The newcomer Muzi threw a piece of the bone of the raptor who had eaten up the meat to those people, and said: “Boss, this is wrong. I think they still have the possibility of defeating us.”

Stay Meng Tongtong tilted her head and thought for a while, said with a smile: “Oh? Then you talk about the possibility. I thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t think about it.” The newcomer Muzi said: “They The only way to win is to disgust us.”

The coalition forces are going to be mad. It’s too to have no shame. We are here to destroy your guild base. Shouldn’t we fight to the death? Why is this attitude.

“I’ll go to your second uncle, let you be arrogant for a while, stay for a while to break through your defenses to see how you cry.” The crazy runaway was really runaway this time.

Those people are also trembling with anger. They are too suffocated along the way. It doesn’t matter if they endure the rancid mud along the way, they will continue to be killed by the sparks. Not a wonderful thing.

It turned out to be too much for me, and I was ridiculed and insulted by the other party. My aunt could bear Uncle but couldn’t bear it.

Now all eyes are red, and I can’t wait to tear them up in one bite, and I’m so embarrassed to play games, no one is there anymore.

even more how they also know about the forum. Everyone who is ashamed knows it, and it makes them very embarrassed.

After all, those people in the same camp have changed their race names. They can play in their true colors. If this is seen by friends, how can they be forced?

“Run the boss, don’t talk nonsense with them, just order the attack.” The boss of the guild fleeting years gloomy face said, he also felt uncomfortable.

He is also the most bad luck, even the people of Xinghuo have not seen it, but they have the most losses along the way, and their faces are still hot.

Li Yao stood up at this time and said: “Wait a minute, and listen to me.”

Coldly said: “What else do you have to say, no more delays The time is useless, you have no allies.”

“no no no, I want to remind you that within a few hundred yards in front of you, all are swamps, where we are now It’s an isolated island, you have to think clearly.” Li Yao kindly reminded.

“Your uncle, you don’t even plant Spark, don’t even dare to fight head-on.” Cursed like a stream of water.

The cute and adorable Tongtong glanced at him with contempt, and said gruffly: “This Great Grandpa, to have no shame is you, you used 80,000 to attack us three Thousands of people, they also said that we are timid. It’s a joke. If we move our fur, you will lose more than half of our troops.”

“That is, a bunch of stupid people, there are three thousand of you. , Let’s see if we dare to confront you.”

“Let them have some, let them come 10,000 people, do they dare.”

There is a lot of scolding here. .

“The last time you Xinghuo hit more than 10,000 people with 1,000 people, it was a fluke. It was you who were defending this time. You were only 3,000 people. It is simply a idiot to defend the hall without being destroyed. , I only need to send 10,000 people to haunt you, and the rest will demolish your hall together. You Xinghuo will wait for a month to create a guild.” Crazy Army Master coldly said.

Shadow Dancer sneered and said: “You’d better pass the swamp first.”

“Then I will see me breaking through your swamp.” Crazy sneered. “We don’t have you, but also not prepared.”

“Come then.” Of course, Li Yao didn’t expect the swamp to stop them. His purpose was simple, he was procrastinating. time.

“Earth Element wizards are coming out.” Said frantically.

With his words, dozens of Earth Element wizards appeared.

Earth Element wizards are not combat wizards. They are all part-time war projects and special talents reserved by the union.

The main function is to turn mud into stone, which is used to build roads, strengthen city walls, or build defenses.

Because he is not good at fighting, I would rather go full of mud than use these treasures, even detection is useless.

The fear is that Star Flame Hair will now assassinate them, after all, they themselves are too fragile.

Then hundreds of ice magic wearing blue mage robes followed behind these Earth Element mage, ready to assist.

As the Earth Element mage casts spells together, the ground between the two fronts rolls up, and a lot of water vapor emerges, and a mist is hazy.

Then hundreds of mages directly released the blizzard, and then the ground and water vapor solidified together, thus forming a solid ground.

When I saw the face of the people on the Xinghuo side changed in the big runaway, he said: “Well, in one hour, your end is coming.”

“Boss.” The newcomer Muzi looked towards Li Yao worriedly.

But seeing Li Yao as if he didn’t care at all, Li Yao waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry about anything, let them break.”

“Big Brother, are you still Do you have a swamp scroll? Keep using it, and see if they can break it cleanly,” said the cute pupil.

“We have money, but if we have money, we can’t waste it, don’t we? They want a fair fight? We will give them a fair fight and let them make the battlefield.” Li Yao Speaking loudly on purpose.

The members of Xinghuo were a little worried at first, but seeing Li Yao’s face full of calmness and calmness, he immediately relaxed, and then began to tease the opponent, and then began to scold him.

The audience who watched the live broadcast were speechless, you guys are messing up, we are here to watch the battle, not to see you scolding each other, okay, a good guild battle has become a street of mutual abuse . Let the audience didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

As time passed, only a small part remained around the Spark Hall.

The big runaway coldly said: “It seems that you really gave up, did you even give up the last resistance, or even your resistance is useless.”

With the war As Xinghuo approached, the formation on Xinghuo’s side was still very scattered, and there was no awareness of the coming war.

Most of the audience thought that Xinghuo gave up. Although it’s a bit regretful, they can still understand. After all, they are facing ten times as many enemies as their own. They have killed more than 40,000 opponents before. It is a very brilliant record.

It’s just that, without seeing a miracle happen, everyone feels a little disappointed. Does the myth of Spark end now? Can Liaoyuan no longer perform miracles?

“Before I order the attack, you still have time to go back to the city.” The big runaway saw that the old god was sitting comfortably opposite him and said, the place has been cleaned up, and the battle is about to start.

Li Yao raised his eyelids and said lightly: “You have missed the best opportunity. There is no chance. I also advise you. Now give up and return to the city in a hurry.”

“hahaha, what a big joke, you are clearly desperate, you won’t be stupid.” He laughed loudly.

Li Yao laughed, and then said: “Presumably you have just received news that monster attacked several other guilds, but you didn’t care, obviously you didn’t take this matter seriously.”…

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