Li Yao’s pursuit is not only the strength of his character, because he knows very well that pets are also indispensable.

In the early stage, he might use his own technology to crush everything, just like now. But as the player’s skills have improved, even if he is stronger, but as the gap narrows, he thinks it is now so easy and impossible.

If you want to maintain this gap, you can only use everything you know to continue to grow stronger. The highest equipment is basically impossible now. He doesn’t care much about the so-called top equipment, after all, it is just a transition.

The only thing that really needs to be bothered is things like Angel Wings and Touch of Darkness, and pets.

Especially if you want to catch a snake like a Hydra, or even a real Divine Grade pet, just knowing what the so-called strategy is useless.

Li Yao can only get more clues than others, but it takes a lot of luck to really catch it. This is the accumulation of time.

Li Yao’s ideal is naturally to create an all-round multi-pet collection of sea, land and air, so that he can decide to use a suitable pet to fight according to different terrains, and ordinary pets are not eye-catching.

Don’t talk about the elite Yinying, even ordinary boss Li Yao is too lazy to catch. This is why Li Yao rarely catches pets.

Li Yao’s idea is to be better off. As soon as he saw the sea monster, Li Yao was tempted. After identifying the attributes of the sea monster, Li Yao became more determined.

This pet is an excellent marine pet. Although it is not usually used, after the guild residence is set up, the pet can be in the guild residence instead of always in the Pet Space.

Li Yao’s idea is simple, that is, to build a pet army.

For example, you can also build nests of snakes and sea monsters in the pier radiation Sea Territory, so that you can form a group slowly, and with the care of the trainer and the breeder, the guild will have more The troops come.

But first of all, Li Yao must be qualified to lead the pet. The Hydra is naturally qualified. Now Li Yao finally saw one again, the huge sea monster in front of him.

Li Yao can even imagine that if some sea monsters are cultivated, with their cooperation in future naval battles, Xinghuo’s fleet will become all the more disadvantaged.

“My friend, are you an advanced engineering master?” An anxious voice awakened Li Yao from a beautiful fantasy.

Li Yao was taken aback, saw that it was a captain, and said: “Yes.”

“That’s really good. My soldiers are all seriously injured and there is no senior Cannonball gunner, can you entrust you to help drive the rare beast away?” The captain said with a look of expectation: “Don’t worry, I will give you a satisfactory reward after this time.”

He couldn’t help but worry , The other soldiers were on the other side of the city, and those who could rush came first, but there were very few other soldiers. The militias were brave, and the control of artillery was also a problem.

Li Yao was taken aback, and said: “Kill away, why not kill?”

The captain smiled bitterly: “Don’t crack a joke, this kind of monster has the main gun There is nothing to be afraid of outside, even Princess Princess can only wound it. Anyway, this monster also comes once a year, but didn’t expect to come so early this year.”

“You mean , As long as I solve this trouble?” Li Yao asked rhetorically.

“As long as there are fewer dead people and the port is not damaged too badly, rare beast retreats even if you complete the mission.” The captain directly released a high-level Bounty Mission.

Li Yao took a look, and after completion, he can directly turn the prestige here into respect, and gain 35% of the current level experience, as well as a promised twentieth level of self-realization.

The conditions are very rich, especially the prestige one, which is very attractive.

Li Yao pretended to think and said in the anxious gaze of the superior: “I have one more small request.”

“You said you said.” The captain was really anxious. Now, there are already few recruits here, and there are not many who can help. I originally stopped a few who can help, but when I saw the attribute of monster, I just ran away.

cracking a joke, this monster is level sixty, how to play.

Now that the players are all savvy, they don’t think that if they encounter advanced monsters, they can simply complete the tasks released.

So seeing Li Yao actually want to agree, my eyebrows are immediately happy.

“You add one to the reward. If I complete the commission, I can use the military equipment magic furnace for one day.” Li Yao said.

Hearing this, the captain immediately sighed in relief, what he thought it was, it turned out to be such a small thing, but still said: “Although it is a bit embarrassing, if you complete the commission, you will be our benefactor. , I agreed to this matter.”

“Then the deal will be done.” Seeing the other party re-established the order, Li Yao readily signed his name.

“Come with me, this is the safest position for the main gun.” Captain Energetic and Bustling ran with Li Yao.

“I’ll take this entrustment, you can just listen to me.” Li Yao said quickly: “Don’t let that many people be in the position of the artillery and the crossbow. The dispatch will be stealth professional thieves to reload the shells. Just leave. Also, let those sailors in the water dive, rare beasts are too big to consider them as targets, so as to minimize casualties.”

“The request is easy to say, but the gunner is transferred. This…” The captain looked gloomy and uncertain.

“Just listen to me. Only one minute of the main gun can fire one shell. According to my observation when I came, there are only eight sect master guns. The other secondary guns are useless anyway. In addition, you can hurry up. In the city, find some porcupines and throw them into the water. People who don’t want to die any more will listen to me.” Li Yao said firmly.

The captain saw Li Yao’s confident face, gloomy and uncertain, and finally gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, I will believe you once.”

The captain directly began to give orders. However, soon the soldiers in the port retreated, rare beast attacked fewer targets and began to destroy the port.

Only the thieves can escape directly after loading the shells, and the main gun is on the turret, the monster can’t destroy it.

Li Yao ran directly to the side of a main gun and quickly corrected the angle. The whole process did not exceed three seconds, and then the gunfire roared.

The captain’s complexion suddenly changed. You must know that a skilled gunner also needs to adjust for a long time to shoot. This is not an ordinary shooting, but a burst, which requires accuracy.

He was regretting that he should not believe a recruit when he saw the sea monster burst out suddenly, just hitting the huge shell IQ.

hōng lóng lóng ……

The huge sea monster made a sharp roar and was struck by the shells on its head, and fell directly into the sea. The main gun’s formidable power is better than ordinary artillery. The formidable power was too strong, his scales burst, and blood flowed like a burst of blood, which stained the sea.

People hiding in the distance immediately cheered when they saw the main gun hit the sea monster for the first time. You must know that this sea monster that comes every year is very shrewd. He doesn’t care about the secondary artillery. But he was very afraid of the main gun, so the main gun almost missed him.

Because he suffered from the main gun loss when he came for the first time, he was almost killed by several rounds of bombing…

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