“Shengshi’s residence.”

Li Yao previously did not care about other people’s guilds, but Shengshi is one of the guilds of the cream of the crop in Huaxia Administrative Region. I want to find out where difficult.

“It turned out to be in Stonetalon Mountain, I would really find a place.”

Li Yao’s impression of this place has been blurred, but there is probably still a little impression. He already has a preliminary intend.

Li Yao didn’t go anywhere else this time, and went straight to the library in the orc main city.

Said it is a library. In fact, it must have a collection of high-precision Spirit Sea books. This is just a small bookstore.

But a lot of valuable information can be found here, such as information that Li Yao has forgotten, Shi Zaifeng’s power and monster distribution.

This information is of no use to others, but for Li Yao, it is used to draw a lot of cards.

This time he wants to make Sheng Shi suffer a dumb loss.

After spending half an hour, Li Yao finally understood the situation of Shizhaofeng clearly in the mind.

“God really helped me choose this place. It deserves your bad luck. You don’t even know how to die.”

Li Yao walked out in exchange Go to the library, and then walk to a shop in the troll district of an orc main city.

The main city of orcs is now actually occupied by three aspects. Most of the area is naturally orcs, followed by trolls.

The Darkspear tribe was once a tribe of countless troll tribes. They were exiled, crossed the ocean, and thrived in an archipelago.

They were facing threats from naga and murlocs. A few years ago, the tribe launched a rebellion. The chief died in battle, and the chief’s son fled with his loyalists.

As a result, he was rescued by the orcs. At that time, the orcs were also like stray dogs. The two tribes hit it off, united and settled in the chosen place. The location is Orima, the main city of the orcs.

Later, he joined with Ox Head Man, but Ox Head Man was also overwhelmed by the centaur. The three clans formed the initial alliance, which was the prototype of Dark Faction.

The young chief of the orc met Princess and reached a mutual assistance agreement, and united against the admiral (the king of the sea kingdom, preferring to be called the admiral by others), the admiral unexpectedly dead.

The kingdom of the sea fell apart, and Dark Faction gained a respite, and only then did the undead, high elves and goblins join in.

The important meeting of the two armies was opened in Shizhao Peak, giving this not-barren place a special meaning.

Now that the Centaur is defeated, it is when the Dark Faction conquered the territory, Shiclaw Peak will naturally not let it go.

Of course, the trolls are more keen to quell the rebellion, but Dark Faction does not have this strength now.

Naturally, the trolls don’t want to create any main city, and naturally settle down in Orimaa.

Trolls have a very ancient history, and ancient elves were once a branch of the troll tribe. Their spell and ceremony are famous for their weirdness.

Li Yao came here to find this shop. Senjin’s Will is said to be the chief behind the shop, but it has not been confirmed.

Li Yao went directly into the store. The store was very deserted. A troll was making a steaming pot looking through his eyes.

It was as if there was something peerlessly delicious in the pot, and with the tumbling soup, Li Yao could clearly see the colorful mushrooms and even creatures such as snake heads and toads.

“Elf, it’s really surprising.” The old troll squinted a lot of Li Yao: “It’s still a recruit. It seems that your elders didn’t tell you. It’s better not to provoke the troll.”

“Why not mention the past, now our interests have always belonged to the Dark Faction, don’t they.” Li Yao said with a smile.

“We agree, but it seems, forget it, what do you Little Brat know.” The old troll shook his head slightly.

Trolls and elves have a great connection. Ancient Era, elves are originally a branch of trolls, but near the Well of Eternity, the mutations that occur can control Arcane’s power.

At that time, the giant Demon Emperor and the wormman empire fought, defeating the wormman and becoming the overlord of the world.

As a result, the elves rose, and no longer recognized as a troll, but changed to a son of the stars.

A war broke out between the two sides, and the giant Demon Emperor kingdom was torn apart by the elves.

The war between the two races has spread for a long time, and the hatred has penetrated into the bloodline.

It is said that the high elves are still fighting the Amani trolls.

Although the dark spear tribe and the high elves belong to the Dark Faction, they are not in harmony.

This is true even for players. Troll players rarely visit the elves’ territory, and elven players rarely visit the trolls.

The reason is very simple, it is impossible to receive the task.

“These things are not my concern. I want to buy something here.” Li Yao took out the purse.

“The high spirit Arcane is so powerful that he actually came to my side to buy things.” The old troll took a sip of the soup and leaned comfortably on the chair.

“This World, there is nothing perfect. The Troll’s Witch Doctor is also very powerful, but it’s too difficult to cultivate that’s all.” Li Yao took out the gold coin and said: “I want a decadent altar and a The coordinate altar.”

The rays of light in the eyes of the old trolls are also dim. There are not many priests in a tribe, but the high elves, almost all Arcane mages, can resist.

Altars in trolls are actually arrays, but they are called differently.

“The decayed altar, this thing is of little use to you.” Seeing Li Yao’s smile, the old troll shook his head and said: “The decayed altar is a set of 100 gold coins, and the coordinate altar is 50 gold coins. But it can only be used three times.”

“I know.” Li Yao threw a bag of gold coins to the old troll.

The old troll also gave things to Li Yao. The coordinate altar is a small stone statue. If Li Yao uses it, he needs to drip his blood on the stone statue. No matter where Li Yao is, he can send it to The edge of the stone statue.

The Decaying Altar is actually composed of some small Totems, these small Totems are only palm-size, very unremarkable.

Li Yao bowed his hand and left directly, then Li Yao went to Auction House again, and bought a gold coin to buy a three-day rename card and a transformation card, and then took some equipment from the union warehouse .

Then he went to the goblin’s place again, bought some high-grade high explosives, and then took the flying mount to Shiclaw Peak.

With the defeat of the Centaur, some Ox Head Man began to rebuild their camp. At this moment, Li Yao has become a troll.

Moreover, this transformation card allows him to have the skills of Amazon. The transformation card actually wants players to try other professional entertainment items.

But for the player, with the renamed card, it becomes the best item for killing people and making money.

“It’s really a nice place, I really can’t underestimate the people of the world.”

On a mountain, Li Yao looked at the distant resident, and he was moved.

This station is on a steep mountain wall, and there is only one road leading to the station on the mountainside, and there are no monsters nearby, and with the guild’s array, the station has great potential for development , You can continue to expand and extend upward.

If it develops well, it will inevitably become a solid barrier…

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