Li Yao said directly on the guild channel: “The guild residence has finally been established. I can see excitement and happiness in your eyes. I am the same now. After all, this is not only my guild, but also everyone’s. Guild.”

“Some people think of these as clichés, but what I should say is that the blueprint I have conceived for this station is very big, and it is bigger than you can imagine. Some people will say that it can be big To what extent, isn’t it just a resident, at most a small town, a small city. By then everyone can have their own house in the residential area, and you can use this as your home in the game instead of living in a hotel all day long. , I don’t even have a place to keep a small pet or put something.”

Li Yao glanced at everyone, and then said: “I can tell you clearly that the house must be one set for each person. I can guarantee this. These preliminary plans have been made. I am not afraid to tell you that our guild will not be like other guilds. Only main members can get houses.”

“The preliminary plan is for main members. Can get a house, ordinary members can get a room temporarily. But these all are temporarily, with the upgrade of the guild, everyone can have their own place.”

Many members suddenly I’m excited, you know, now players don’t even talk about buying houses, but shops need to meet very harsh conditions before they can rent.

The players are mostly offline in hotels, which is very inconvenient. If you have a very good house, it would be really cool.

In particular, there are many cultivation mechanisms in the ancient gods. If you have a courtyard, you can grow flowers and raise all kinds of rare and exotic animals, not to mention the temptation that life players, even combat players cannot refuse.

It’s just that a lot of materials are needed to build a garrison, and a lot of manpower and material resources are needed. Those craftsmen sent can only help the guild complete the infrastructure construction.

Everything else requires the guild to cultivate talents in this area. This has caused the Peak’s guild to only build dozens of houses, and the core members are all public.

It broke out in the forum that a Peak guild built a hundred residential areas and it has already shocked the forum, making countless people envy and hate.

Li Yao directly proposed to let everyone have a room for the time being. With the development of the guild, it is crazy to let everyone have a house. Not to mention the manpower, but the financial resources do not know that it will cost. How much.

“Fuck, this is crazy, this is money and nowhere to spend.” The guardian angel’s eyes were green, and he was directly surprised by this plan.

“hehe, I am also a veteran at any rate, and I will be able to have my own home by then.” The cute and adorable pupil is very excited. In her opinion, as long as Li Yao promises to do things To.

The Peerless Demon Fairy was also shocked and inexplicable. This plan is really crazy.

Be aware that Level 3 guilds already have 3,000 people. As the guild upgrades, the number will increase. The current popular routine is to turn the guild’s residence into a Commerce District or transit station. , Residential area investment with no return, few guilds will play it.

Don’t look at other NPCs who built a guild hall in one hour. It was the master craftsmen of the main city, and it was a village-level hall, which was naturally simple.

But if it is built by an architect who is still a rookie, it will take a day or two to simplify a lot of things in the game.

She really can’t guess how Li Yao can complete this huge project. Jian Li did not speak, she curiously asked: “It seems that the president has passed the anger with you, why don’t you object?”

Sister Li said on the veteran channel: “You know that his plan is to build a main city. You have no objections to this. Why is the small residential area so entangled?”

The Peerless Demon Fairy was speechless and said: “Isn’t it a functional main city? All guild outlines are now in the Commerce District model.”

“This is also a main city, it is just him A district conceived.” Sister Li took out a map and said, “Look, this is his idea. This is the dock area, this is the administrative area, this is the Commerce District, this is the adventure area, this is the entertainment area. This is the residential area, this is the outer racetrack, this Sea Territory is the dock area,”

Seeing the area covered by the map, the veterans were really dumbfounded, everyone was shocked and said no There’s something wrong, just as Sister Li said, compared to Li Yao’s idea, the residential area is not too gross.

Li Yao continued: “Seeing you are so happy, are you satisfied? I want to tell you that my dream is to build our guild into a major city. I want this The scale of the main city has become the largest city in the game. At that time we will have our own dock, our military fleet, countless merchant ships, and many plans. For reasons of confidentiality, I will not one after another It’s revealed that you will witness all of this with your own eyes.”

“Speaking of so much, this is just my dream, but now you are also a member of Xinghuo, and I hope this can become one of your dreams. Some people may say that this is too crazy and unrealistic, but this is in the game, in reality, I don’t dare to have too high dreams, can’t it be in the game? If I don’t dare to think about anything after playing a game, then I have nothing. Whatever you say.”

Li Yao’s words are not gorgeous, and he doesn’t have any innate talent for speech, but with his words, the people of Xinghuo are all excited, yeah, if you don’t dare to think about it in the game , What’s the point of playing.

Li Yao naturally didn’t know, his idea about the main city was finally spread out, making countless people spit on them, but also making countless people want to join the Xinghuo collective.

Li Yao, when the members were discussing for a few minutes, waved their hands and interrupted everyone, saying: “I don’t need you to hold your watch and agree, I believe that time will prove everything. Some people will say, how about this? It may succeed. What I want to say is that we may fail, but we have been brilliant and brilliant. We have many enemies. Difficulties and obstacles are indispensable. It is not an exaggeration to say that every step is thorny.”

“It was a happy thing to build a station today, but you have seen it, and the crisis is not over, our enemy is about to strike, I want to ask everyone, what should we do?”


“Come and kill as many as possible.”


“War !”


I said and so on, but in the end they all came together into one word.

“The morale is available, okay, then we will fight!” Li Yao’s face became serious, and said: “Since we are going to fight, then we can’t fight blindly. With so many people, we can’t mess around. So I made some rules that everyone must abide by then. If anyone doesn’t want to, you can withdraw now, but if you don’t stand up now and violate the order, then you can don’t blame me for being impolite.”……

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