All the centaur showed excitement. You know, Mark is the only one of their younger generation, New Generation powerhouse comparable to Young Patriarch.

They are naturally beyond the reach. Now, the leader of this team will also be on the court. This must be a wonderful matchup.

After several trials, the centaur dare not underestimate the people of this team.

Whether it is individual strength or team cooperation, this team is simply impeccable.

Being able to defeat a leader-level opponent with elite-level strength has already demonstrated his strength to the utmost. The team members are still like this, even more how is the leader.

This World is like this. Powerhouse is respected. In their opinion, if Li Yao doesn’t have strong strength, how can he convince such an excellent subordinate.

Naturally, with Mark’s end, he immediately shook the sky.

Mark ran to the opposite side of Li Yao, hung the long-handled weapon in his hand, bow and arrow appeared in his hand, and said proudly: “It seems that you are also a hunter, very good. I also introduce myself. The first divine archer of the clan, and the second person in melee duels. I hope you can hold on for a while, I am not one of those stupid people, and I will not leave it to you.”

Li Yao slowly took out the blue moon bow, lightly saying: “This is what I want to say, I hope you are a little stronger.”

“Arrogant.” Mark face changed, coldly said: “In that case, let’s see the real chapter under your hand. I originally wanted to keep it, but didn’t expect you to be so uninterested. Then don’t blame me. Come on, my partner.”

Following Mark’s whistle, a huge roar sounded, and a huge pure black war bear appeared beside him.

This War Bear has the same rank and strength as him, and is also a one-star intermediate leader.

“Mark you…” Shao Khan was furious: “You are too impudent…”

The centaur on the crowd also had a feeling of dissatisfaction, big brother You are a mid-level leader, and you have to summon your own wild beast partner to deal with a three-star elite, which is enough.

“I can’t blame me for this. It’s really the brother’s kindness and hardship. I will naturally become more patient. Wouldn’t it be disappointing, don’t you say?” Mark seemed to treat the surrounding discussions as The air, instead, looked towards Li Yao provocatively.

“Well, that’s good, so that you don’t have to find a reason when you lose.” Li Yao didn’t care at all, and said: “In this case, then I won’t hide my clumsy.”

Following Li Yao’s whistle, there was a bird song from the extremely high in the sky.

All the people saw that the fire eagle that had been flying above their heads had been flying like this, and they hadn’t noticed it yet.

The fire eagle swooped down like a meteor, flew around Li Yao in a circle of lightning, and then floated above the test field, looking down at the flames in the eyes of the war bear.

“This is your pet. It’s actually a mid-level leader. It’s not bad.” Mark’s eyes flashed with surprise, but he didn’t particularly care about it. In his opinion, this fire eagle is naturally not his partner Xiong. The king’s opponent.

“Don’t worry, it’s not over yet.” Li Yao said and blew the whistle again. As the whistle sounded, the majestic spider tank appeared.

As soon as the spider tank appeared, there was a faint sound, and the scarlet eyes and the eyes of the ancient gods behind him resisted the war bear.

The centaur are sucked in a breath of cold air, double-leader-level summon. What does this mean, it means that they passed the first most difficult trial of the beast god at level 20.

Mark’s face also changed this time. Although I don’t know the specific capabilities of the spider tank, the spider tank is really hideous.

It looks like creatures are not like creatures, and machines are not extreme. The black steel hair on the body sometimes looks like iron thorns and looks extremely sharp, sometimes like tentacles, without wind.

The sharp forelimbs are like large pliers, full of deterrence, and the eyes of the ancient gods and the black hole muzzle behind them, although the Centaur does not know what it is for, but instinctively feels the danger .

“How?” Li Yao said with a smile.

“Reluctantly to make do.” Mark put away a little contempt, but still confident.

“Then add this.” Li Yao directly summoned the Hydra. With the appearance of the Hydra, the centaur’s eyes almost stared out.

“He completed the most difficult trial of the beast god just after Rank 2. How could this be possible.” The green beard Great Elder almost pulled his beard off in surprise.

It is shocking enough that the Hydra is a high-level leader, and what makes them unbelievable is the trial of the beast god, this kind of person is really rare.

“What a genius.” This is the thought that comes to everyone’s mind.

“Even if your pet is strong, you yourself are just a small elite. I will kill you with a single shot. No matter how strong the others are, it will be useless.” Mark’s face became solemn, and he completely put away He has contemptuous heart, but his lips are not forgiving.

“Let’s fight then.” Li Yao waved, and the Hydra and Firehawk retreated directly.

“What do you mean?” Mark face changed and said.

“It doesn’t mean anything, for you, one pet is enough for one person.” Li Yao didn’t dare to show weakness.

“Big Brother is here again.” Hitomi suddenly covered her face.

“This guy is used to being arrogant. Naturally, he can’t see others being arrogant. Did’t expect and npc are more real and interesting.” Peerless Demon Fairy said with a smile.

Sister Li smiled bitterly and shook her head. This president is good at everything, but she’s too good to show off. His opponent can’t wait to bite him to death every time. When his opponent is, he must be angry.

You said that you don’t need these pets, but summon is terrible. As a result, summon is not used. What kind of strength is enough. Don’t slap your face too much.

“I hope you won’t be so arrogant.” Mark’s face is dark. When has he been so despised: “Suffer to death.”

He opened the bow directly at a distance of more than a yard. He believed that the opponent could only be passively beaten. Such a long distance was just showing off and humiliating Li Yao, letting him see the power of the centaur shooter.

But Li Yao is not an ordinary hunter. His own range plus the Blue Moon Bow, more than a hundred yards, is nothing to him.

Moreover, he was already ready to go. While the opponent was shooting arrows, Li Yao also bent his bow to shoot.

At the same time, the war bear rushed towards the spider tank madly. The spider tank has no roar, it is directly in a defensive form, and the huge muzzle roars suddenly.

After that, the whole test field exclaimed, and the Centaur also saw a pin against an awl.

“This is the real divine archer.” Shao Khan muttered to himself.

Mark’s face suddenly became hot. He was called the first divine archer just now, but he was beaten in the face every minute, which is not too embarrassing.

He glanced at his pet, and saw that his war bear had blown up and was rushing back towards the spider tank, covered in blood.

Mark now knows that if he doesn’t show his full strength, let alone teach the other party a lesson, winning or losing is still unknown…

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