Li Yao also chose the physical output department and necklace.

Suddenly a group of blood-colored rays of light fell slowly, and everyone looked at it, it was a weird necklace, a truly evil breath spreading.

Everyone took a closer look, and they thought it was a string of ordinary red beads, but in fact, they were all hideous skulls that looked like scarlet crystals.

The skulls are arranged one by one. Although they are hideous, they have a kind of evil power, attracting everyone’s attention.

The pendant of the necklace is a purple and black scorpion. The scorpion is also crystal clear and near-transparent.

And everyone has a strange feeling, as if this scorpion is alive, not a dead thing.

God of Destruction·Hell Beast

Quality: Golden Legendary

Attack: 50%

HP: -25%


Defense: -25%

Resistance: -25%

Bloodthirsty frenzy, consumes 15% of the blood volume, increases its strength and destructive power by 800% Degree, lasts half an hour. Starting in a non-combat state, the blood consumption is doubled.

Blood light surrounds, the body is surrounded by blood light, all enemies within a thousand yards are released with blood curse, the damage received is increased by 30%, the activation effect consumes 25% of the wearer’s blood, but it sucks blood The effect is increased by 500%, and the closing effect loses 25% of the blood. Enemies within a thousand yards will be infected by the Scarlet Plague, and the wearer can feel the opponent’s location within an hour.

The quality of the blood war scorpion, summon blood war scorpion, and hell war scorpion are three-star senior leaders. There must be a leader-level flesh or soul as a sacrifice for summon. The flesh and blood of a living creature must be sacrificed in one minute of the summon battle scorpion, otherwise it will backlash the summon and absorb the flesh and blood of the summon.

Equipment conditions: Dark Element physical output occupation

Equipment level: 25

Li Yao, this necklace, will not grow with the attribute as the level increases, but it does There is no upper level limit.

Everyone looked at this necklace and didn’t know what to do.

This necklace said that the effect is good, and it is indeed good. After all, it can increase the damage by 50%, which is simply against the sky. This is an increase in all damage, not a certain skill.

But let’s say it’s bad, your sister’s health, defense, and resistance are all reduced by a quarter. It’s a cracking a joke.

The hunter and thieves are crispy in the first place, and using this is even more crispy than the mage.

But the mage has his own magic shield, is it good, hunters and other professions do not have the so-called magic shield, too lack of life-saving skills.

With this necklace, the output is up, but simply can’t stand up and won’t survive. No matter how high the output is, it’s a shame. Especially in the face of a boss with a range attack, or a messy battlefield, a little carelessness will definitely die tragically.

Looking at Li Yao’s message, everyone was speechless.

The Peerless Demon Ji said: “You are also happy to see this, other players are probably entangled to death, and then they will wear this stuff. This is simply death.”

Sister Li also said: “It’s okay to reduce the attribute, you look at these three special effects, activate and absorb your own blood. The first effect is dispensable, but the second one, the activation consumes a quarter One health, turning off consumes one-fourth of the health, which is half. It’s not hit yet, I’m half blood, how to play.”

“Vampire effects, except for special occupations, such as vampires, Other professions have very few blood-sucking effects. By the way, there is dark animal husbandry, but dark animal husbandry is a legal profession and cannot be equipped.” Fruit Knight looked at the necklace and shook his head.

“What you said is not bad, but don’t forget my touch of darkness and my elite class. I just want to find the queen to increase the passive level. The bloodsucking effect is very impressive. Touch, the blood-sucking effect is increased by 500%, as long as it is not killed by a spike, even if the blood volume is reduced, and it is crispy, I think it will not be easy to die.” Li Yao directly took off the little Divine Item necklace and brought a new one. necklace.

Suddenly his defensive attributes have dropped a lot, but his attack has also increased terribly. His attack was originally against the sky. With this necklace, now even if it is a tank with a shield wall It is estimated that it will also be spiked.

“Okay, what about the third effect. This so-called hell war scorpion doesn’t say how powerful it is, but summon actually wants the body of the boss, cracking a joke, summon is originally summon to help Those who fight have killed the boss, and summon will come out to dry the hair and get soy sauce.” The guardian angel continued to complain: “Also, when summon comes out, you need to sacrifice flesh and blood. If there is no flesh and blood, it will backlash, what the hell, the battle is over. Sacrifice to the flesh and blood of Mao. This special effect is simply unfathomable mystery.”

Li Yao explained: “You are wrong. If there is no boss’s body, you can use the soul. The so-called boss soul, we can actually use the boss level. Crystal nucleus instead.”

“Fuck, boss-level crystal, Auction House’s cheapest one costs hundreds of gold coins. Since you play this perverted way, others are not expected to play like this. “

The price of summon is really too high. Hundreds of gold coins and several top grade purple outfits of 25 or higher are worth several times more than Necromancer summon.

“Well, I can’t discuss this with perverts. What about the sacrifice of living creatures.” Peerless Enchantress asked.

Li Yao smiled treacherously: “He said he wants a living thing. It’s not simple. Just buy some cheap pets with garbage. Summon will throw it out and throw it at him.”

Everyone was completely defeated, but still showed a wait-and-see attitude towards this necklace.

Li Yao previous life also had a bit of an impression of this piece of equipment, and was commented as one of the 100 most cheating equipment.

These equipment often look very good, but the conditions are too harsh.

Although the quality is good, it is often shelved.

But Li Yao is very aware of the power of this necklace.

At that time, the players were not technically good, but when the technology was high, but they had better equipment, those experts would not be interested in this low-level equipment anymore, so they were so commented.

But Li Yao is a reincarnator, his skills are completely enough, he is completely confident to control this necklace that looks like suicide equipment.

“My little Divine Item can still make do, whoever is not so loud can take it.” Li Yao said.

Hitomi Hitomi said: “Give it to sister-in-law, her necklace is too rubbish, but I can’t find a suitable one.”

Li Yao nodded, Divine Item was given to Sister Li. Sister Li is also not welcome. Wearing it directly, this necklace is very effective. Li Yao doesn’t like it, but it is top grade for others.

After that, everyone concentrated on eating and drinking, watching the official live broadcast, and seeing a lot of strong teams, which opened everyone’s eyes.

Li Yao continued to explain to everyone those skills, equipment, and performance of each team, commenting on the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and giving everyone the best way to crack the team.

Everyone has gained a lot.

Qin Fengyi sighed: “You really should return to the commentary industry. You will definitely become the most dazzling commentator.”

Li Yao smiled and said nothing.

As it passed, the silhouettes of players appeared on the stone platform one by one.

Soon, the platform of Li Yao was full, and then the platforms of other squares. With the end of the First Round, countless teams scattered to various squares…

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