This is not just the doubts of their audience, it is the doubts of everyone.

The range of the sniper rifle is too far, it can attack long ago. Why keep on rushing forward at the risk of being hit by the skill?

Of course, those who don’t know Li Yao will not understand why Li Yao uses a sniper rifle. For hunters, a sniper rifle can only be effective if it is placed in a specific place.

They simply don’t know that Li Yao has the Touch of Darkness, which allows him to use the sniper rifle during the action without worrying about the recoil of the sniper rifle.

But why, not just the audience, everyone does not know Li Yao’s plan.

“What are you going to do, do you use your scatter bow to fight me close?” The Warlock Eater Human Demon also studied Li Yao. He knew that Li Yao had a scatter bow that could be turned into a melee weapon.

“Kill you.”

Behind Li Yao is the demon guard who is constantly struggling to break free from the poisonous snake trap and the charm who wants to swing the whip to attack and is frozen by the freezing trap. magic.

At this moment, Li Yao is only a dozen yards away from the opponent. When he stood up, the sniper rifle behind him was already in his hand.

The dark touch hidden by the hands and feet also danced wildly. At this moment, Li Yao is like an Evil God. Because of the dark touch, Li Yao’s face has become evil and enchanted. With the rising black air, he really looked evil.

But the question is coming. As long as the sniper rifle does not exceed a certain limit, there is no difference between the near point and the far point formidable power.

The sniper rifle is entangled by the touch of darkness, but looking at the golden rays of light, I also know that it has begun to accumulate power.

“Fight against me, I will accompany you.” Chutian sneered, the rays of light on his body flickered, he quickly buffed himself and began to release the huge might spell.

Li Yao immediately judged from the rays of light in his hand that what he was about to release was the arrow of darkness, and the other head released the upper ha buff and started to cast spells. The second head released Shadow Bolt.

“One quarter twenty-five seconds.”

Li Yao judged the time when his two spells were released, and the other party’s arrangement was also very reasonable, showing the degree of control over the skills It’s already very high, and different spell attacks have the same rhythm.


The four eyes of Human Demon Warlock turned out the murderous intention, and his two magics escaped.

“It’s now.”

Li Yao’s silhouette suddenly disappeared, and two spells fell in the empty space.

“How is this possible.”

Then I heard a bang, Human Demon’s huge body shook, and then crashed to the ground. The positions of his two temples were already Be penetrated.

Li Yao flapped his wings behind him and moved to the next one. A dozen Fireballs also landed in the empty space.

The entire arena is silent. Although the audience has seen what’s going on, they are still in a daze.

They knew what Li Yao did, just to blast each other’s heads with a single shot, but another question appeared, what skill did Li Yao use to eat the side of Human Demon.

Needless to say, a huge light curtain appeared in the arena, playing the situation just ten times slower.

In the screen, Human Demon has a strong grasp of timing, and two skills emerge from both hands at the same time.

Two spells shot at Li Yao.

Everyone saw Li Yao motionless, the gun golden rays of light flashing still accumulating power.

Ten times of slow playback, everyone can see very clearly that one pair of Human Demon Warlock’s eyes flashed with cold light, but the other was confused.

Everyone understood very well, what he wondered was why the other party still didn’t shoot.

However, the answer soon came. Li Yao’s silhouette flickered and disappeared the moment the skill hit Li Yao.

The warlock’s eyes were full of shock at this time, and he simply didn’t know what was going on.

The audience finally exclaimed. It was not Li Yao’s disappearance that was exclaimed, because they knew that Li Yao had disappeared in the same place. What they exclaimed was that, under ten times slower playback, They saw that the two spells almost disappeared when they were about to fall on Li Yao.

In the evening, he will be attacked. If this is calculated by Li Yao, it is too terrifying.

“If I don’t know what’s behind, I’m also wondering if it’s calculated or a coincidence, but after looking at the results, it’s clear that this is what he calculated in advance. The purpose is to confuse the sky and let His thinking paused because of his disappearance, which made him unable to react.”

Ozawa explained in this way on the official live channel, just as Ozawa said, if there is no rear result, they will only I think this is a coincidence, because this subtle manipulation is too terrifying. But it is precisely because of the results behind that they firmly believe that this is all calculated by Li Yao.

The picture continued, Li Yao suddenly appeared on the side of the opponent far away, and the wings behind Li Yao suddenly spread out. As the wings stirred, Li Yao had reached the side of Human Demon.

“This is a flash.” Ozawa cry out in surprise: “Looking at the brilliance of Arcane, this is absolutely not wrong with the flash. There is actually this kind of equipment.”

Knowing that Li Yao is a hunter, it is impossible to release the flash, but he uses the flash to move, and then the wings fly fast, just like the wings, it is a special effect of a certain equipment.

Then everyone saw Li Yao land quickly. At this time, the shots also changed. The audience found that Li Yao was already on the side of the warlock, Li Yao’s muzzle and the opponent The two heads formed a straight line.

The touch of darkness danced wildly, grabbing the ground, and then Li Yao pulled the trigger.

Golden’s bullet flew directly through the temple of the first head of the Human Demon Warlock, and then the bullet with blood rushed into the second head of the Human Demon Warlock who wanted to turn his head. Temple.

Until this time, the Warlock Eater Human Demon turned his head, but it was too late, and his life had been emptied for an instant.

Everyone can see the confusion, doubt and unwillingness from the eyes of Human Demon.

“I see, I have read a book that introduces Human Demon. It said that the life force of Human Demon that really learns to use one mind and two uses is very tenacious. Spirit strength is also linked together. If one head is broken, it will not die, and it will be reborn in a short time, without even delaying the casting of the second head. This warlock is very strong, and the prairie fire is also crispy. Impossible and two powerful warlocks can only Use this method to kill with a single shot.” Ozawa’s commentary completely drove everyone crazy.


The entire arena is lit.

“Liaoyuan, invincible!”

“Liaoyuan, invincible!”

“Liaoyuan, invincible!”

One depressed mood It was released in an instant, and we won.

Yes, we won, not Liaoyuan won. Because at this moment, Li Yao represents not only himself, but in three great factions, he represents the face of three great factions, and in reality, it also represents the face of all human beings.

The alien players are too strong, but now they have won…

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