Li Yao’s performance has made him a target of public criticism, and countless people have looked towards Li Yao with murderous intentions.

The things on the scene are clear, countless players are fighting with the blood shadow with their lives, which is very unfair to these players.

According to their arrangement, the blood shadow can be killed sooner or later, and whoever kills it depends on the ability, at least everyone has hope.

However, the appearance of Li Yao has disrupted this balance. Everyone believes that Li Yao has the best chance to kill the blood shadow in the end.

Why, everyone works so hard, why do you have the best chance.

Why did you get the city fragments, why did the queen wait for you and let you command so many dark knight-errants, and why you can command so many Banshees?

More importantly, you have done so much military service and everyone can bear it, but why not even give everyone the last hope.

It’s too much, now countless people want to kill Li Yao, the resentment in their hearts has accumulated to the extreme.

But these brigadier generals are smart people. Although they can’t wait for Li Yao to hang up now, they know very well that who kills Li Yao in this situation is so bad luck.

They also know that what the queen wants is to kill the blood shadow as soon as possible, and Li Yao is still inseparable now.

They quickly reached an agreement that they would do it when the blood shadow was about to die. As long as the blood shadow was not delayed, then Li Yao would hang up the queen in the end.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, pu…

The dim arrows are like a continuous line of strikes on the blood shadow, No matter how illusory shadow dodges, roar simply cannot dodge Li Yao’s attack.

And the players have thoroughly found a way to besie it. There are too many players on the scene. Countless warriors and Paladin used shield walls and holy shields to surround the blood shadow.

Countless attacks continue to fall on the blood shadow. The blood shadow can only be massacred after a batch of Paladin and fighters have finished their skills, but it is meaningless to do so.

The number of players is really overwhelming. If a group of players have not been killed, the formation of new fighters and Paladin will besiege him again.

If it is the blood shadow of Demi-God state, even if the crowd tactics can kill Demi-God, there will never be such a request. He is just a blood mist of sacrifice now. Shenhuo, without clergy power, he has realm but not enough power.

The players are just the opposite. They have no strength but no realm (corresponding fighting skills and techniques), but they trapped the blood shadow in the simplest way and made it roar again and again.

Especially Li Yao’s attack. Although he knew that Li Yao could not play even one percent of Divine Item’s ability, he was not Demi-God either. The Divine Item bow hurt him too much.

And Li Yao is really hateful, too far away from him, simply don’t give him a chance to be attacked, making the blood shadow angry.

The altar below is equally tragic and majestic. They have seen the dilemma of the blood shadow, but they have no way at the moment.

The priests of the lizardmen madly operate the power link channel of the altar, and the rest of the powerhouses are used to deal with the undead powerhouses that attack the altar.

As the new array of undead moves, the battle is reversed.

The fighting skills and awareness of the lizardmen are stronger than those of Earth players, but this is a dense battlefield. The strength is not reached to a certain level, and it is only one part of the battlefield.

The blood shadow is a ruthless siege, the altar is precarious, and the lizard people have become extremely crazy. The battle was extremely fierce.

Although the high priest has cleared his blood volume, he has been struggling to support him, and the cursed rays of light have suppressed the three queens.

Time passed quickly, and under the constant siege, the blood shadow of the blood shadow continued to decrease, and finally half of the blood passed, and then to one third.

During the period, the blood shadow furiously counterattacked, the lizardmen on the altar had killed all the sacrifices, and there were even many lizardmen willing to commit suicide as sacrifices, but the blood shadow was even more fierce, but fierce. Without the power of God’s position and God’s fire, he could never turn the sky.

“We should be on it too.”

As the blood volume of the blood shadow reached one-tenth, the people of Starfire also fluttered, but they did not cause many waves .

The blood shadow is about to die. The people in all guilds are very nervous and are planning to kill the boss.

The number of Xinghuo is only 5,000, which doesn’t attract much attention at all.

At this time, Li Yao also noticed that the people around him began to look at him unkindly.

Although Li Yao is arrogant, his nerves are strained to the extreme and he is ready to fight back. Li Yao has slowed down his attack speed.

All the brigadier generals are already nervous to the extreme. You must know that if their Legion kills the boss, then not only the last blow is rewarded, but you can also become a general. Of course, it’s best to kill people from your own guild.

With half an hour and twelve minutes left, the war has reached the most critical time.

Suddenly, Li Yao, who was attacking the blood shadow, suddenly raised his head, and the arrow in his hand shot up diagonally.

Dozens of fighters became red names. They were originally going to attack the blood shadow, but suddenly they left the team and guild together, and then they became red names, facing Li Yao together. A charge was launched.

Many viewers are not surprised, but many nearby players are very surprised, and they evade.

“I can’t help it anymore.”

Li Yao sneered and suddenly released his finger.



A large number of arrows shot out, and the soldiers who charged were inevitable.

A shocking damage figure appeared one by one, and a dozen fighters were killed in seconds.

But this is not the end. A group of Paladins directly launched Invincible. They tried to deal with Li Yao by dealing with blood shadows.

In their view, no matter how powerful the Divine Item in Li Yao’s hands is, Li Yao itself is too fragile.

“Speed ​​up the killing of Blood Shadow.”

“The reward is right in front of you, kill.”

Those brigadier generals took a look and stopped paying attention to Li Yao Here, in their opinion, Li Yao is already a dead person under their inescapable net.

Countless players attack the boss like crazy.

“Despicable, I used this method to deal with Big Brother.” The dumb pupil found Li Yao’s situation in an instant.

“Don’t worry, the boss matters.” Sister Li clenching one’s teeth said, she knows that she can’t mess now, or she will miss her last chance.

“These scum, remember their original guild, and settle accounts with them sooner or later.” The newcomer Muzi’s eyes were red.

The players of Xinghuo were filled with outrage, and they were really too embarrassed to use this method. However, I have to say how accurate they are at the timing.

“Listen to Sister Li, don’t worry about me, just play with these scum.”

Li Yao’s voice is not sad or happy, as if there is no emotion.

Looking at Paladin, who started the invincibility, Li Yao flashed an inexplicable rays of light in his eyes. Does he think that invincibility is really invincible?

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