The lizardman general’s body flashed with rays of light, the silhouette suddenly disappeared, and then everyone saw his silhouette jumping out with afterimages.

Great jump!

It’s just that his big jump is used in midair, his silhouette is extremely vague, and the big sword in his hand has been raised high while jumping.

His spirit has also locked Li Yao’s body, he used a very fast jump to get rid of Li Yao’s arrow strikes briefly.

Everyone knows that if Li Yao is hit by this blow, he will be killed immediately, and there is no possibility of surviving.

But the audience saw that at the moment he was about to jump, the blue moon bow in Li Yao’s hand had been replaced, instead it became a scatter bow.

Then I saw that Li Yao’s blood volume had dropped a lot, and the silhouette of the lizardman general also approached Li Yao like lightning, with a big sword in his hand with a whistling sound. , Like Ben Lei.


The wings of the fire eagle suddenly converged and the body quickly fell, and a fiery-red silhouette blocked Li Yao’s head.

Li Yao also started a back jump, and the bowstring in his hand was also loosened.

The big sword slashed directly on the flame hydra, which was summon’s hydra before the fire eagle fell.

At the same time, Li Yao’s five arrows also strikes on the lizardman general, and the lizardman general’s body is suddenly blown upside down.

His momentum is too strong, precisely because he escaped the blockade of Li Yao’s arrow shooting stars, but also because of the speed, he can’t escape Li Yao’s five arrows.

When the lizardman general impacted the flame hydra, his big jump was forced to end, but the skill was over and the inertia was still there, so his body still rushed forward with the inertia.

And Li Yao also let go of the bowstring, so close to the situation, in the sky, the lizardman can’t avoid it.

puff puff puff puff pu…

When Li Yao retreated, the ice was not idle, the bowstring in his hand was constantly trembling, one after another, the arrow that looked like a shooting star again Constant strikes are on the lizardman general.

And the fire eagle with its wings spread took off again, Li Yao’s toes were a little bit, the wings behind his back trembled, and he once again stood firmly on the fire eagle’s back.

The fire eagle waved its wings, and Li Yao, who jumped back for a certain distance, again took Li Yao forward without retreating.

The body of the lizardman is like a big windmill. Li Yao’s arrows are really tricky. His five arrow strikes are on the opponent’s head, and his body rolls upside down, and then Li Yao’s consecutive arrows.

Li Yao has been promoted to the sixtieth level of the attribute. The original sensitivity has been horrifying. With the rapid Gods Vestige, Li Yao can control the attack rhythm well.

The blood volume of the lizardman general is amazing, but the straight line of Li Yao’s arrow is still decreasing, and now he has lost one third.

“This is impossible, how could a Tier 3 scum possess this arrow technique.” The lizardman general was going crazy.

Even though he is strong, he is nodded and dizzy when rotating like this.

The lizardman general is very clever and has rich combat experience. He flew a thousand yards upside down, and his body finally shrank into a ball, two world states wrapped his body.

When he fell quickly, he once again got rid of Li Yao’s meteor arrow.

But this is only temporary. Soon he was locked by Li Yao again, and the lizardman fled in embarrassment, trying to find a chance to fight back.

But Li Yao’s arrows are too tricky. Not only can it cause effective damage to him, but more importantly, it can interrupt his attack rhythm. He has released several skills in a row.

Formidable power is a great skill, but as long as there is an initial action, Li Yao will interrupt him. He continuously activates the skill and wants to get rid of this situation, but it has been unsatisfactory. Exclaimed.

Li Yao’s Eye of Creator and the unparalleled arrow technique perfectly lead the lizardman.

Even though the attributes of the two people are much different, the problem is that Li Yao is now Tier 6. Although the opponent’s attribute is better than him, I don’t know how much, and as long as Li Yao is attacked, he will be killed in seconds.

But the lizardman generals simply couldn’t find such an opportunity.

“This is Tier 6, only this.” Li Yao mocked.

The lizardman general leads the crazy roar, but he can only struggle and fail again and again. If this goes on, he will soon be killed by Li Yao.

After all, Li Yao is also Tier 6, so there will be no level suppression.

Without level suppression, plus free mode, Li Yao’s unparalleled arrow technique attribute gap is the upper defensive attack HP. As long as it can hit the target, it will damage the target, but it can also kill the opponent slowly.

During this period, there were many flying experts and non-flying experts constantly appearing, and the experts of both sides fought a battle either in the sky or on the ground.

Although the Undead City has a small army, there are a lot of experts. The Lizardmen are also anxious. If these troops are stabilized here, the outcome of this battle will be hard to say.

So the expert popped out one by one, and the undead also knew that if they couldn’t stand firm and could not cause enough pressure on the altar of flesh and blood, then the city would be completely transmitted and the space channel would be completely stable. At that time, there must be a steady stream of reinforcements.

When the two main cities are on the same map, there will be no peace in the main cities of the dead.

This unprecedented fighting intent has lasted for many miles, and the scope and quantity are unprecedented.

This time has reached the critical moment of the battle, and it has been less than an hour since the city actually teleported over.

Both sides are racing against time, even the queen has already taken action. The queen is too strong, even facing the siege of the lizardman expert.

Her arrow technique is equally unparalleled, and it will not be like Li Yao to deal with a general.

Her arrows often kill one arrow, and as the opponent dies, they all become skeleton warlords.

These truly expert bones will be more powerful. These bones form a foul wind and bloody rain below, and also contain many lizardmen’s powerhouses.

Soon they discovered the horror of the queen, not to mention the race leader, even the camp-level accidentally will be killed in seconds.

Moreover, the queen’s strength is constantly being increased. The lizardmen began to contain the queen and did not start to want to kill. Unless their Demi-God or the high priest takes action, no one can stop the queen’s edge. .

It’s just that their Demi-God impossible came over before the main city came.

There are many powerhouses in the ancient god world, and there are more Demi-God. They don’t care about the battle of Demi-God. However, the appearance of Demi-God will inevitably cause the Demi-God of the ancient god world to take action.

As for the high priest, he must now maintain the operation of the altar of flesh and blood, and cannot make a full shot, otherwise it is very likely that he will be abandoned.

It’s just that, now the audience has noticed most of the visual attention to Li Yao’s battle. Today, Li Yao’s performance once again brightened the eyes of countless people.

Li Yao has been suppressing the opponent’s lizardman generals. At this moment, the lizardman generals’ blood volume has dropped to half blood…

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