Li Yao smiled: “Since I promised to help you complete one person’s task, naturally I will not miss the appointment.”

momentaneous splendor said with a smile: “That’s it, let’s go, let’s Go and talk.”

Li Yao nodded and said: “Okay, let’s hurry up.”

So everyone hurried away in silence, Li Jia talked to Li Yao privately and said, “Big brother, When will you go home.”

Li Yao sighed said: “I promised, naturally I won’t go back, but now the guild’s affairs are too cumbersome to get out of, especially the guild base. Say no. There must be something.”

“Well, let me give you this golden outfit, and don’t want Fanghua elder sister.” Li Jia took out the golden outfit.

Li Yao waved his hand and said: “This golden outfit is just for you, so you can use it and give it to me.”

“This is a golden outfit. There is not much in the game. “It’s a piece.” Li Jia said: “It would be great if the big brother’s guild has more pieces.”

“A piece of gold is nothing, you can keep it for use.” Li Yao didn’t take it and said with a smile: “No matter how good the gold outfit is, it is nothing more than an excessive piece of equipment. It is of no use to the guild.”

“Okay.” Li Jia saw Li Yao’s face firm and did not refute. The two talked about trivial things and soon came to a small valley.

On the edge of the valley, you can clearly see the mountain within the valley. Tyrant Dragon is everywhere. In the depths of the valley, there is a faint hole. With the track on the ground, it is obviously an abandoned Mine.

“Let’s talk about it now, it’s just a task, is it so mysterious?” Li Yao said disapprovingly.

“I don’t hide it from you. This is not a simple task. What you get is related to the development of the guild. I hope you keep your promise.” Momentaneous splendor said.

“If I don’t believe me, what else would I do?” Li Yao smiled and shook his head. He had seen something.

“Liaoyuan, you are too impudent.” Joan Hua Wuji coldly said: “Be careful when you speak.”

“It seems that you have opinions on me, then what do you do with me.” Li Yao lightly saying.

Momentaneous splendor frowned and said, “What did I say when I came.”

“But this splendor is so unreasonable, I really take myself seriously.” Joan Hua Wuji was dissatisfied. Said.

“Isn’t it just a small task, I don’t want to team up with unimportant people.” Li Yao didn’t condone this kind of scum at all.

“You…” Joan Hua Wuji said angrily: “You are the irrelevant person, right.”

Momentaneous splendor frowned and asked: “Are you walking without people? This The monster to deal with is not simple.”

“If I can’t deal with it, there is basically no difference between one more and one less.” Li Yao said confidently.

“Then you go back.” Momentaneous splendor is also a bit dissatisfied. These so-called experts are really unruly.

She knows naturally that the experts of these guilds are obviously dissatisfied with their search for a prairie fire, but they have tried many times, but they all failed.

Furthermore, the maximum number of quests is five. It is useless to have more people in the guild. This is in her hands. As a result, they tried several times, but the same did not work.

They can’t do it themselves, they naturally don’t want Li Yao to do it, otherwise it seems that he is too incompetent.

“This…” Joan Hua Wuji didn’t know that momentaneous splendor was the boss, and when she said this, she felt like she said: “The president let me listen to you. Since you let me go, I will naturally I will leave, but it’s not my business if the task is not completed.”

“If it is not completed, you will not be blamed.” Momentaneous splendor’s face is also hot, it’s really shameful, every time Will encounter this kind of thing.

Joan Hua Wuji glanced at Li Yao with a sneer, and then went back with the hearthstone.

“This guy is a clever man. He borrowed my hand and ran away.” Li Yao laughed blankly, but didn’t care about it.

“It seems that we need to reorganize, these guys have little ability, but a lot of careful thinking.” Momentaneous splendor’s eyes flashed a cold light, but his heart was determined.

Li Yao smiled, it’s inconvenient for him to talk more about other people’s house affairs.

“You can transform into a healing form, and my spider tank can be used as a tank.” Li Yao said summon out of the spider tank and Death God 4000.

“No problem.” Her profession is very special, she can switch innate talent at will, and as the equipment changes, the equipment attributes also change.

She didn’t expect Li Yao to see it at a glance.

The monster here is also a demonic beast, but it is very scattered, at most three or four demonic beasts are together.

There is a spider tank against it, plus Li Yao and pets, the output is terrifying. And Li Yao can directly fix the sniper rifle with the tentacles, facing the demon Tyrant Dragon, the same three shots can be decapitated.

“Your big brother is too good, it’s easier than killing ordinary monsters.” Xiao Yudi’s eyes lit up.

“Of course.” Li Jia said triumphantly.

“Liaoyuan is really powerful, and this alone shows a huge gap.” Momentaneous splendor was also shocked.

They faced three or four demonic beasts with extreme difficulty. They didn’t expect nothing in front of Li Yao, they just crushed them all the way.

“Occupy the pet’s light.” Li Yao didn’t say much, but changed the subject: “What is the mission this time?”

“I will share it with you.” Momentaneous splendor shared the task with Li Yao and said, “This is already the Tenth Step. It took a long time for the guild to complete the first nine steps, but the last step could not be passed. This last step is a small copy that can take up to five. When people enter, the task can reward a guild altar.”

“It turned out to be a guild altar.” Li Yao laughed dumbfounded, there are several guild altars.

Of course, other guilds seem to be very precious.

“It seems that Spark has already existed.” Momentaneous splendor looks at Li Yao’s indifferent expression and knows that Spark must have this thing, but it is more sighed in relief, Liaoyuan doesn’t care about the best, less There are some other concerns.

“It turned out to be a copy of Spider Mine. It’s really good luck.” Li Yao muttered in his heart, he suddenly remembered that previous life had heard of this copy.

Many guilds cannot ask for a scroll, just for the so-called altar. However, Li Yao’s joy is not the altar, but the things produced inside. If he gets it, it will be of great help to him. Of course, it depends on luck.

Because he doesn’t know if the vague impression is real, or simply made up by other players.

As they talked and laughed, everyone had come to the entrance of the mine and cleared out the monster, everyone stopped.

“It would be nice to upgrade here, it’s so cool.” Xiao Yudi’s eyes narrowed. The experience of killing demonic beasts is too much for them.

“Going aside, it still matters.” Momentaneous splendor took out a few crystals glowing with red rays of light, and then as if found a few gaps, put the crystals in.

Then everyone backed away and an illusory yellow portal appeared…

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