Seeing the stone treasure chest coming out, the three of them were extremely surprised.

Electric dragon basically does not drop equipment. This is for sure, only materials can be collected.

They thought that this was the final reward. They didn’t expect and other things, which were really unexpected.

For ordinary monsters, there are drawings on the blacksmith’s side, which can be made directly.

But after the 20th level, it is not enough to get the materials, and special drawings are needed.

This is the limitation of making good equipment with materials. In other words, although they have obtained the materials of the electric dragon, it is very difficult to make the corresponding equipment.

Without corresponding drawings, blacksmiths can of course make them, but without the blessing of drawing power, equipment made of golden materials is estimated to be purple, which wastes the true performance of the materials.

Naturally, momentaneous splendor does not really care about the materials obtained by killing the electric dragon.

After all, it is not realistic to get the series of equipment drawings of the electric dragon. The level difference is too much. The lowest level of the electric dragon is also Level 30.

So these materials are either stored until the drawing is obtained later, but it will be around Level 30 at that time.

Either it is made by a senior Secondary Profession, but basically it can only be a senior purple outfit.

Because of these two reasons, momentaneous splendor does not care about these discretions and let Li Yao choose for himself. If it is a good ready-made gold outfit, it is probably not so generous.

Xiao Yudi stared at a few magic nodes in a daze, and then said after a while: “Is this a magic lock?”

Li Yao nodded said: “Yes, this It’s the magic lock.”

“Then how did you find it?” As a mission fan, Xiao Yudi was very curious about how Li Yao discovered this box.

Li Yao said with a smile: “In fact, these things have traces to follow. There are two aspects. The first is the magic lock. The place with the magic lock is definitely not simple. The other is the wall. Traces, there should be something here, plus the magic lock to judge that there is a treasure chest. Now the ancient gods have just started, many things take into account the player’s feelings, and these things are traceable.”

This simple arrangement Li Yao can see through at a glance, just like the authenticity of the ancient god world, which will increase as the level increases.

Then this so-called decryption will gradually increase, and it will become more and more difficult.

The ancient god world has a history of 100,000 years of commanding creatures. There are many treasures, Secret Realm, and copies of this kind all over the world.

As the level increases, more and more lucky players will get a lot of clues.

For example, the broken Treasure Map, such as treasure clues, and another example is a treasure key that may not be used for a lifetime.

In addition to researching these clues to find a place, the player has to defeat the monster guarding the treasure, and decrypt it in the process, so as to unlock the puzzle and get more spoils of war.

There are more things needed for decryption, and the knowledge in the ancient gods that needs to be understood is different according to the type of treasure.

Just like this treasure, if they are like momentaneous splendor, they don’t understand the things of ancient elves, and they don’t even know that there is a very simple treasure chest to hide.

Because this has also produced many treasure hunters, or treasure analysts, who specialize in cracking Secret Realm or treasures that others cannot crack.

I think that Li Yao was hunted down by trade unions such as Shengshi and became a quasi-Divine Grade hunter because he was a so-called treasure hunter and he was also the initiator of the treasure hunter forum.

Rely on finding these so-called treasures, or cracking the treasures for the rich, to go all the way.

For this, Li Yao read through libraries of various races, and visited old people of various races of ancient gods to learn about various stories and legends.

Previous life, Li Yao became the first player in the game to be awarded the title of scholar. With this title, as long as he wears a scholar robe and a guild leader, he can move in and out of any race and camp freely. .

Naturally, even if Li Yao never came to this small copy, he still saw through it.

Everyone suddenly realized, but Xiao Yudi was even more puzzled: “Then how do you know the password of the magic lock? I think you can use it once. I remember reading from the book that all magic locks are linked to magic organs. Well.”

“You know a lot.” Li Yao smiled: “I didn’t say it, this is a low-level copy, it is very simple, not even a puzzle, you guys Just look at the pattern in the middle of the hall.”

The magic lock requires wisdom to be unlocked. It can’t be unlocked even with the completion key, and the magic lock is linked to the magic trap. If it fails three times in a row, again Failure will trigger a magic trap.

As for what the magic trap is, it depends on the person who made the magic lock.

The three looked towards the middle of the hall and saw a lightning bolt pattern. They thought that the shape of Li Yao’s link was basically the same as this lightning bolt.

“Ai, it seems that we have to learn a lot. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even know that there is a treasure chest.” Momentaneous splendor listened to Li Yao’s admiration of Li Yao’s prostrate oneself in admiration.

And Xiao Yudi is a little star full of eyes. Isn’t this what she pursues?

Li Yao took out a low-level master key and directly opened the treasure chest that was still locked.

ka ka ……

Li Yao directly took out the first thing. Seeing this thing, momentaneous splendor eyes immediately lit up.

Making diagram of the tooth dagger of the electric dragon leader

Function: After learning, you can make electric dragon dagger 23

Note: the electric Dragon Qi in the drawing after making Will improve the quality of the weapon by one

Materials: Electric Dragon Chief’s Fang*1, Mithril Bar*1, Wind Element Essence*5

Learning requirements: Intermediate Blacksmith

The tooth of the electric dragon leader

Quality: purple epic

Damage: 75-80

Strength: 72

Agility: 71

Endurance: 70

In a flash, equipped with a dagger increases arm flexibility by 15%

paralysis, use dagger to attack the target to accumulate electric shock effect, each floor The electric shock increases the damage the target takes by 2%. After 15 layers of electric shock, it will enter a paralyzed state for 3 seconds.

Equipment level: 25

Equipment requirements: agile occupations

Seeing this drawing, momentaneous splendor’s eyes are straight, the effect of this drawing is really It’s abnormal.

This is a top-level paralysis dagger, and for today’s thieves, it is simply the existence of a small Divine Item.

“This drawing…” the momentaneous splendor hesitated.

Li Yao threw the drawing to her and said: “It’s still the old rules. I just work part-time. The drawing is naturally yours.”

Momentaneous splendor waved his hand and said: “no no no , Without you, we can’t get the drawing. If I take this drawing, it’s too impossible to tell good from bad. I mean we cooperate.”

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and said:” Cooperation, how to cooperate?”

“Presumably you also know that it is not realistic to hunt other electric dragon bosses now, and I have exactly six electric dragon leaders’ teeth. The blueprint, I produce the materials, how about the equitable distribution of the equipment?” Momentaneous splendor said his purpose…

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