Online Game-God Level Mechanical Hunter

Online Game-God Level Mechanical Hunter Chapter 535

A whole day passed, Li Yao also forgot how many games he played.

In short, this is the most hovered between life and death that the Spark team has killed.

Li Yao was very pleased because he once again saw his team members growing.

Because of his reasons, let the team always sing all the way, let the team members feel that they are invincible. Thus forgetting that they are not actually the best.

They also have a lot of room for improvement, but because they want to take the first kill, Li Yao used his foresight and strength to make up for their shortcomings.

For example, the second boss, his strategy, and his final skills. Without these, Spark estimates that even the Peak team would not be counted, and it is estimated that they are still struggling with the first boss.

In the first stage of this boss, the people of Xinghuo finally realized their lack of personal strength.

Although they were frustrated at the beginning, under Li Yao’s spur and encouragement, the members of the Spark team began to hone their skills.

And Li Yao is constantly explaining the precautions required for each career aiming, and at the same time adding some personal understanding of walking and avoiding skills.

Although he has not played other professions, he can play bows and arrows well. Li Yao has his own experience in aiming.

The core group of the Spark team is either an expert or a very good seedling. After Li Yao’s guidance, it has made great progress.

Two days later, the Xinghuo team no longer had this low morale situation, and instead became morale greatly increased. Because each of them can clearly feel their progress, and they are much better than before.

At first they didn’t know their progress, but they competed with their opponents in the guild, and they were able to abuse their opponents.

Only then did they realize how valuable Li Yao taught them these things. After all, it turns out that there is a win or lose. The result is that two days of training can defeat a similar opponent. This kind of progress is really true. It’s too huge, and the eyes of those members of Li Yao really admire him.

And Li Yao’s authority is truly established. As they become stronger, members of other Spark teams are curious to ask what is going on.

The news that Li Yao taught them their positioning and calibration skills spread like wildfire. As a result, Sister Li directly used the guild points to watch the video of the president’s analysis and explanation in the guild hall, and only for elite members open.

As a result, the hall was full, and many guilds also got the news and tried to get the video. As a result, there was simply no way, only some textual materials recorded undercover.

In addition, Li Yao deliberately strengthened the action, weakened the words, and expressed vague meaning, just to prevent this hand, even if an undercover watched it, other guilds received limited news.

Along with the land reclamation, elite members also realized the preciousness of Li Yao’s technology. They all said that the guild’s points cost, and many of them are guilds that want to learn Li Yao’s technology. This unintentional act of openness for the first time increased the cohesion of Spark Guild again.

As their strength improves, Li Yao’s image in the guild gradually grows taller.

At the same time, when the land reclamation was in full swing, the forum’s technical incident also broke a blood path in the uproar of land reclamation.

At first they thought the people of Xinghuo were bragging about themselves, but it was obvious that they improved. As the people of Xinghuo II also opened up wasteland and completed the first boss, they followed the footsteps of the Peak team and added Xinghuo. The news of the last boss to open up wasteland, and the information about the theft of technology from various Peak guild informants leaked.

This made the matter boil to the extreme. Subsequently, the Spark Guild has become a Level 3 guild, but so far there is no news of receipt and leaks.

Then there was a wave of posts on the forum asking for Spark to accept people, and many players gathered near the location of Spark Guild, clamoring to join the guild.

It’s just that the main force of Xinghuo is reclaiming wasteland, who wants to take care of these things.

“Big Brother, it’s been three days. Now we can destroy the crystal without losing staff at the 1st stage. Are we going to continue to the first stage.” Hitomi The output said.

“I also think it’s almost the same. Now I have learned all the remote precision changes, and the position is the same. Even if I can’t learn it, it is difficult to improve in a short time. So, it’s time to start The next stage is coming.” Peerless Demon Ji also said.

In the past three days, the Spark team has learned technology, but it hasn’t hit morale due to the hovered between life and death. Instead, it has entered the 2nd Stage due to technological progress and is delighted to be familiar with the 2nd Stage skills.

“Presumably you have also heard that some teams have already started to try the second boss. They didn’t get too many crystal nuclei. As a result, they were extinguished by the illusion in the spiral corridor for two days.” Qin Fengyi said with a smile.

Sister Li nodded said: “This is also normal. After all, they wanted to cut corners at the beginning, but they ended up with the wrong style of play. The so-called ten years after being bitten by a snake, they were afraid of well ropes. The people in this dungeon are really insidious, this kind of tricks are useful.”

Speaking of the second boss spiral corridor, they spent a whole day killing them, and they were divided by the boss three plus five. Second, it was wiped out, after all, he was as tired as a dog.

Even if other Peak teams have some other means, they have reached the top level, but for more than ten or even twenty hours of high-intensity battles, they have to face summon and four treant bosses. High priest, hovered between life and death is also inevitable.

For a time, the members of the group are a bit of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. Li Yao waved his hand and said, “Well, we can’t control what other people do. Maybe someone has discovered the secret of the spiral corridor. Just like us, I didn’t say it. I’m not sure about it. The last boss is really difficult, and we can’t care about it. If we get stuck, we’ll be caught up by someone.”

” Do you still sell the third boss video?” Sister Li asked.

Li Yao said with a smile: “Sell, naturally, sell, and when we are about to get the first kill, Muzi, you will sell these videos, and then we will get a vote. You can still kill that first.”

“Fuck, boss, you are too insidious, but why me?” the newcomer Muzi said.

“Didn’t you say that today a friend of yours gave you a connection with a certain big guild, but also gave a Vice-President position. It happens that you take this opportunity to help the guild make a fortune.” Li Yao Said: “It’s okay.”

“This is okay. Anyway, I don’t know the second and fifth boy.” Newcomer Muzi took the job.

Sister Li and the others laughed at each other. When they flowed out through this channel, the sparks could not catch any fish, and they could make a fortune. Why not do it.

After all, Xinghuo takes the first kill as soon as it sells the strategy, and it will be attacked no matter what. If this kind of digging spreads out, then it does not matter what Xinghuo is…

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