Li Yao said: “Just let me sell it. I promise to bring you a surprise.”

“I’ll wait.” After the queen said she left, her summon bones were gone. Lined up in a queue, waiting for dispatch.

This is the most terrifying aspect of the dark knight-errant. Maybe the battle strength of the dark knight-errant is not sinful, but the shining gives her a chance, and the black smoke knight-errant can create a powerful army.

Especially at the level of the queen. Although his summon bones have a limited effect in powerhouse battles, they can affect the battle if they are placed on the battlefield.

This is the source of the queen’s confidence. Although she only has a small number of dark knight-errants for the time being, as long as there is an opportunity, she will have a fierce and unafraid of death skeleton Legion.

Thousands of bones of Queen summon, so that Xinghuo suddenly has more defective faction-level bosses. The principle is the same. Although there are attributes of the faction leader, there is no skill and battle of the faction leader. will.

But in Legion operations, attributes are sufficient.

Xinghuo completely controls a corner of this city, and other urban fragments have obviously found the situation here, but they are simply powerless about the situation here.

The original plane channel has lost the shackles of chains and has become unstable. They can only use Space Power to dismantle the city and force it through the channel.

Because of the energy, the fragments of these cities cannot be connected normally, but they still use this disadvantaged situation to turn into a superior situation. These fragments become aerial forts, which can be better Bombing the army of the undead.

But they never thought that Xinghuo would directly capture a fragment in this way.

What makes them rest assured is that these fragments cannot move and cannot attack each other. It is more difficult to capture them again, and they are prepared for defense and will not give Xinghuo a chance.

But will the fact be as they thought, when a thousand Banshee heard that Li Yao wanted to use the shocking space energy to draw a floating array, all Banshee’s eyes lit up.

The City of Magic was originally an alias for the high elves, but with the emergence of a Floating Void City city, this title has changed hands, and it has always been a pain in the hearts of all high elves.

Although they control the floating array, the technology still lacks something to create such a floating city.

Although they have now died and become Banshee, this kind of regret still exists.

Now listening to Li Yao’s plan, everyone is overwhelmed by emotions.

The one who brought Banshee was actually a female officer. She said with a smile: “Your plan is really perfect. Although our floating array is much worse than humans, the space is now shaking. In addition, these urban fragments themselves are affected by the space tunnel. They are fully manipulated and more flexible.”

“I think so, so I borrowed Banshee from my tutor, didn’t expect elder The sister is here too, which is beyond my expectation.” Li Yao said.

“Well, one thousand Banshee is still too much. It seems that you want to control a lot of floating debris, right?” The female officer saw Li Yao’s plan.

“Yes, I don’t know if this will surprise the instructor.” Li Yao finished frowns saying: “What I worry about now is that there is enough time.”

The female officer shook her head slightly: “The general of this plan will definitely like it, and will give you the greatest support. As for the feasibility, with us, what are you worried about. I promise that you can make the fragments of this city float in five minutes. .”

Then, the whole city fragments jumped up and down, and it was chaotic. The Banshees began to divide the labor to draw the array, and the whole city fragments were in a rays of light.

“Quickly arrange, the materials consumed are accurate and not ten times the consumption. This time we have paid a lot of money. I hope your plan is feasible, otherwise the general may dismantle you and sell it for money.” The female officer said with a smile.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: “Obviously it is the material you transferred.”

“But you are the planner, we are only acting on orders.” The female officer continued, “Sir, Liaoyuan, After the array is set up, you can order now.”

Li Yao nodded, said loudly: “Everyone is in place, the Starfire Group controls the artillery and catapult.”

Li Yao Starting to arrange, the players of Xinghuo were very excited. This is a good time to earn military merit. Although the score is big, if the military merits obtained by more than one person are still compensated.

“Now I order the Fragment One Base to rise by 150 yards.”

With Li Yao’s order, the fragments of the city no longer descend, but slowly rise, compared to nearby The other fragments gradually rose up.

“Send my order, Fragment One rotates slowly.”

Fragment One begins to rotate slowly, but the speed is not fast.

“Now listen to my orders, the commander dispatches the attack on the second fragment at the bottom left of the target fragment.”

The Peerless Demon Girl was on the nightmare, looking down, and said: “No. The third regiment, attack.”

At this time, it was the third regiment which happened to fire immediately at the second fragment named by Li Yao in the distance, the trebuchet and the artillery.

Condescendingly, artillery shells and trebuchet strikes caused tremendous damage to the crowd on the debris.

Countless lizardmen began to abuse them. They never thought that the fragments captured by human players would no longer fall but lift off.

The trebuchet can project upwards, but it can’t be adjusted to a high angle. Simply can’t touch the number one fragment.

Neither the lizardman players nor the NPCs are a little bit at a loss, just as the players below the siege have no good way to them, they have no way to do with the first fragment.

With the continuous bombing, the lizardmen army on Fragment No. 2 has fallen to pieces.

“Bat Knight is ready to take off, and target the second fragment.”

The Bat Knights have long been impatient. Following Li Yao’s orders, countless dark knight-errants The rider bats began to besiege the second fragment.

“Stop the artillery fire, don’t accidentally hurt it.” Li Yao thought for a moment and said: “The Banshee regiment sent 30,000 people below to this fragment.”

On the one hand, 30,000 players After being teleported up, they have seen the battle just now, they already want to play by themselves, now the opportunity is here, how can they not grasp it.

And the battlefield of Fragment No. 2 has come to an end. They have been smashed by artillery strikes. Now they can only be slaughtered in the face of the rain of arrows, plus the bones are summoned. Come up, the failure of the lizard people is inevitable.

After a while, under the carriage of the bat Knight, there were more than 30,000 people on the second fragment, and Banshee was frantically restraining the array, turning the second fragment into a mobile floating fortress.

As for Fragment No. 1, under Li Yao’s order, the height was adjusted again, and then moved a certain distance, the target has been placed on Fragment No. 3 named by Li Yao.

The lizardmen on Fragment No. 3 face frantically, they don’t know what to do anymore…

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