Li Yao returned to the guild station, went directly to his engineering laboratory, and calculated the required materials.

The warehouse and the guild warehouse moved some, and the remaining things were also cleaned up in Auction House. Although there are not many gold coins, they have not yet reached the point of lack of money.

Then Li Yao returned to the laboratory again, where there is a small forge forge. Li Yao recasts all the equipment on his body.

All equipment has got two attributes, intelligence and spirit, and attributes are calculated based on the quality of his own equipment.

It can be said that just talking about attributes, he is now a Peak mage level, even higher.

The only thing that Li Yao feels is a fly in the ointment is that the special effects of the equipment do not have the special effects of the law system.

But Li Yao just thinks about that’s all. It is already very bad for a piece of equipment to get dual attributes.

What special effects I have to pursue, I think too much, and there is no perfection in the world.

After getting everything done, Li Yao remodeled the mechanical pet. Since it was only for strengthening, it was not a complete transformation.

In one night, Li Yao has completed the transformation of pets. Fire Eagle and Death God have both become senior boss levels, and their attributes have increased a lot.

The spider tank has also successfully become the primary race leader level, and has undergone a qualitative change of the real Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

First of all, the spider tank looks more evil and hideous. It has already competed with the hell war scorpion, and its size is even larger, even surpassing the Hydra, just like a real locomotive.

The eyes of the ancient gods of the main gun are more breathtaking, not to mention the battle strength, just the appearance, and the deterrence has increased by several levels.

The promotion of the spider tank is quite simple. In addition to using the corresponding rare metals to enhance the strength of the body, it is more important to use two materials: the blood of Demi-God and the blood of ancient gods.

With the injection of two kinds of blood, the spider tank now has two bloodline powers, one is the Ancient God Strength that controls all the shadows of the void, and the other is the guardian power from the Black Dragon King. Of course, these guardian powers were also corrupted and mutated. But the spider tank still has considerable strength control over the earth element and the fire element.

The most intuitive manifestation is that these two resistances have increased, and ordinary flames and Earth Element spells can cause no actual damage to the spider tank.

It’s just that the evolution of the Hydra made Li Yao hesitate, of course, because of the lack of materials.

Now that Hydra has appeared ice, poison, and darkness, Li Yao is more inclined to evolve Light Power. In this way, his own pets can form a small team.

The spider tank is a tank, and Death God and Firehawk are the output. Of course, he is also the output. Then the Hydra is a mage, and the light head can be used as a healing position.

Of course, this is just an assumption, and no evolutionary material is enough now.

Thinking of this adventure to find the material of the Thousand Chance Bow, Li Yao felt that it was possible to find the evolution material of the Fire Head.

But it’s hard to say now, all kinds of materials are too difficult to find, it is very difficult for him.

So Li Yao gave up the evolution of the Hydra temporarily, and set off directly from the guild station when he was sky first glimmers of light.

This time he did not set off with the caravan, but the world was lying on the Kodo.

Set the goal and set off. The Kodo beast kept advancing on the mainland, and Li Yao fell asleep in the sleeping bag on the Kodo beast.

This is the Kodo, the most comfortable mount, it can be said to be the touring car among the ancient gods.

At noon, Li Yao eyes opened and found that his Kodo beast had already enjoyed the care of the trainer in the camp hotel in Roxafe.

Li Yao paid the fodder money and then opened a room in the hotel.

At this time, Li Yao remembered that carrying a sickle on his back should be eye-catching. Li Yao quickly put it away, only to realize that he could always see a player carrying a rough sickle.

The hospitality of the hotel said with a smile: “What’s so good, you haven’t turned your weapon to imitate.”

Li Yao: “Imitate?”


The hotel’s hospitality nodded: “Isn’t it? Since Lord Liaoyuan fiercely cut the face of those soft-shelled turtles on the secondary plane, he also won a Divine Item sickle. An adventurer who grows a sickle. You are not the same. Really. Look at the sickle you just took out. It is all rusty. If you imitate it, you have to imitate it a little bit.”

Li Yao is full of heads. The black thread, and then directly carried the rusty sickle on his back.

Li Yao didn’t pay attention to the reception of Sui Sui Nian, but went straight upstairs to find his room. In the ancient gods, even the simplest npc had his own personality.

Roxafe is actually just a small camp on the wetland. Although the camp is not large, it is a sign of Dark Faction’s control of the wetland.

Of course, the Bright Camp actually has a large port in the wetland, and the Bright Camp is more like the master of this map.

It’s just that the sea route is controlled by the bright camp, and there are no conditions for building a port in other places.

Dark Faction can only exist through the remote supplement of the sandbar, and the camp has not been established for a short time and has not yet formed a scale.

Wetland, you can imagine the terrain here by hearing the name.

The coastline here gathers a large number of murlocs and naga, most of the area is swamps and decaying woods full of biogas.

The velociraptors and swamp crocodiles are the most abundant here, and the largest group of intelligent creatures is the Jackal.

There is also a stronghold of alien jackals. The south is linked to the area controlled by the dwarves, and the north is the passage between the two continents of East Continent. There is a huge stone bridge connecting the two continents. It is a symbolic building of the King of the Mountains and represents the glory of the dwarf.

The situation here is too complicated, with various forces intertwined.

Of course, one of the most powerful forces is the place where the Dragonmaw clan was once a powerful tribe of orcs.

Although they are orcs, these orcs in the wetland are different from the orcs of Dark Faction. They have been completely corrupted.

They are entrenched in a dwarf city in Grim Batol, and Li Yao’s purpose this time is here.

Li Yao’s purpose here is also very simple. He is familiar with this history and he came to fish in troubled water.

He wants to participate in this main storyline, so as to obtain the body material of the powerful giant dragon warrior.

Of course, more importantly, Li Yao wants to get to know the Red Dragon Queen through this story. This is the best opportunity.

Yes, one of the most powerful guardian dragon kings of the ancient gods in the world, the oathbinder of life, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, was used by the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan to use the super Demon God tool Dark Soul The captive became a prisoner.

When the orcs invaded this World, the light camp fought with the orcs, and the Dragonmaw clan controlled the giant dragon Legion to create a huge blow to the light group.

Later, due to various reasons, the orcs failed to invade the plane and were imprisoned. Later, the escaped orcs came to the Western Continent and became the main tribe of Dark Faction.

And there are quite a few entrenched everywhere, among them the Dragonmaw clan that controls the Red Dragon Queen is even more entrenched…

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