Vagry, said it was an undead, but it was not unique to the natural disaster Legion.

Vrykul was once the ancestor of humans among ancient gods, and was considered to be the most perfect Titan creation.

But because of the curse of flesh and blood, they gradually became flesh and blood creatures.

The curse of flesh and blood is the curse of the ancient gods. After all, Titans are elemental creatures, no matter how powerful they are, they have no flesh and blood.

Because of the curse of flesh and blood, the Vrykul turned into flesh and blood creatures. The first generation of human beings were born because of their small size and weakness. They were regarded as punishment by the gods.

While the Vykul had a civil strife, it was completely split into several strengths, and the parents of the first generation of humans left.

The rest will continue to maintain the so-called Vrykul Kingdom, the rest will continue to implement the Titan’s will, and some will be led by a Titan’s Adopted Daughter.

This Titan was corrupted by the ancient gods and transformed the dead female Vrykul into Val’kyr through a certain ceremony.

After the natural disasters invaded, the new generation of Val’kyr became stronger after the transformation of the natural disaster’s death energy.

From the original Martial Goddess form to the current spellcasting form, they are mysterious and powerful.

The queen got rid of the control of King Lich, and several of the most loyal Valkyrie followed.

The biggest role of these Valkyrie is to reshape the soul. They can’t resurrect the dead into the living, but they can resurrect the dead into the undead.

Li Yao, as a reincarnator, knows too well that the queen of previous life has died several times, all because of her being able to die and come back to life.

One of the most famous incidents is that the queen failed to study the transformation of the undead, and felt irresistible after killing King Lich for revenge.

Jump directly from the top of Icecrown Glacier, even if she is a world-class super boss, she is still dead.

But the undead cannot live without the king. A Val’kyr sacrificed his life and brought the queen back to life.

After that, more Val’kyr took refuge in the Queen. It can be said that as long as Val’kyr is still there, as long as Val’kyr does not betray, the queen will have as many lives as there are Valkyrie.

The queen threw the gray crystal directly to Li Yao and said: “You should hold this little toy to play.”

Li Yao quickly caught it and carefully put it away , What bauble, how can the things that the high priest took out to go with him when he was dying were simple bauble, the queen looked down upon, but it was definitely a super hole card for him.

Annihilation Crystal

Quality: Dark Gold Legend

Activation Condition: Blood on the Tip of the Tongue

Burst Form 1: Small-scale burst, will The energy of the explosion is controlled within the scope of the next film, exerting huge energy, tearing everything apart (no distinction between enemy and us)

Burst form two: large atmosphere shock wave, causing large-scale damage.

Li Yao is relatively calm, after all, previous life has seen a lot of abnormal things, but when Li Yao sent the attribute to the core group, everyone’s eyes were straight.

“Legendary, it’s good to follow the queen.”

“Meow, the queen gives this to the boss, my God.”

“This It’s a small-scale nuclear weapon. It’s too bad.”

Their eyes are straight. They are smart people. This thing was used by the high priest desperately at the end. Although it was sealed and did not show up, It’s definitely something against the sky, and a small area might kill world-class bosses.

Extreme force is a good thing, and the second mode is even more awkward. The effect of throwing it into the army during war is bound to be shocking.

But it’s too dangerous to use, regardless of whether we are foe or we are, and there is no description of the specific scope. It is really difficult to grasp, and it may be perish together if it is not easy to use.

The great apothecary and the feared Demon King began to charge themselves, and the plane channel in the sky kept shrinking.

The buildings in several urban areas gave out rumbling sounds, and traces of cracks continued to appear, indicating that the city had begun to collapse.

Obviously, the victory or defeat has been divided. With the altar being taken down, the plane channel has become unstable. Now the teleporter is a problem, not to mention the city.

You can still hear the roar of the dragon Demi-God through the plane channel, but no matter how angry he is, it can’t change the situation.

Li Yao put all his pets out and finally cleaned the altar. The lizard people knew that they could not save the overall situation, and the lizard people on the periphery began to break away. After all, there are still many lizard people left.

Lizardman players know that the strength comparison between them and the players on the side of the ancient gods has completely reversed because of the array. Naturally, they don’t want to fight to the end. After all, they have lost experience and equipment.

Besides, the new leader of the lizardmen has given an order to retreat. In fact, their idea is very simple now, and that is to preserve vitality.

The main city was impossible and teleported back, and it began to collapse and shatter. Only the altar is still very strong.

It’s just that the current players on Li Yao’s side are no longer concerned with the altar matter. They all know that the greatest military exploits are over, and now there are some soups and soups left. It is tasteless to eat, but it is a pity to discard it.

So now all channels are fighting against Li Yao, but the audience thinks that Li Yao and Xinghuo are very powerful, it is really the last boss to grab too beautiful.

Whether it is the Li Yao strikes boss, or the performance of the Peerless Demon Girl at the end, they are all wonderful to the extreme. They are definitely the best shots. The instant battle during the fall is too testy for reaction.

More importantly, from the neutral standpoint of the audience, the audience thought, how can the equipment be given to others for the boss killed by others.

It’s just that there are a lot of gold equipment dropped this time, and the material is also a good material, which makes people jealous.

Li Yao looked at the nearly 20 good things in the backpack, slightly frowned, if there were three, four or five or six, he would directly take it, but if there are so many, if it is not divided, Xinghuo must Will be encouraged, and don’t even think about finding allies on the side of the undead.

Moreover, so many people kill the boss. I don’t know how many players are dead. How many are they holding the boss so he can kill the boss so easily, so it should be divided into some as it should be by rights.

“I decided to divide some of the gold equipment with poor attributes.” Li Yao said in the guild channel.

“Why, it’s a gold outfit anyway.” The cute pupil was puzzled.

The Peerless Demon Ji said: “There are a few pieces to be divided, if it is not divided, there will be too many enemies of Xinghuo, and it will be impossible to move a single step in the future. Also, it can just hit the hostile guild. Then, this time we have won many allies. If we don’t distinguish between them, these allies will be abandoned, and we will be busy today. Of course, the most important thing is that actually a few more gold outfits and a few less will come to us. To be honest, it doesn’t have much impact.”

Li Yao nodded, indeed, he wants more gold outfit methods, just as Yao Ji said, the impact is not big, after all, it is excessive, he There are actually only four pieces of gold in his hand, and the others are duplicates.

After Li Yao made it through, he said directly on the Legion channel: “Boss is played by everyone. Naturally, we Xinghuo will not eat alone. Now I will take out eight pieces of equipment and distribute it to everyone. “

Li Yao’s words aroused Melaleuca for a while. Although they are screaming, they actually have any hope for the Spark sub-equipment not at all…

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