“Luck is very good, but it is also a blessing.” Everyone was full of surprises.

“Full attribute 20%, really strong, but unfortunately only twenty hours.” The cute pupil said with a depressed forehead: “It’s useful, we will go out after the first test.”


Li Yao shook his head and said: “This timing is in heaven. When outside, the buff is not used or timing.”

“It turns out that this is the case, then this god What is the role of the altar, so many illusory little angels?” Peerless Demon Ji asked.

“These altars are the hubs of the original heaven controlling here. Non-demon blood can activate these altars corroded by demons.” Li Yao explained.

“Why can’t you see the portal yet?” The guardian angel said depressed: “It’s not that we have gone the wrong way.”

Li Yao shook his head again and said : “No, there are many doors here, and they seem to be fixed, but because of certain rules, they are actually erratic. I can’t say for sure, but if you want to find a door, you should kill enough demons to reach a certain Only a critical point can the portal come.”

“This is too mysterious, don’t you know the real rules?” Sister Li frowned.

“I said, I just can decide what way to fight, but I don’t know what’s inside.” Li Yao can only talk vaguely.

Other things are forgivable, but this kind of unpredictable thing, if he said too clearly, it would be wrong.

Then everyone went on the road again and killed a few waves of monsters. Even with Li Yao’s comfort, they were a little impatient.

This is the case for the Spark team, and even more so for other teams.

Time has passed, four hours have passed. All the teams became restless and restless.

It’s too depressing here, the same chaos and void everywhere.

Broken roads and land have been walking for a long time, and players simply don’t know where they are.

There are forks everywhere, more terrifying than a maze.

When the players meet, it’s a crazy fight. Up to now, there are more than 10 million teams left, which is not enough to participate in one third of the total number of teams, which shows the cruelty inside.

What’s more terrifying is that they cannot go offline now, and going offline means being eliminated.

The channels have been blocked and there is a dead silence. They don’t even know if others have found the portal or how many people have found the portal.

In fact, until now, even Xinghuo has not found a portal.

But the audience is very clear that most of the highest teams have reached more than 80%, and Li Yao’s team is more than 90%, and the progress can be completed immediately.

The audience was very enjoyable. In this case, they saw the hole cards of many teams.

I have seen a lot of experts, especially those Peak experts who are now irritable and at a loss, but I am very happy.

And Xinghuo has already encountered several teams, and they have all been crushed directly. Xinghuo’s luck is not very good.

The player team has encountered quite a few, but the altar has encountered one.

Besides the demon crystal, there is no decent boss.

Li Yao wondered if it was because he had smashed the flourishing age and destroyed the Hippogryph’s nest, not only took away the child, but also took away a treasure chest, thereby ruining people Product.

The treasure chest, Li Yao, is placed in his home, ready to be opened after Level 30.

But today’s luck is really bad. A normal team will at least encounter three or four altars, and then five or six cursed treasure chests. But now, there is only one altar.

If luck is normal, Li Yao believes that the progress will be enough.

Fortunately, Li Yao knows that if the team passes, there will definitely be an announcement, and no one finds the portal, so he is a little relieved. Luck is really bad.

“Look, what is that red braving blood energy, is it a big treasure chest?” Tongtong said, pointing to a continent at the bottom right of them.

Everyone quickly looked over and saw a red box with a corner exposed behind the stone.

“Sure enough, Hitomi is the lucky star of our team.” Li Yao’s spirit also lifted.

Everyone also rushed over. The treasure chest not only represents progress, it relieves the curse, and it can also get considerable spoils of war.

“It really is a cursed treasure chest.” Li Yao showed the information of the cursed treasure chest to everyone, and said: “When you are ready, touch the treasure chest. No one can say what a monster is.”

Everyone immediately arranged their formation on a stone, and the bones and dead Spirit Pet objects were on the outermost side.

As the treasure chest was touched, the blood-colored rays of light rose into the sky.

Dozens of three-star Yinying demons appeared and attacked Li Yao and them.

Faced with this kind of mobs, Xinghuo was not afraid of it and quickly killed dozens of monsters.

Then the second wave monster appeared and became more than one hundred.

Then the third wave and the fourth wave. When the fifth wave, thousands of demons appeared, including several boss monsters.

In the face of so many monsters, Li Yao’s ten people are also very struggling, and after several consecutive calls, the pressure is terrifying, especially the monsters with long-range magic appearing, they simply cannot use the terrain to fight against these monsters. .

As a result of the dispersal, the team is in a hurry. If it weren’t for Li Yao and their pets, the group would have been destroyed.

“Fuck it, what level of treasure chest is this? Do you want to be so perverted.”

The guardian angel’s immovable barriers are also about to break at any time, facing the monster, It was the first time he felt powerless, and of course he had forgotten the tragic death in the mainline copy.

“Persevere, persevere, the more difficult it is now, the better the treasure chest.”

Hitomi can do well. There are a bunch of various Totems, which can attack and retreat. .

“hahaha, I actually came across a treasure chest, so many monsters, the quality is much better than what we encountered, luck is really very good.” A shield warrior said loudly.

“Good luck today, even if the treasure chest is of good quality, we don’t even need to fight the monster. It’s so cool.” The wine fairy (the tank among the monks) next to him was also very happy.

The male mage behind him said: “Don’t worry, let them play by themselves first, we will send them out soon.”

The face changed on the Xinghuo side, Li Yao said: “No need Don’t care about them, kill these monsters first.”

But Li Yao slowly approached the edge of the continent, which is the direction of the player on another land.

“Spark is about to fight again.” The diamond tycoon immediately discovered it.

The director also quickly switched screens.

“Xinghuo’s luck was really not good. I came across an altar along the way, and finally came across a treasure chest, but I also encountered someone taking advantage of it.” Gent was a bit taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Harry said: “Nor can I say that, Spark is bad luck, but the progress is more than 10% more than the second. This is strength. If Spark’s luck and Ranked 2nd Like the team, it’s estimated that one hundred and five percent is possible.”

“Luck is luck and part of strength. This team is better than the Scorpion No. 2 team. This time the spark is over.” Diamond tycoon lightly saying.

Just ask, how can the team that still stay here today is not strong…

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