The Peerless Demon Fairy can’t hide her beauty even if she wears a veil. The men of Xinghuo have already watched.

Fruit Knight saw the guardian angel staring blankly at the Peerless Demon Fairy who was slowly approaching, and immediately pinched his back waist.

The guardian angel grinned, but he didn’t dare to call it out, but many people saw this scene and laughed.

Along with the laughter, the members also recovered and suddenly turned their heads.

There are two women in Xinghuo’s men who dare not look directly. One is Sister Li. She is also very beautiful, but too cold, too arrogant, and is Vice-President. The rewards and punishments are clear.

She is very strict with the core group, and she has been punished by her.

The Peerless Demon Girl, purely because of her charm, will involuntarily be in a daze after a few seconds, and give birth to a lot of embarrassing things. This can be considered a kind of inability to look directly at her.

“It’s so beautiful, you choose two things you need.” Sister Li said.

“Then I’m welcome.” Peerless Demon Ji walked to the place of spoils of war and took two items directly.

Then walked back and showed the attribute, which was a boot for thieves.

It can increase a lot of movement speed and jumping ability, and there is also a feature, that is, it can walk on the wall for a period of time.

“The president probably likes this piece of equipment very much. I should have seen it too, but this time I took the lead.” Peerless Demon Girl smiled at Li Yao and put on her boots.

“I really like these boots, but they are not so exaggerated.” Li Yao shook his head, looked towards the second one, and said: “The fallen leaf thief doesn’t seem to need power.”

“I took this for Tongtong. I just saw Tongtong staring at this equipment and his eyes are shining.” Peerless Demon Ji said and handed the second piece of equipment to Tongtong.

“Thank you elder sister.” Hitomi suddenly showed an expression of excitement on her face, and looked towards Sister Li with a look of expectation.

Sister Li said with a smile: “You can accept the gift that the elder sister gave you.”

“Elder sister, I will definitely help you touch it next time Get out the top grade equipment you can use.” After getting the approval of Sister Li, Tongtong took over the equipment.

“I am also the little red hand who pleases us.” Peerless Demon Fairy said with a smile.

This is a pair of leather armor wristbands, and it is professional equipment for shamans. The attribute is good, and the more important thing is that the special effects are the level of all Totem skills plus 1.

This wristband It is a rare top grade for other shamans, even more how is Hitomi Totem Sa.

She has too many Totems. The level of each Totem increases by 1, and the improvement is huge.

Level 1 Totem is upgraded to Level 2, which can greatly increase the attributes, and Hitomi, Totem Sa, has several Level 2 Totem skills.

Now with Level 1, Level 3 is a qualitative change for a skill. This brace alone can improve Hitomi by leaps and bounds.

Like Li Yao’s accessories and Qin Fengyi’s staff, they can be greatly increased.

“Your subordinates are not bad.” Shaokhan smiled when he saw this situation.

“That is, otherwise I would not choose them.” Li Yao also said.

“Very well, didn’t expect that even the Dragon Dream Beast can be cracked like this. There are two more trials. If you pass, the Elders in the clan will have no objection. “Shao Khan said and glanced at the Elders behind him.

“Naturally, naturally, we don’t want them to die.” said Elderly nodded, a centaur with a green beard.

“It’s so good. The third trial is very simple. I want to test your defensive ability. You can send five people to face our fifty centaur warriors, as long as they can support it. They attacked violently, even if one minute passed.” Shaokhan said the third trial.

“Yes.” Li Yao nodded.

“hahaha, I finally have a chance to play.” Guardian suddenly smiled happily. Recently, he is depressed. With good mt equipment, Knight wears the fruit.

He has been wearing the equipment his wife has replaced. He is so depressed, now finally waiting for the opportunity, and he is suddenly excited.

“Let’s talk about the people on the field, the fruit, the bedside table, Hitomi, Fengyi, and Leonardo da Vinci. Go up.” Sister Li said.

The team members didn’t understand at first, but after thinking about it, they understood. Although Quiet is mt, the Armani Bears are not suitable for this kind of passive waiting situation.

The selected person, Fruit Knight Needless to say, the main tank, the best equipment, and the nightmare counter-strike shield, she is the most resistant.

Needless to say, guardian angels are beaten to be beaten.

Da Vinci Luthier’s HP is very sufficient, and it is an intensive class, plus a special buff for Luthier. Forming an elite team, she is the most versatile member. Although I don’t know why she has become reticent recently, she was not sloppy when she opened up wasteland. She performed the most eye-catching among the several treatments.

Qin Fengyi has a lot of summon objects. I don’t know how many skills they blocked. The team has contributed a lot. He has a steel and stone demon, plus a new crystal staff. The defense is also amazing after being stimulated. Indispensable.

Hitomi Hitomi has a large number of Totems, both defensively and offensively.

The combination of these people, even without those equipment, played a huge role in cleaning the sentry tower, even more how is now.

Trifling fifty centaur, insisting on one minute, there is really no difficulty.

As expected, the so-called impact of the Centaur is to continuously run around them and shoot arrows.

But Qin Fengyi’s undead creatures block arrows, and the centaur basically can’t kill anyone at all.

Instead, as the undead creatures continue to die, Qin Fengyi has also become a super blood cow.

And Hitomi’s Totem also played a big role in cooperation with Da Vinci, constantly stabilizing their blood.

One minute passed quickly, and the blood volume of several people was still above 80%.

In the end, the fifty centaur retired unwillingly.

“Very good, good performance.” Sister Li looked towards Hitomi, and said: “Tomi Hitomi will give your elder sister a chance to choose your equipment.”

“No problem “The little chicken Hitomi nodded, with this brace, although there are equipment that she can use in it, the improvement is not so great. Sister-in-law Liang gave Fruit Knight the chance without the slightest hesitation.

The nodded sister Li was pleased, looked towards Qin Fengyi.

“My chance is for Da Vinci.” Qin Fengyi proactively said. She has a crystal staff, even if she gets a twenty-level purple outfit, the improvement is not that big, which is different from Tongtong. There is no hesitation.

“What do you think of me, I am also mt.” The guardian angel said with a guilty conscience, but then said: “Well, anyway, I can change the equipment for my wife.”

The guardian angel’s dream shattered and suddenly turned into a bitter face, and the people in the regiment laughed heartily.

At the same time, it also allows ordinary members to see the minds of the veterans. You must know that it is common for a guild to be troubled by equipment to decline.

“This last trial, you must end.” Shao Khan said to Li Yao…

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