can your sister be like coaxing a child. However, it is normal that the ancient gods are not in the era of information explosion in reality.

Roning has lived in a closed Dalaran since he was a child. He doesn’t understand anything except magic. After all, he is now a young adult, not a great mage to rebuke Heaven and Earth a few years later.

“Thank you.” Ronin showed a smile: “But it doesn’t matter. The archmages sent me here this time, and I simply didn’t think I could go back alive. This time is too dangerous, and I too I think, try my best to complete the task, and finally perish with that guy. This is the best ending.”

Li Yao thought that you finally got the idea, in fact Li Yao didn’t know. The specific time for Ronin and the others to solve the problem is just an impression that happened within a few months of the beginning of the game. He is just try one’s luck. Didn’t expect really directly met the protagonist of the main mission.

“Let me guess, Dalaran appeared here, it must be your Teacher who sent you. Then knight-errant also appeared here, it must be a major event. If my guess is good, Your goal is to save the Red Dragon Queen.”

Luo Ning stopped drinking, Vereesa also lifts the head, looking at Li Yao carefully.

Li Yao shrugged and said, “Don’t look at me like this. I know it may be beyond your imagination. For example, your mentor, Krasus, is actually the Red Dragon Warrior and the youngest Red Dragon Queen. His spouse is the only young giant dragon who has become a world leader for thousands of years.”

“pu, what, you won’t be cracking a joke, isn’t my mentor an elf.” Luo Ning will The wine I just drank all spewed out: “How can a giant dragon join Dalaran.”

“How dare I crack a joke easily, think about it, if it wasn’t for your mentor, I’m afraid Dala Of course the mage will not come out of the magic tower, who will take care of the giant dragon’s own affairs.” Li Yao said.

Vereesa nodded said: “I’ve heard about this. The Red Dragon Fantasy Human Transformation likes the Elf form the most.”

Roning was shocked to The news is not digested now.

Li Yao continued: “So your mentor still trusts and looks up to you very much. Think about it, if not, this important task will be given to you.”

Luo Ning’s eyes finally lit up: “You are right. Actually, I have already had no desire to improve. I am going to rush to Grim Batol until I die.”

Li Yao and Wen Raisal’s head is full of black lines.

“Damn, you idiot, don’t kill me if you want to die. I am just a young man and I haven’t lived enough yet.” Vereesa said angrily.

“Just, what should we do now. The Dragonmaw clan occupied Grim Batol. After these years, the city has been arranged into an iron bucket, let alone save the Red Dragon Queen. It’s difficult to get in.” Luo Ning gave up the idea of ​​have no desire to improve, and immediately grabbed the messy red hair in annoyance.

Li Yao suddenly rolled the eyes, this is your sister, how did this guy get Vereesa such a splendid Vereesa? Looking at the situation of the two now, there is no couple at all phase.

“I don’t like this. Let me dive into the city to find out what’s going on inside.” How could Li Yao let go of the opportunity to get a good impression?

Don’t say that he was originally the goal, even if not, he has to change his plan. Now the two have not become world-class bosses, especially Ronin, who has not yet become the leader of Dalaran, and is very disappointed. It is the best time to make friends, after this village there will be no such shop.

Many huge historical events in the future will be related to Dalaran. How can this action not be lost?

“Can you do it, although the dark knight-errant can enter the shadows, but you want to enter completely impossible.” Vereesa said suspiciously.

“Don’t worry, I naturally have a way. Tomorrow we will find a relatively safe place in Grim Batol, and then you will wait for me at the camp. At most one night, I will be sure Brings you the news of this year, when we understand the specific situation and then think about a solution.” Li Yao proposed.

Luo Ning hesitated for a while and then said: “Are you really sure?”

“Can you give it a try, I won’t make you think about it.” Li Yao thought about it. After a while, he said: “But I want to trouble you one thing, which is to give me the blessing of today.”

Roning nodded said: “This is easy to say, as long as you spend some materials, I will It allows you to gain the strength of Tier 6 in a few days, but at most you can reach the senior boss level.”

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