Everyone was stunned. They were Demi-God anyway, alright, even though a leg was lost by the unfathomable mystery, no matter how wasteful it was, it was also Demi-God, and he was the guy who owned the Black Dragon Royal Clan Bloodline.

Everyone thinks what Li Yao said is true, after all, the Black Dragon King is too famous among the ancient gods.

Although it hasn’t come out yet, everyone knows that this product will become a super boss sooner or later.

The Black Dragon King once nearly wiped out the entire Blue Dragon family with a super Divine Item. The remaining four guardian dragon kings are also the existence of the ancient god cream of the crop, but even if they work together, they can only It just forced the Black Dragon King back.

For such a fierce person, Li Yao dared to scold the street.

After all, there are so many people who besieged the other party. There are too many people. People will put this hatred on the queen and will not remember them.

But Li Yao first received the dragon’s blood from the family, and then directly exposed the old bottom of the family. This is the rhythm of death.

In the ancient gods, there is no rule that high-level bosses must stay somewhere. This really angers this guy. It is possible for Huilie Xinghuo’s residence to cry, and there will be no place to cry.

“Damn insect, how can you say anything about the origin of God, insulting my parents, I will kill you today.”

However, this sentence will let all People are stunned, your sister is real.

Li Yao was also speechless. He didn’t have much impression of this product: “I just said it casually. I didn’t expect it. You really belong to the Old Turtle of the Black Dragon King. The taste of the Black Dragon King is really heavy, even the female lizard people will not let it go.”


The originally tense battlefield is full of laughter, but the lizard people are The complexion was livid, one by one murderous-looking.

Even the queen is speechless. He knows that Li Yao is bolder. He didn’t expect Li Yao to be bolder than she thought. Even the Black Dragon king dare to tease. You know, Black Dragon is early It has become a taboo topic for all races.

“Sacrifice, I must squeeze him to death with my own hands today.” Dragon Man Demi-God gasped for breath, he was going to be mad. He was born as a powerhouse, and as an adult Achieve Demi-God directly, and be enshrined and worshiped as a god, when has he suffered such insults?

The high priest gritted his teeth and took out a wooden cone and pierced it into his heart, then pulled it out abruptly, following the gushing of blood.

The thin blood mist in the sky suddenly thickened.

“We are going to fix this place, no one can stop it.”

The high priest’s complexion was gray, as if the candlelight in the wind was going to be extinguished at any time.

“High Priest.”

Countless lizardmen weeping bitter tears, they know that the high priest is about to fall today, and many lizardmen gritted their teeth and wiped their necks.

Things of blood mist rise, and the calm sky is rising winds, scudding clouds again.

“Give me peace for half an hour, the curse of blood.”

The high priest suddenly waved his staff, and three groups of blood-colored red lightning bolts were the queen, the feared Demon King and the great Surrounded by alchemists.

The three of them face changed, and a magic mask appeared on their bodies to cover them.

“Damn, this old bastard actually cursed us with his last life.” Fear of Demon King furious, fear that Demon King has always been a yin, didn’t expect it was almost given by the high priest now Overcast.

“The life of this old bastard is no more than an hour. As long as he dies, the curse will dissipate, but during this time we absolutely cannot let the curse enter the body.” said the great alchemist.

“We can’t do it anymore, we still have to rely on recruits.” A ray of light flashed in the queen’s eyes: “Let’s execute plan number three.”

With the Queen’s order, the devil’s side Both the alchemist and the alchemist are starting to prepare an array.

And the blood mist in the sky is also mysterious. As the blood mist rolls, a bloody shadow is gradually formed.

This scarlet shadow is actually the Dragon Man Demi-God. As the form condenses, the Dragon Man Demi-God’s breath becomes weaker and weaker, and the blood shadow’s breath becomes stronger.

With the passage of time, the original silhouette of the dragon Demi-God has disappeared, and the scarlet dragon has been formed.

This silhouette is huge, but it looks very ethereal.

“Open array.”

“Open array.”

“Open array.”

With the opening of array, a The green shock wave swept away, and the players found that a green demon wings grew behind them all. Although the wings were illusory, their feet moved away from the ground as the wings moved, and they actually floated. .

Then the array shockwave of the Great Alchemist also swept over, and all the players immediately lost all their touch.

They can hear and see, but they no longer feel cold and hot, and can’t even feel the weight.

Then some female players screamed because they discovered that their bodies were swelling, and cracks appeared one by one, but under the cracks was not blood, but green medicine.

They are like transformed biochemical monsters. Some players look at the attributes and find that their attributes have at least doubled.

The body of the melee player at least swelled too much, originally only about two yards swelled to four or five yards.

The remote players did not expand much, but they all clearly saw the agility of the attribute list increased too much.

“You have a total of hundreds of Army Commander from Conch Communications. Now each of you can receive a Brigadier General Medal. In the final battle, who or which Legion person killed the Black Dragon projection? The brigadier general will remove this quasi word, and others can only become junior college officers. Do you understand what I mean.”

Hundreds of people immediately understood what the queen meant. It was very simple, who or who After completing the final blow, his subordinates will become generals, and everything else will be ashamed.

“Very well, you are all smart people, but I am ahead of you, Legion here, if anyone is thinking of taking advantage of the final advantage, huh…”

Although the queen I didn’t say how to deal with it, but I thought that because they wanted to grab the golden outfit, the people who had this kind of thought suddenly dispelled this kind of thought.

“The Brigadier General’s transformation can only last for half an hour. His body size has increased seven times, and his battle strength has increased seven times. I hope you can take good care of it. I can’t give you preferential treatment this time.” The queen pointed out. Li Yao is a Brigadier General Medal.

Li Yao took the medal directly and put it on. The figure that had already doubled suddenly became a giant.

Li Yao activated the transformation effect in an instant. He has now become a sixty-level boss. His HP and attributes have skyrocketed because of the effect of the array, plus the medal effect. Li Yao’s The high blood volume is scary.

At the same time, other people also launched the effect of the medal. Hundreds of real Little Giants appeared, and they were all guild bosses or conductors leading the various Legion.


At the same time, the blood shadow in the sky is completely condensed, a dragon man Demi-God blood shadow that is many times smaller than the real Demi-God. Appears, but even this is incomparable gigantic.

“The victory or defeat depends on the kings. Again, kill the bloodshadows, reward ten thousand dollars, grant land, and make generals.”

The players who have soared attributes. All of a sudden, countless people fluttered their wings…

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