What’s going on with your sister? This is the thought that haunts everyone in Shengshi Station.

Everyone was beaten up and forced, basically everyone who was outside hanged up once, until the resurrection was still a little confused.

It’s not just them. Those senior leaders who gathered together in a hurry are now all looking pale.

“The big brother is caught up in the matter, and there is an important customer who can’t get rid of it. Let us discuss this matter.” Cousin Shengshi helplessly said.

The face of the beast whisperer suddenly changed, and he said anxiously: “Which customer?”

Sheng Shi Kuang Shao said impatiently: “Which customers do you still care about, quickly think of a solution Fight back these monsters.”

The beast whisperer helplessly said: “I remember the boss said that he would meet with the president of Shaoqing Group to discuss the investment and cooperation of Shaoqing Group in the resident.”

My cousin Shengshi’s face is also not good for a moment: “It’s over, it’s over, I also remember it, it seems that the president of Shaoqing Group will visit our site tomorrow morning.”

this time, The few people present were all dumbfounded.

They are not fools. Although they just went online, they have already figured out the situation. The countless demonic beasts are still the station under siege by flying demonic beasts.

Now the players of Shengshi are struggling desperately, and more members are still contacting and going online.

Let’s not say whether we can repel the demonic beast attack, even if it can be repelled, the resident is probably in a mess.

Tomorrow the Shaoqing Group will visit, what to see and see the ruins.

They know very well that in order to win this investment, they have paid too much, and various guild facilities have been built crazy regardless of cost.

“Damn it, why is it a flying demonic beast.” Cousin Sheng Shi directly threw the cup.

As he said, why is it flying demonic beast? If you can’t fly, you can only get into their station through the city gate. On the one hand, the city wall is more than adequate for defense. The stone city wall plus Defense reinforcement, even the boss in the demonic beast is also difficult to break.

But it happened to fly demonic beasts, and simply ignored their city wall.

If this is screwed up, if they try to waste it, it will damage their credibility. Who else would dare to invest in them in the future?

Thinking of their three people having a cold war, the consequence is too terrifying.

“Yes, don’t let me know who it is.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao is also very manic now, they still don’t know what’s going on.

Is it because the people in the guild provoke these demonic beasts, or foreign players provoke the demonic beasts, or is it simply a conspiracy that is aimed at their prosperity.

Although the age is strong and prosperous, enemies and opponents are also everywhere.

The animal whisperer first thought of Xinghuo, but then he was not sure.

He has been online, and he just heard the world announcement that the veterans of Xinghuo killed the boss. He was still feeling that although Xinghuo is the enemy, he has to admire others.

But it’s not Xinghuo, who it is, he has no idea.

“Forget it, it doesn’t make any sense to pursue this now, let’s get through the difficulties.” said the beast whisperer.

Cousin Shengshi took the map and said: “In this way, the three of us will be separated, and the guild will be divided into three forces. I will guard the guild hall with the second regiment, and you will support the guild with a regiment. See if you can let those idle players do something to take care of the cemetery. Cousin, you take the remaining people to protect the three hotels, remember, must protect it.”

“Okay, that’s it Let’s do it.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao also matured a lot, knowing that this is a critical moment.

“Beast language, you are under the greatest pressure, but among us, you have the strongest ability and control the overall situation. The overall situation is left to you.” Cousin Sheng Shi said seriously.

“I understand that our guild is not without hole cards. As long as you guard the lobby and hotel, I will do the rest.” The beast whisperer’s tone was full of confidence.

Needless to say, the guild hall, the hub of the guild’s operation, the guild hall disappears, even if their residence is abandoned. And all other functions will lose their effect if they freeze.

The guild hotel, not to mention, there are many members and foreign players in the hotel after offline. The hotel is destroyed, and the fun is great.

Those who are offline will also hang up with the destruction of the hotel, this is not a joke.

Let’s ask, if they go offline at their hotel, even the security can’t be guaranteed. Whenever there are players coming here, will they be abandoned.

“Sure enough, it is the Great Guild. It responded so quickly.”

Li Yao was drinking in the shadows on the roof of the hotel at this time. He was almost attacked and discovered the cause of the backpack. , And threw the backpack with horned eagle eggs.

Now that there is no breath to pull, even the horned eagle can’t see his trace.

Although I can still see the white light rising from one after another, it has become organized and disciplined, as if I have found the backbone.

“Sure enough, the progress has changed.” Li Yao elated took a sip of cider.

Many players surrounded the hall and began to pull hatred, preferring to be killed rather than letting the Griffin attack their guild hall.

The hotel is the same, because of the organization, those mt will be killed in seconds if they don’t get up.

Li Yao was in an appreciation battle, and suddenly saw someone on the roof in the distance. The Creator’s Eye started, Li Yao laughed dumbfounded: “These anchors are really with no opportunity. They came here in such a short time. Now.”

These anchors are well-informed and have a large number of fans. In fact, the way to come so soon is very simple. The warlock can bring people over.

Li Yao took a closer look and found that there were three or four anchors with friends in such a short period of time, and the most famous one is the civet cat.

“It is indeed worthy of the title of previous life as a war correspondent. If there is war, there is him.” Li Yao shook his head and chatted privately to Sister Li: “Watching the live broadcast of the civet cat, there is a good show. .”

“What good show, did you start?” Sister Li curiously asked.

“Just look at it. Tell the other people in the guild. You can watch and celebrate together.” Li Yao said with a smile: “I am drinking and admiring the moon on the roof. It’s nothing more beautiful can be imagined.”

“It’s time to have fun. The guild is playing a bonfire party in the square, which happens to be a lot of fun.” Sister Li went straight to the square after speaking, and then shared the live broadcast of the civet cat. .

A huge virtual picture appeared in the center of the square, which is exactly the tragedy on the prosperous side. Many people on Xinghuo knew that this was Xinghuo’s enemy. Seeing the enemy slumped, they were immediately happy. Everyone was talking about the character in the picture while drinking, it was so lively.

At the same time, many powerful guilds also received this news, and then one after another put their eyes on this. An accident occurred at the Shengshi station. This is a major event, and the e-sports circle is boiling.

The Beast Whisperer was naturally informed of this situation, and the rays of light flickered in his eyes. This can be said to be an opportunity or a disaster…

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