The Queen’s words completely confirmed their guess, it turned out that it was Liaoyuan, not Raphael, who quashed the blood shadow.

Raphael’s voice was getting smaller and smaller, and more and more people responded.

Raphael’s face was hot, his blood boiled with enthusiasm when he heard the shouts, but now the people who listened to his name couldn’t wait to plug their mouths immediately.

Many people thought that the queen actually wanted to lend her weapon to Li Yao. Although it was borrowed, anyone could think that the queen’s weapon was absolutely extraordinary. Many people have guessed what the queen’s weapon is. Legendary or Divine Item level.

But for Li Yao, this is something that needs to be decided in an instant.

Looking at the blood shadows that were already flying over like a train, Li Yao’s body shape that was about to dodge suddenly stopped, and the fire eagle under his feet let out a loud cry.

The flame on his body suddenly began to shrink, the general silhouette like a little sun. At this moment, as the flame converged, it became a dark red eagle full of metallic feel.

The angel wings behind Li Yao burned with golden flames. The tentacles on Li Yao’s hands and feet seemed to be stuck in the sky, and Li Yao seemed to be down to earth, bend bow and place arrow.

At this moment, Li Yao gives people a very weird feeling. He is clearly suspended in the void, but it feels like his feet on the ground.

Li Yao made a decision in an instant. He wants to shake the blood shadow three ways, otherwise, based on his current state, wanting to kill the blood shadow is actually similar to ordinary players.

It turns out that the two shakes of the blood shadow were actually not based on his own strength. You must know that there are too many people besieging the blood shadow, and various spells and skills are gathered.

Li Yao is just taking advantage of the situation. He observes through the eyes of Titans and analyzes and calculates through the powerful spirit strength. His power is only the critical point that the scattered powers break through the blood shadow.

Li Yao also understood what the queen meant. Her bow is not usable by all who can use it. He must prove that he is eligible to borrow.

And the queen never thought that she would lend it to Li Yao, but she didn’t expect that Li Yao’s fighting skills could reach this level, as if she did not see his limit.

Originally, Li Yao killed the super leader Lizardman generals and surprised her very much, but then she saw that Li Yao could actually catch the weak spot of the blood shadow.

The queen knows too well, if Li Yao is also the leader of the world class, the real victory has just been determined.

Of course, it may have just taken advantage of the situation, so the queen wants to see if Li Yao has the strength to block the opponent’s three moves, even if the current blood shadow attribute is not much higher than Li Yao, even More how, although the blood shadow is formed by blood condensing, his consciousness is still Demi-God, and his fighting skills will not be compromised.

The fighting skills of Blood Shadow seem to be messy, but in fact it has a good set. Didn’t you see that ordinary players have no power to fight back in front of Blood Shadow.

This is the huge gap in combat skills. Even though the mountain battle can survive the blood shadow blow, it is just a sandbag.

The blood shadow smashed directly towards Li Yao, and countless blocking players along the way were turned on their backs by the hitters.

When he was far away from Li Yao, he lifted the fighting intent in his hand, and the killing intent appeared in the fighting, a layer of bloody rays of light circulating endlessly on the fighting.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment, and everyone looked towards Li Yao with complex expressions. Some people hope that a miracle will happen, and some people hope that Li Yao will be killed by a single blow.

Until Li Yao and Xueying face-to-face, Li Yao is still in the posture of bend bow and place arrow, everyone has a single thought, Li Yao will not be scared stupid.

Accordingly, as a hunter, you should have shot arrows long ago, but Li Yao knows that the blood shadow is still in the original posture.

But Li Yao was not frightened. His charged arrows have reached the full level. The Eye of Titans constantly scans the blood shadow body, and huge data is fed back into his mind.

Li Yao has simulated countless situations in his mind at the same time. This is a deduction, and a higher level of spirituality than simulation.

After persistent practice after rebirth, coupled with the explanation of those Mecha testers, Li Yao’s spirit strength, which has not grown in two years, finally broke the shackles again and entered a higher level, even Li Yao also doesn’t know what level of his current spirit strength is.

Because Li Yao knows that the spirit strength of his previous level can be entrusted to the gods. In previous life, his success in not entrusting the gods is not due to lack of strength, but lack of luck and time. His spirit strength is early Already comparable to Divine Grade players at the time.

At this level of spirituality, Li Yao seems to be able to delay time. They think Li Yao is in a daze, but Li Yao does feel that everyone’s movements have slowed down, as if they have released a slow motion.


A cluster of fiery rays of light suddenly lit up between the two of them, and a group of Fireball strikes that looked like a little sun was on the arm of the blood shadow. .

The blood shadow kill trick was about to fall, but with Fireball’s strikes, his movements were slightly stagnant, and ordinary players simply couldn’t notice this stagnation.

But in Li Yao’s eyes, it was a big weak spot. He suddenly released his finger.

The five arrows suddenly strike in the Fireball strikes position. In fact, it seems to others that the arrows and Fireball strike at the same position almost simultaneously.


Everyone saw the blood shadow’s arms vibrate like ripples, and then suddenly turned into a sky full of blood mist.


The bloody shadow Yang Tian roar, everyone heard the unbearable pain in his voice.

Everyone is stupid, damned, do you want to be so fierce, the other’s arm will be shattered in a single blow, and the careful people found that the blood shadow of the blood bar has reduced the insignificant measure .


The Fire Eagle didn’t give Blood Shadow a chance, and it slammed into Blood Shadow’s face. Blood Shadow roared in agony again. His other arm was about to pinch Li Yao died and caught the Fire Eagle directly under severe pain.

Just when he wanted to crush the fire eagle, Li Yao flashed rays of light in his eyes and blew the whistle directly.

A huge pole spider tank appeared on top of the blood shadow, and then crashed down.

“You damn it.”

The blood shadow is extremely angry, and the arm that has just grown out strikes the spider tank.

However, although the spider tank’s health bar was reduced by one-fifth, it still fell on the blood shadow.

hōng lóng lóng ……

Three powerful creatures fell to the ground and the whole ground trembled violently. The whole body of the blood shadow was shattered into blood mist, and the spider tank It had also collapsed and died, and the Fire Eagle had also fallen to death, which was extremely tragic.

However, the blood shadow impossible died, and everyone saw that the blood mist began to condense again. The Lizardmen committed suicide a lot, and the blood mist became more condensed.

“Tutor, am I qualified now.” Li Yao looked towards the queen.

“I will lend you an hour.” The queen wiped a weapon, the longbow in her hand dimmed a little and then appeared directly in front of Li Yao.

Li Yao grasped the queen’s longbow, and the name of the longbow appeared in front of Li Yao.

The Bow of Galakrond!

Li Yao’s figure was shocked. He didn’t expect that the bow used by the queen was actually made of Galakrond bone.

Who is Galakrond, Li Yao knows too well, the ancient god, the ancient ancestor, giant dragon, the first dragon in the ages, known as the father of ten thousand dragons, even if it is Black, who is known as Deathwing, who dominates the world today King Dragon once shiver coldly under his pressure…

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