The female officer was taken aback and asked: “What can I do?”

Other people are also very curious. The lizardman is not a joke, even if Banshee is strong, he can only face the hundreds of thousands. The submerged part, of course, if there are melee troops resisting the opponent’s offensive, Banshee’s role as a turret will be different.

But what Li Yao said was to solve the enemy’s hundred thousand army without losing a single soldier. This is a bit exaggerated, too hard to believe.

The queen is impossible to do this, even more how is Li Yao.

“Let me sell it first. Now it’s no fun to say it. The elder sister should help me pass on the other party’s Transmission Array first.” Li Yao mysterious smiled.

When the battle started yesterday, Li Yao took the people to occupy the stronghold of the Transmission Array, and planted the back hand to prepare for the present.

However, when the female officials were busy with Banshee, Li Yao received the Conch communication.

“The other party is already retreating. The original plan is invalidated. Let’s detonate Transmission Array.” Female Yang’s voice was very calm, and she couldn’t hear any emotions.

Li Yao was taken aback, the news was a bit unbelievable.

In fact, only Li Yao guessed the Transmission Array. Regardless of the victory or defeat of the battle, the Lizardmen would pass the Transmission Array while the main city was empty, thus capturing the Undercity.

This is a very good opportunity. The lizardmen have won, which shows the emptiness of the undead. They will unscrupulously take down the main city of the undead.

When the undead arrives for reinforcements, but the lizardmen win, their reinforcements will continue to flow. When the time comes, it will be very difficult to take down the city.

If the lizardmen fail, they have collapsed, and the raid on the Undercity is also a key step to turn defeat into victory. If they occupy the Undercity, they only need to hold a certain amount of time, and the lizardmen can regroup, thus Turn defeat into victory.

Furthermore, after the battle was over, the opponent obviously did the same. Li Yao even sketched out a plan to wipe out the opponent’s army long ago, and the feasibility is almost 100%.

As a result, when he was about to succeed, the other party actually began to retreat, which really annoyed Li Yao.

Li Yao fiercely crushed a clear crystal in his hand: “Damn it, what’s the situation.”

Just when Li Yao crushed the crystal, Transmission Array The lizard people had just occupied this camp, but for some reason a large number of lizard people began to retreat.

Transmission Array sent out unstable waves, and then a group of small mushroom clouds appeared, and the huge camp was almost lifted into the sky.

The lizardmen who were still in the camp were suddenly blown to pieces, and the lizardmen outside the camp were also blown away by a huge air wave, but their strength was tyrannical, and being lifted off was nothing but embarrassment and harm. It’s second.

They stared at the mushroom cloud soaring into the sky blankly, and all the lizardfolk felt lingering fears.

“The second priest was really right. Our plan was revealed. We withdrew and cannot give them a chance to encircle and suppress.”

A general lizardman looked at the mushroom cloud with blood red eyes. Although there are no specific statistics yet, he knows that about 10,000 elite lizardmen soldiers were blown to pieces.

He even had lingering fears, if they teleported over, what would be the result.

The lizard people went away with hatred and grief. They finally glanced at the collapsed main city far away, and followed the general into the jungle.

“Yes, the other party has no less than 10,000 casualties, so you can count on you.” The queen said.

But Li Yao was very dissatisfied. It was obviously a great achievement to wipe out the enemy’s hundreds of thousands of people. Now it has become a small achievement, which is really annoying.

But Li Yao knows that although he is a reincarnator, all things impossible will develop according to his plot against.

This incident was also like a wake-up call, which calmed Li Yao’s originally slightly expanded mind.

“People really can’t relax.” Li Yao made up his mind silently. He prepared a new spirit strength training plan, and he shouldn’t relax just because the breakthrough has reached the realm where no one had breakthrough before.

With the complete closure of the plane channel, and the complete retreat and defeat of the remaining lizardmen, the battle of nearly 30,000,000 troops finally came to an end.

This battle will never happen and exist in reality. It is also the first time in the game that it is unprecedented. It is very sensational.

Not to mention the players who participated in this battle personally, the audience who watched it all night still had a feeling of unfulfilled feelings.

Of course, the most memorable thing about this battle is that Xinghuo brought Legion to the turning point in the battle again and again, which is simply touching.

The battle is blurred and the outcome is really unpredictable. However, Spark’s dazzling performance can be seen by any player, and Spark is also known as the biggest winner of this battle, winning both fame and fortune.

Not only did we make good friends with many guilds, but also dealt a heavy blow to Spark’s opponents, but with this battle, the old and new members of Spark were firmly united, and Li Yao and the high-level demeanor It also allowed all members to experience the spark of the Guild atmosphere.

The queen stood at the top of the high altar: “I said, who killed the blood shadow, rewarded 10,000 gold, rewarded land and military rank, now is the time to fulfill the promise.”

The queen waved, and a cart appeared pushing gold coins, brightly making everyone feel in a trance. This is 10,000 gold coins. Experts just have a gold coin in their backpack.

“Spark Ignites Origin is a general and enjoy various benefits of generals.” The queen gave Tianxiang a medal and looked towards Li Yao: “Spark Ignites Origin, on behalf of the chief, I will appoint you The rank is a one-star general, the highest commander of the Shazhou Sattar camp.”

There is no doubt about Tianxiang’s rank. Although the player’s rank camp recognizes it, it is imaginary and has no real power, just enjoy the corresponding The treatment, corresponding tasks and certain scenes have corresponding privileges, such as this kind of war, you can become the leader of the player.

But Li Yao is different. He is not only a general, but also a one-star warrior, in charge of a camp. The ancient gods, especially Dark Faction, have always implemented a military jurisdiction system, which means that the Sattar camp in the sandbar is respected by Li Yao, which is appointed by the acting warchief, and the camp passes.

Needless to say the power is great, at this moment, I don’t know how many people envy Li Yao.

Li Yao knows very well that it is not accidental that he got this power military position, it is for him to explore the Titan ruins more conveniently.

As for the colonel ranks of the heads awarded by Banshee later, they are not so interesting.

No matter how many people envy and hate, and no matter how excited Xinghuo is, this battle has finally come to an end.

“You come with me.” The queen said and walked into the portal.

Li Yao knows that the rest is the land. Li Yao is looking forward to it. You must know that the guild land is actually leased and the queen can take it back at any time.

The land he gave was equivalent to becoming a lord. This is a great thing. After all, it is impossible to buy a house or a shop in the ancient gods. It is really against the sky to obtain a piece of land…


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