The cute and adorable pupil said loudly: “Hurry up and the next one, we are all thankful for the flowers we are waiting for.”

Two failed, two offline, and the present There are still four presidents of the Spark Union in the same divided area, but the remaining four look at each other in blank dismay, their mouths are moving, but they just didn’t answer Hitomi’s words.

The union ambassador of the Spark union also asked: “Have you decided whether it is, hurry up, and you are going to end anyway. Is it necessary to dily-dallying? The establishment of a union resident is a major event.”

“The ambassador will wait a moment, they are still discussing who will play.” Xiao Xuanfeng said quickly.

The guild ambassador of Spark said: “Then be faster, so many people.”

“Yes, yes.” Now players don鈥檛 neglect NPCs, especially Represents the official NPC.

Especially this kind of NPC with certain real power, it is often no good to offend them. When you have something to use them, you will inevitably suffer.

After such a long period of time, players have long stopped treating the NPCs in the ancient gods as simple data, but treated them as human beings.

After all, that many lessons learned, countless people use blood lessons to warn players of this fact.

even more how they are carrying out the plan, and there is no need to make any extravagance.

When confronted with Li Yao, the ambassador of the Spark Union was not so arrogant. He said in a negotiating tone: “Look, ten minutes is OK?”

Li Yao nodded Said: “It’s okay, the construction of the union resident is not bad. These ten minutes have troubled your ambassadors.”

“No trouble, no trouble, aren’t we doing this.” Ambassador of Spark Union After finishing talking and walking to the other side again, coldly said: “Listen well, you only have 8 minutes to decide. If it exceeds this time, one of you will even abstain.”

Xiao Xuanfeng both To bullshitting, your sister, this is Chi Guoguo’s different treatment. Don’t bully people like this. Your sister, how to turn around is like changing someone.

The audience is also speechless. Although they have heard that Li Yao’s elite professional mentor is the Queen of Darkness, NPCs in this area of 鈥嬧€媡he Undead City sell Li Yao’s face, but most people think it is a rumor.

The players have played for such a long time, and they know the ancient gods too well. The NPCs they contact can only be some functional NPCs. If you want to contact officials and so on, you simply have no chance.

But now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I understand that things are true. The union ambassador can be said to control the voice of the union and the official communication, and has great authority, especially for the union.

Often, the union will say that these ambassadors are comfortable and convincing. As a result, if you look at other people, the union ambassador is like Li Yao. The people who saw it were jealous and hated.

“It seems that they have a dispute, it does not seem to be delaying time.” Peerless Demon Ji said.

Li Yao nodded, said: “The remaining people are not important anymore. The unions have started to build bases. It will take less than two hours to temporarily build a council hall so that the unions With the basic structure of the mouth, three hours is more than enough.”

“Since this is the case, what are they still arguing about?” Curiously asked.

Sister Li thought about it for a while and said: “It should be that they still have some hole cards, and they still want to beat your Big Brother, but some people disagree.”

Everyone nodded, They all agreed with this point of view, if it weren’t the case, everyone would not have thought that the remaining four people would have any disputes.

Although they couldn’t hear what they said, in the end they raised their hands. Obviously they really voted to resolve the matter.

The last female mage wearing an arcane robe, the enchanting Little Princess, flashed in the arena, and said to Li Yao: “Come on, let me see how powerful the Hunter King is.”

Li Yao has also arrived in the middle, lightly saying: “You people, you don’t even have a taste for changing names, and you have no sincerity. It seems that your boss’s vision is not very good.”

Enchanting Little Princess lightly said with a smile: “It really made you right. That guy is too tasteless. He even gave us the name. There is no way. You don鈥檛 have to blame them if you take people鈥檚 money to help others. , Blame it on the bastard who asked us to deal with you.”

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and said, “Then what are you doing, is it that guy’s lover?”


“Don鈥檛 talk nonsense, it makes me feel sick. If it weren鈥檛 for owing him a favor, I wouldn鈥檛 bother to look at him. On the surface, he is handsome and magnanimous, but in fact it is just a base and shameless little boy. People that’s all.” Little Princess’s tone was full of disgust.

Li Yao said with a smile: “It seems that we are heroes and see the same thing.”

“You are really smart, and you seem to know this circle very well. Look at you He must have guessed the leader who wants to deal with you and start this matter.” Little Princess looked at Li Yao’s eyes seriously and said.

Her whole body is wrapped in the robe, plus a cloak to cover her face, only a pair of eyes like limpid autumn water can be seen.

Li Yao has slightly judged who is hiding behind according to the development of the matter. After all, this circle is not big, and there are only a few people who can play this way. Li Yao wants to judge. It is not very difficult, and chatting with this player has confirmed the speculation, Li Yao has even determined the identity of this female Peak player.

It鈥檚 just that Li Yao not at all revealed the identity of the other party, and did not accept her words, but asked: “If you are a person, I believe you, but I鈥檓 curious, since You hate this person so much, why do you have to faithfully implement his plan?”

Little Princess’s eyes flickered and said, “This is where this person terrifying, he is so good at playing with people’s hearts , Knows me very well, and naturally knows that when I see you, I will definitely fight with you.”

“Come on then.” Li Yao finished speaking and took up the weapon.

“Let’s start then.” After saying this, Little Princess directly crushed the scroll in her hand, and a rays of light enveloped Li Yao.

“Deprived of the Sealing Scroll, it is indeed a rich man.” Li Yao saw his equipment return to the backpack piece by piece. Even the badges, jewelry and so on disappeared and appeared in the backpack. And temporarily became unusable state.

“You even know this.” Little Princess’ eyes flickered again.

“This kind of scroll seems to cost five thousand gold coins, and it really cost me a lot of money for me.”

Following Li Yao’s words, the audience was in an uproar, just to seal one Human equipment costs five thousand gold coins, this is too expensive for your sister.

“Yes, five thousand gold coins are really fun to use.” Little Princess chuckled.

At this time, Li Yao only has a blue moon bow in his hand. Apart from this is just ordinary clothes. Moreover, the Blue Moon Bow is also sealed. Although it can be used in the hand, it is attribute equivalent to level 20 whiteboard equipment…

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