As the level increases, players need to go far away to upgrade and need to stay away from the main city.

But if you stay away from the main city, you will spend more time on the road.

So, now many players will choose crowded towns or cities, and then temporarily take root. After all, too much time was wasted on the road.

There are many dangerous and inconvenient maps, and few people come.

For example, Dustwallow Marshes and Sandbanks, there are very few people in these places, and the demonic beast upgrades are even rarer. Li Yao thought that he was alone here, didn’t expect It’s a coincidence that there are other players.

Li Yao certainly doesn’t know, this is not spark stimulation.

In the past two days, the collective level of several thousand people in Spark has soared, and the guilds that are still in the 20th level dug up wasteland are terrified.

They are only at level 20, and they are still struggling for the equipment at level 20. As a result, they collectively have ascended to level 25.

Especially Li Yao, he is now at Level 14, and he will soon be over half of Level 20.

Such a strong stimulus, not only those guilds, but also ordinary players have a fire in their hearts, wanting to keep up with the pace of Spark.

They kept cursing the guy who plot against Xinghuo in their hearts. It’s not enough to fail. Not only did they fail to stop them, 80,000 people made their reputations, and that’s fine, and they have soared.

Of course they knew that if they weren’t forced to do it, a fool would just apply for the project when they built a guild hall.

After scolding the eighteen generations of these people’s ancestors over and over, they are eager to upgrade, and how can the upgrade be the fastest? Naturally, it is to kill the demonic beast.

This is what happened. In most cases of expert compelled by circumstances, they began to constantly look for the demonic beast gathering place, and then took a huge risk to hunt the demonic beast to upgrade.

Although the Gushen map is very large, the total number of demonic beasts in the twenty or so ranks is not too much. Naturally, people will inevitably come on the swamp.

Li Yao naturally didn’t know this, but his spoils of war had been stolen, and he was very upset.

Li Yao knows that it is not easy to find each other, but he is very calm.

The crystal nucleus is very expensive. He believes that if the other party has taken advantage of it once, it will definitely not stop like this.

Li Yao killed two Human Demons again, paying attention a little bit, and did not see a silhouette, but when Li Yao checked, the spoils of war still disappeared.

He has been watching, but he did not see any human figures.

“Is it a shadowless thief? Or a thief?” A rays of light flashed in Li Yao’s eyes. He suddenly remembered that in the branch of thieves in the elite profession, a kind of thieves who are good at assassination, can Maintaining stealth in battle, there is a thief known as a thief, who is best at concealing breath and shadows and stealing top secrets.

Of these two professions, one is a terrifying assassination, and the other is a thief known as a treasure chest hunter. This kind of thief can even go deep into the monster cave to steal things and make a fortune.

Li Yao was more careful this time. He killed a Human Demon and was attacking another Human Demon, but the scope was constantly looking at the bodies of Human Demon and Tyrant Dragon.

Finally, Li Yao showed a smile at the corner of his mouth: “Sure enough, he is a thief. I won’t run away after taking advantage of it. I’m so courageous.”

There are so many bitches in the wild. Yes, many such thieves are not for how many spoils of war and how valuable they are, but for disgusting people.

Li Yao is too far away for the sonar arrows to cover it, but Li Yao has already determined that someone is collecting it through the trembling body of Tyrant Dragon.

Li Yao’s sniper rifle turned the muzzle directly, and then pulled the trigger.


With a bloodbath, a silhouette from fuzzy to clear appeared. He was holding a skinning knife in one hand and Tyrant Dragon skin in the other. The expression of confidence fell down.

Li Yao not at all in the past, because he saw the opponent’s dagger fall out, Li Yao believed that if the opponent had a companion, he would definitely not let go of this weapon.

Sure enough, Li Yao saw the dagger float up, Li Yao did not hesitate, the sniper rifle filled with bullets sounded.

Next is a blood flower, this time it did not hit the eyebrow, but it was also the position of the heart.

Li Yao’s fight with Human Demon and Tyrant Dragon are basically critical and deadly positions. The fifty-layer buff is already full.

But the power is too great, and even the attacked directly penetrates the body without any feeling.

The current thief, with a full purple outfit, has a blood volume of several thousand. Faced with Li Yao’s terrifying attack, even if it is not a critical point, it will be a direct kill.

The thief also dropped a pair of gloves. When he saw the purple light flashing, Li Yao knew it was good equipment.

Li Yao is not surprised. If he doesn’t have a full purple outfit, coming here to upgrade would be deadly.

Li Yao waited for a while, and the two pieces of equipment stayed in place quietly. He was not sure whether anyone was still in the vicinity, but the probability of having teammates was very high. After all, they were just thieves. Can’t mix in this kind of place.

But Li Yao didn’t wait any longer. He showed his figure and quickly walked towards the equipment. When Li Yao picked up two pieces of equipment, his nerves were already tense.

Sure enough, Li Yao felt a little air fluctuation, Li Yao rolled directly.

Li Yao’s hand crossbow is directly a sonar arrow. After being detected, Li Yao’s other hand crossbow also pulled the trigger.


Although the crossbow bolts of the hand crossbow are small, their attacks are also out of order after being strengthened, and the third thief also fell to the ground in an aggrieved manner.

The sonar arrows have been detected. In addition to the three thieves who fell on the ground, there are also two thieves. Li Yao stood up without retreating but moved forward. He turned a shadow wheel and reached the two thieves’ intermediate.

If it were an ordinary hunter, two thieves would definitely think that the hunter was frightened and stupid when they saw this situation, and it would simply bring about one’s own destruction in the middle of the two.

But they had witnessed how the three companions died. Now that they saw Li Yao close to their bodies, their immediate reaction was to find cover to cover them, and then look for opportunities to stun Li Yao.

They are also experts, knowing that they can’t bear Li Yao’s arrow, and Li Yao rushed over directly. With their previous performance, they must not die. They made a wise decision.

The two thieves rolled directly behind the stone. They knew very well that they couldn’t avoid simply being so close. Naturally, they used a short-term invincible resistance, and they succeeded.

“Sure enough, it’s expert, but also Interesting.” Li Yao saw that the two thieves had evaded the attack, and the shadow turned again.

“Sona arrows, you are a prairie prairie fire.” The thief saw Li Yao approaching again and finally confirmed that Li Yao always knew their location.

“Hehe, you still know me.” Li Yao was not polite, and pulled the trigger again.

The thief directly flipped back, and the two crossed daggers blocked the crossbow bolt again.

The other thief was also unambiguous, and directly moved towards Li Yao and threw a flash bomb…

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